ingrid edstrom: true wealth is not financial | the disruptors

work-life balance means integrating work and life so that the work we choose to do expresses who we want to be in the world.

this is a preview. the complete 1-hour video episode, with commentary and transcript, is first available exclusively to pro members. 
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the disruptors
with liz farr

ingrid edstrom wants accounting to be not just a more sustainable profession but one that’s regenerative. “this idea of sustainability is really operating from the idea that things can continue to perpetuate as they are,” she explains. a firm may be financially sustainable, “but at what cost to our families, to our personal health?”

more podcasts and videos: caleb jenkins: firm growth requires owners to shift roles | chris hervochon: be the leader you want to work for | ira rosenbloom: don’t merge for the moneyadam lean: get out of the accountant’s trapgeraldine carter: charging more is better for your clientsvimal bava: when working smarter, not harder, is the only option | dawn brolin says grow your firm by shrinking itjason blumer & julie shipp: move leaders out of client service | james graham: drop the billable hour and you’ll bill morekaren reyburn: fix your marketing and fix your business | giles pearson: fix the staffing crisis by swapping experience for education | jina etienne: practice fearless inclusionbill penczak: stop forcing smart people to do stupid worksandra wiley: staffing problem? check your culture | scott scarano: first, grow people. then firm growth can follow | exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

the regenerative approach recognizes “that we’ve already passed a threshold of harm that needs to be healed,” edstrom says. “regenerative accounting is starting to reframe those ideas around ‘what does it look like to go about business in a different way that is truly life-supporting for all peoples and our planet, rather than being extractive of our planet and exploitative of our peoples?’”

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caleb jenkins: firm growth requires owners to shift roles | the disruptors

leave the stone age behind. join the new paradigm.

this is a preview. the complete video episode, with commentary and transcript, is first available exclusively to pro members. 

the disruptors
with liz farr

when caleb jenkins was eight, he started selling cookies to his dad’s firm during tax season. his dad told him, “for me to pay you, i need you to create an invoice for me.” so jenkins set up his own quickbooks file and has been playing with quickbooks ever since, and eventually joined his dad’s firm.

more podcasts and videos: ira rosenbloom: don’t merge for the moneyadam lean: get out of the accountant’s trapgeraldine carter: charging more is better for your clientsvimal bava: when working smarter, not harder, is the only option | dawn brolin says grow your firm by shrinking itjason blumer & julie shipp: move leaders out of client service | james graham: drop the billable hour and you’ll bill morekaren reyburn: fix your marketing and fix your business | giles pearson: fix the staffing crisis by swapping experience for education | jina etienne: practice fearless inclusionbill penczak: stop forcing smart people to do stupid worksandra wiley: staffing problem? check your culture | scott scarano: first, grow people. then firm growth can follow | exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

like most small firms, rlj financial focuses on the fundamentals of tax, bookkeeping, and payroll, but, as jenkins says, “in the eyes of the beholder, there’s really not a whole lot of value there.” however, shifting into advisory – a big talking point in recent years for the profession – is where accountants can bring “incredible value …beyond the baseline of traditional compliance services,” jenkins says. shifting into advisory also means “there’s way more work that happens all year round.”

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disruptors: cut 90% of your clients with dominique molina

we risk losing a generation of highly talented people if we continue to expect them to pay their dues and work long hours.

this is a preview. the complete video episode, with commentary and transcript, is first available exclusively to pro members.

the disruptors
with liz farr

in 2006, dominique molina was overworked and burned out at her accounting firm. but instead of throwing in the towel, she drastically overhauled her firm: she pruned her client base from 300 to 30, focused on her expertise in tax planning, and shifted to value pricing.

more podcasts and videos: dawn brolin says grow your firm by shrinking itjason blumer & julie shipp: move leaders out of client service | james graham: drop the billable hour and you’ll bill morekaren reyburn: fix your marketing and fix your business | giles pearson: fix the staffing crisis by swapping experience for education | jina etienne: practice fearless inclusionbill penczak: stop forcing smart people to do stupid worksandra wiley: staffing problem? check your culture | scott scarano: first, grow people. then firm growth can follow | exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

that transformation was “beyond my wildest dreams,” molina says. “i never could have predicted the joy that i feel in my life, the satisfaction and fulfillment i feel from my work” by helping her clients with their own business transformations.

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jody grunden: subscription pricing is a game changer

get rid of the noise of hourly billing and create value.

this video is a preview. the complete video episode, with commentary and transcript, is first available exclusively to pro members. the podcast version becomes available in a few days everywhere you get your podcasts.

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the disruptors
part 1 of a two-part episode.
with liz farr

for over a decade, jody grunden, cpa, has been doing things that many firms are just now discovering. summit virtual cfo (now part of anders) offers weekly subscription-based pricing as a fully remote firm, and their main offering is virtual cfo services or, in today’s parlance, cas 2.0 services. he’s also the one you might spot at accounting conferences in his signature tommy bahama shirts instead of a suit and tie, not quite what you might expect from the leader of a $10 million firm.

jody grunden, coming in part 2, june 27: be different. make more money exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

grunden, the partner and co-founder of summit virtual cfo, got his start as a thought leader and virtual cfo (as well as his signature wardrobe) when he was invited to speak at a conference in new orleans. at the conference, he used an easel and pad of paper to walk a roomful of successful creative agency owners through the way they made money and how their decisions impacted the bottom line. he is the author of the best-selling building the virtual cfo firm in the cloud.

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brannon poe: grow your business by preparing to let it go

the two big metrics and 12 more takeaways.

this video is a preview. the complete video episode, with commentary and transcript, is first available exclusively to pro members. the podcast version is available everywhere you get your podcasts.

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the disruptors
with liz farr

after helping people buy and sell accounting firms for years, brannon poe realized he was sitting on a treasure trove of valuable information that could help firm owners who were “motivated to change their practices for the better.” he’s leveraged those insights into a coaching program for accountants (accounting practice academy) and several books. his latest book, prepare your cpa firm for sale, describes the process of transforming a firm into one that buyers willingly pay top dollar for.

more podcasts and videos: dawn brolin says grow your firm by shrinking itjason blumer & julie shipp: move leaders out of client service | james graham: drop the billable hour and you’ll bill morekaren reyburn: fix your marketing and fix your business | giles pearson: fix the staffing crisis by swapping experience for education | jina etienne: practice fearless inclusionbill penczak: stop forcing smart people to do stupid worksandra wiley: staffing problem? check your culture | scott scarano: first, grow people. then firm growth can follow | exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

poe recommends that firm owners start planning for an eventual sale well before they’re ready to leave. “i think the biggest mistake that i see often is they don’t do any planning,” poe says. starting the planning process three to five years ahead gives firm owners time to change things, including getting alignment on the timetable and price with other partners, which may be a tricky issue.

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disruptors: dawn brolin says grow your firm by shrinking it

make life at work better for yourself, your team, and your clients.

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the disruptors
with liz farr

dawn brolin, cpa, cfe, intentionally shrank her firm, powerful accounting, from 11 to three team members, the opposite of the way most firms grow. she also drastically cut her client list, while nearly tripling her fees from a select group of just 19 clients.

i decided i wanted to change my life,” brolin says. “i want to change my staff’s life. and i want to change the way my clients work with me where they weren’t worried about getting a bill because they called me and asked me a question.”  

more podcasts and videos: jason blumer & julie shipp: move leaders out of client service | james graham: drop the billable hour and you’ll bill morekaren reyburn: fix your marketing and fix your business | giles pearson: fix the staffing crisis by swapping experience for education | jina etienne: practice fearless inclusionbill penczak: stop forcing smart people to do stupid worksandra wiley: staffing problem? check your culture | scott scarano: first, grow people. then firm growth can follow | exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

part of that change in dawn’s life was her passion for coaching college softball, where she serves as the team’s designated motivator. because softball season overlaps with tax season, she leaves the office at 2 pm, five days a week. no one in her firm works more than 35 hours a week.  

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disruptors: nicole davis & jw davis show how to create your own pipeline

change your business model, change your life.

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the disruptors
with liz farr

what would an accounting firm look like if you had never worked in public accounting? because nicole davis, cpa, and jw davis, a registered investment advisor, didn’t follow the traditional path to firm ownership. they reimagined what a firm could look like, starting from a blank canvas instead of the regimented, structured, paint-by-numbers design of traditional accounting firms.

more podcasts and videos: dawn brolin: grow your firm by shrinking it |jason blumer & julie shipp: move leaders out of client service | james graham: drop the billable hour and you’ll bill morekaren reyburn: fix your marketing and fix your business | giles pearson: fix the staffing crisis by swapping experience for education | jina etienne: practice fearless inclusionbill penczak: stop forcing smart people to do stupid worksandra wiley: staffing problem? check your culture | scott scarano: first, grow people. then firm growth can follow | exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

nicole is the founder and principal of butler-davis tax & accounting in the atlanta area, while jw is the ceo.

like many disruptor-led firms, jw explains that ”one of the really big things we focus on was work-life balance.” nicole adds, “if your culture is one of stress and long hours, then you really need to rethink your business model.”

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