when silence is golden … and not

businesswoman with hand to foreheada cautionary tale about commitment for partners-to-be.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

ask yourself and answer these questions when considering the current and future “commitment” behaviors that you’ll employ.

more on the passport to partnership: what commitment means now | 13 steps to true commitment | when to ignore a white lie: a cautionary tale | communicate your worth and value | best practices for one-on-one communication | learn to read your firm’s culture | experts advise what partnership takes
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1 – what is my first reaction to being asked to work outside of my normal hours?

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what commitment means now

smiling woman with colleagues in backgrounddo you and your firm have the same perception?

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

the passport to partnership study collated a number of responses in a conversational style. the need for commitment is showcased below and was repeated many times in various different ways.

so many use us as a stepping stone and we’re now trying to determine who those are at the interview stage.

more on the passport to partnership: 13 steps to true commitment | how good is your network? | rfps: 7 things not to do | 5 ways to evaluate your communication | 7 levels of communication management | 5 ways to get buy-in for firm culture | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

proof – if any were needed – that long-term commitment is not a given in the next generation of accounting professionals.
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13 steps to true commitment

martin bissett: "make continual deposits in the goodwill account."what it means for partners.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

rising from senior manager to partner often means being promoted ahead of our peers and contemporaries. it creates a gap in earnings, stature and influence compared to those who just yesterday were our colleagues on a level playing field.

more on the passport to partnership: how good is your network? | shift thinking from ‘we’ to ‘you’ | 7 mistakes to avoid when going after new work | why communication matters so much | 3 questions to evaluate your firm culture | competence: more than technical skills | are you partner material? maybe not
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

it can also mean that if we are coming into a firm from the outside, we are being promoted over people who have served at that firm for many years and understand the culture of the firm a lot better than we do right now. we may have to lead these people as the head of a department and if so, they’d better be on our side.
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how good is your network?

4 happy co-workers looking at man's tabletbonus checklist: 5 questions to evaluate your network and skills.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

ask yourself and answer these questions when considering the current and future “conversion” tactics that you’ll employ.

more on the passport to partnership: shift thinking from ‘we’ to ‘you’ | when to ignore a white lie: a cautionary tale | communicate your worth and value | best practices for one-on-one communication | learn to read your firm’s culture
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

  1. if i were to start today, could i name four businesses that i’d like to reach out to?
  2. what is our firm’s net fee growth goal this year and what can i do to contribute to it?
  3. what do i need to do to be able to handle the tough stuff like negotiation, pricing and handling objections? what start to learning these skills can i make today?

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shift thinking from ‘we’ to ‘you’

portrait of a cheerful businessman smiling at the camerabusinesses place value on expertise.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

please start understanding, valuing and respecting your own value in the marketplace with clients who could not reach their goals without you.

more on the passport to partnership: when to ignore a white lie: a cautionary tale | rfps: 7 things not to do | 5 ways to evaluate your communication | 7 levels of communication management | 5 ways to get buy-in for firm culture | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door | are you partner material? maybe not
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

businesses are in need – sometimes desperate need – of your technical expertise and caring approach.
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rfps: 7 things not to do

7notallowedplus 6 keys to the perfect proposal.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

what makes a written proposal become accepted by the potential client – every time?

more on the passport to partnership: 7 mistakes to avoid when going after new work | communicate your worth and value | best practices for one-on-one communication | learn to read your firm’s culture | experts advise what partnership takes
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

proposal writing is a micro-science in its own right but here are the proven principles that it takes to get proposals accepted.
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7 mistakes to avoid when going after new work

error stampedplus 9 business development metrics you should be measuring when checking your conversion rates.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

like it or not, the 21st-century accountant is in the relationship-building business. when a qualified accountant learns the art of developing those relationships in such a way as they empower the practice to be able to forecast its new fee income each year, the accountant becomes a profit center and their value to the firm increases tenfold.

more on the passport to partnership: communicate your worth and value | 5 ways to evaluate your communication | 7 levels of communication management | 5 ways to get buy-in for firm culture | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door | are you partner material? maybe not
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

our fourth “c,” conversion, has flirted with being the top answer from respondents in the passport to partnership study and has featured in over 80 percent of all firms interviewed as to what makes a senior manager stand out as a potential partner.
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communicate your worth and value

search for valueput it all together for both clients and coworkers to see.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

an advisor is trusted when they can show that they

  • took responsibility for their end of the bargain in the client engagement,
  • educated the client of their responsibilities,
  • offered prompting and assistance throughout but then allowed the client to ultimately govern themselves in terms of following through on their commitments.

more on the passport to partnership: 5 ways to evaluate your communication | why communication matters so much | 3 questions to evaluate your firm culture | competence: more than technical skills | are you partner material? maybe not
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

this then empowers the advisor to make a commercial decision when the client now faces the consequences, as to whether they want to communicate even more assistance to make things all better for the clients and gain huge appreciation and emotional capital.
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30-item checklist: getting people to listen to you

7 businesspeople in meeting

lessons in effective communication for partners and wanna-be partners.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

the passport to partnership study collated a number of responses in a conversational style.

more on the passport to partnership: 3 questions to evaluate your firm culture | competence: more than technical skills | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

a couple examples really stood out as the first steps in effective communication: read more →

why communication matters so much

two businessmen talking at officethe experts weigh in. hint: it’s not about you.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

what does communication mean at the partner level?

more on the passport to partnership: 5 ways to get buy-in for firm culture | competence: more than technical skills | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

ask yourself and answer these questions when considering the current and future communication tactics that you’ll employ.
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best practices for one-on-one communication

4 winning habits of top accountants.

component parts of how the other person perceives your in-person communication
component parts of how the other person perceives your in-person communication

by martin bissett

i’ve had the benefit of meeting, speaking and observing hundreds of very successful and unsuccessful partners over the last two decades and there is indeed a set of differentiating factors that set a partner apart from the chasing pack.

more on the passport to partnership: 3 questions to evaluate your firm culture | learn to read your firm’s culture | 5 ways to get buy-in for firm culture | competence: more than technical skills | experts advise what partnership takes | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door | are you partner material? maybe not

here are the four “best-selling behaviors” that i’ve observed:

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7 levels of communication management

chart showing passport to partnership's 7 levels of communication management4 reasons that senior managers struggle.

by martin bissett

ultimately, when we have to interact with clients, subordinates, superiors or peers, the questions are always the same: who do i need to deliver this information to and what approach would they respond most favorably to?

more on the passport to partnership: 3 questions to evaluate your firm culture | learn to read your firm’s culture | competence: more than technical skills | experts advise what partnership takes | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door

in arriving at “communication” we come to the most intangible of all the components to obtain a “passport to partnership.”
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5 ways to measure partner potential

learn to read your firm’s ‘cultural blueprint.’ptp_2ndc

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

what conclusions can you draw from your knowledge of how the promotion system works in your firm that you need to keep in mind?

more on the passport to partnership: 3 questions to evaluate your firm culture | learn to read your firm’s culture | 5 ways to get buy-in for firm culture | competence: more than technical skills | experts advise what partnership takes | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door | are you partner material? maybe not

in terms of firm culture, you need to understand the four navigational points of the compass:

  1. who do i need to stay on the right side of?
  2. what are the unwritten rules in my firm?
  3. whose opinions can be trusted?
  4. what really impresses the partners?

and here’s a five-part analysis to see how you measure up:

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