{"id":6104,"date":"2010-08-30t03:18:27","date_gmt":"2010-08-30t07:18:27","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/48e130086c.nxcli.net\/?p=6104"},"modified":"2016-04-19t11:16:07","modified_gmt":"2016-04-19t15:16:07","slug":"four-generations-in-the-workplace-who-are-they","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.g005e.com\/2010\/08\/30\/four-generations-in-the-workplace-who-are-they\/","title":{"rendered":"four generations in the workplace: who are they? what do they want?"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"and why can’t we all just get along?<\/strong><\/p>\n

so\u2026 here\u2019s the fix: succinct descriptions of the four distinct generations working side-by-side in the workplace along with their most significant values, as provided by author, speaker and consultant ira s. wolfe<\/a> of success performance solutions<\/a>.<\/p>\n


get the instant download: (pdf, 45 pages), excerpted from “geeks, geezers, and globalization” by dr. ira s. wolfe,
\nclick here:
how to manage multiple generations in the workplace<\/a><\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

the veterans<\/strong><\/p>\n

born before 1946. veterans have a very strong work ethic. \u201cjust git\u2019er done\u201d could be their motto. give an impossible task to a veteran and somehow, someway it will get done. most have served in the military or been married to someone who did. as a result, veterans tend to be very respectful of seniority, title and rank. because their world outlook was shaped by the great depression and world war ii, veterans have a very practical outlook (make do, reuse, recycle) and know how to put money away for a rainy day.<\/p>\n

key veteran values: self-sacrifice and dedication.<\/em><\/p>\n

baby boomers<\/strong><\/p>\n

born between 1946 and 1964. baby boomers invented the 60-hour workweek. they are competitive to their own detriment at times with a \u201cwork-til-you-drop\u201d work ethic. they have a history of turning endings into beginnings. now entering traditional retirement age, they have no plans for porches, rocking chairs, or seats at bingo tables. retirement is not the end of a career but the start of a career transition. they are optimistic about their own lives \u2013 they believe that if you set goals and work hard, you can achieve whatever you set out to do. boomers have less respect for rank and hierarchy than their predecessors but still respect the hierarchy of leadership, especially when they can be part of it. they set long-term goals and have the \u201cno pain-no gain\u201d attitude to set them through.<\/p>\n

key boomer values: hard work and be a team player.<\/em><\/p>\n

gen x<\/strong><\/p>\n

born between 1965 and 1979. gen xs are the free agents of the workforce \u2013 independent, self-reliant, and entrepreneurial. because they don\u2019t find any value in wasting time with non-essential stuff, they shattered the management philosophy of \u201cif ain\u2019t broken, don\u2019t fix it.\u201d gen xs grew up alone because both parents were working. in addition, 40% of their parents were divorced and\/or lost their jobs during the \u201980s and \u201990s. as a result, gen xs are very concerned about life balance and fiercely protective of family time. they tend to be skeptical and pragmatic, and value leadership by competence. they have no respect for service, title or rank because their parents had all three and lost their jobs anyway. their career paths create a mosaic of work, learning, family and even sabbatical. when they receive an email at 11 pm from their boomer boss, they don\u2019t think \u201cwow, she works hard\u201d but \u201cwow, she might be over her head and can\u2019t handle the workload.\u201d<\/p>\n

key gen x values: life balance and respect for individuality.<\/em><\/p>\n

gen y (also known as millennials)?<\/strong><\/p>\n

born between 1980 and 2000. gen ys are very entrepreneurial. most worked at legitimate jobs before they left high school. gen ys are technology-savvy. they\u2019ve never known a world without mobile devices and 24\/7 connectivity. they see themselves as citizens of the world and feel very connected through the internet. gen ys fly to europe to visit friends and family as easily as veterans and boomers crossed state lines. family vacations take place on cruise ships instead of cabins by the lake. they have better relationships with their parents than many gen xs and boomers, and have a strong interest in teamwork (although they define \u201cteam\u201d differently than boomers and xers). and despite an ongoing debate about the human ability to multi-task, they seem to be creating a new frontier for juggling multiple activities simultaneously.<\/p>\n

gen y values: making a difference in the world and respecting diversity.<\/em><\/p>\n

visit ira at his blog http:\/\/geeksgeezersgooglization.com\/<\/a>
\nand his website