how many computer monitors do you need?

computer monitorsthe new norm: 63% of firms now use three or more monitors per desk.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the best place to start a conversation on computer hardware is with monitors – the easiest place to see an immediate return on your it investment.


your computer monitors are your windows into all digitally stored information and are the foundation for improving every aspect of firm production. transitioning tax production processes from physical to digital requires that all input screens and source documents be simultaneously viewable in a convenient format, which today means more screens per workstation.

  • 90% of accounting firms utilized dual monitors for the 2009 busy season. today, 63% use more than two traditional monitors. – aaa 2013 paperless benchmarking survey read more →

3 ways amazon’s new fire phone hints at the future of accounting

amazon fire phone
amazon fire phone

new tech breakthroughs fuel client expectations.

by hitendra patil

addressing the question “why would amazon want to sell a mobile phone?,” the harvard business review says the basic principle behind any disruptive innovation is that the fundamental things people try to do in their lives actually change relatively slowly.

the accounting profession has been witnessing a hammer and tongs message about disruptive technologies in the form of cloud-ifying practice management. accounting and tax software long ago debuted on tablets and cell phones. and just when we start to think that nothing really new is coming into the technology market, we start getting hints toward the future.

here are three things that the amazon fire phone can potentially tell the accounting profession and technology vendors: read more →

trending in comments: the right software?

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 community forum

today’s topic: software and technology.

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 conducts surveys all the time, but we like to ask periodically if there are questions we just aren’t asking that you need answered.

we’re giving you the opportunity to help your fellow accountants with their pressing questions.

three ways your office tech is ruining your firm

tech monster istock_000024458374smallwhy you can’t afford to wait for the next big thing.

by frank stitely, cpa, cva

technology pundits love to pontificate in absolutes. “you have an absolute duty to protect your clients’ data.”

so they advise taking a pass on new technology, such as mobile devices and the cloud, as being too risky. their recommendation is to wait until tech security stabilizes, which is the same as their recommendation last year, which was the same as their…  you get the picture.

faced with new technology, as cpas, we must fear it. or so we are told. but the pundits misunderstand the risk of the status quo.  read more →

the 9 ways managing partners leverage technology for a competitive edge


 and 6 emerging innovations used by the best firms.

by marc rosenberg
from the introduction to quantum of paperless

cpa firms are a lot more innovative than many of us think. in fact, technology is the major area of innovation for cpa firms. the way accountants do their work has been totally transformed and continues to change every year.

some of the major innovations roman kepczyk addresses in the newest edition of quantum of paperless: the partner’s guide to accounting firm optimization include:

1. multiple screen/monitor displays – leading to a jump in individual productivity

2. smartphones and tablets, including the touchscreen

3. cloud/saas, including portals and addressing security issues

4. workflow, including paperless audit and other software and scanning technology

5. knowledge management

6. social media networking

meanwhile, leading cpa firm managing partners leverage technology for efficiencies using one or more of nine main strategies, based on a rosenberg associates study of a cross-section of firms with revenues ranging from $3 million to $15 million. they are: read more →

4 new rules for success from 4 top tech execs

in a series of interviews with some of the profession’s leading technology executives, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 identifies four new rules for success in a rapidly changing competitive marketplace. and it’s probably no accident that three of the four executives who answered our call focus on workflows and document management.

cloud istock_000038172310small1. workflows and client service are inextricable – brock philp, president and ceo,, a document management system

2. the biggest peril is irrelevance scott fleszar, vice president, strategic marketing, thomson reuters tax & accounting, cs professional suite

3. cpas must move from compliance to reliance – chris frederiksen, chairman, 2020 group, practice development tools

4.  tax prep alone won’t support the profession – matt peterson, president and ceo, efilecabinet, document management read more →

5 tech tools for managing remote staffers

by sandi smith leyva
the accountant’s accelerator

when you are working out of your home and have reached the point where you want to hire someone, you have many options, but one of them may not be having employees come to your home to work. and although i have had employees working out of my home when i was single, it was not an option in 2010 when i was ready to hire an assistant. so i hired a virtual one.

today you might be surprised to know that my employees work from home two days a week each, and i only see them in person once a month. how do we do it? we keep our heads in the clouds. here are five tools that keep us seconds away while we’re miles apart. read more →

the five biggest social media mistakes of accounting firms

by sandi smith leyva
the accountant’s accelerator

social media is all the rage, and there’s lots of pressure on small business owners – from friends, coaches and especially social media vendors – to get you to use social media in your marketing.

in most cases, we like to talk accounting practice owners out of social media marketing (and we’re one of those vendors who will set up and maintain your social media accounts for you, so we turn down an awful lot of business).

here’s why, and here are the five biggest social media mistakes accountants make:

read more →

how firms are adapting to the new mobile workforce

breakfast and workingnew benchmarks and insights on remote access, the internet and telecommunications.

by randolph johnston, leslie garrett phd,
and brian f. tankersley, cpa.citp, cgma

the accounting firm operations and technology survey

working remotely can occur from home offices and from a client’s location. when individuals have access to the support technology and data they need to do their work, and when they can be held accountable for their performance when working remotely, where they are located when getting work done matters less. read more →