is social media a fad? [video]

you decide: with half the world’s population under 30 years old, 96% have joined a social network with 200 million new users a year, facebook would be the world’s third largest nation, after china and india. and bigger than 4th-place … continued

five top tech trends in 60 seconds [video]

number 1: “everybody wants to be able to work from anywhere, all the time.” we’ve been asking leading experts in the profession: what do you see as the top tech trends for accounting firms? byron patrick, a leading edge cpa.citp, … continued

chris frederiksen: the firm of the future

as basic tax and accounting services become common and commoditized, firms need to start looking for new revenues and business models — starting with wealth management and business benchmarking.

here, a leading consultant to the profession, chris frederiksen, talks about his vision for the firm of the future.

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how to overcome the fear of tech [video]

thomson reuters’ jack larue says many accountants may be intimidated by the rate of change in technology. as a result, they do nothing. here, larue explains a simple first step to get started. when jack talks, people listen. he has … continued