monitors: the more, the merrier

row of five computer monitorsno, multiple windows on one huge screen isn’t just as good.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the best place to start the discussion on hardware is with monitors as it is the easiest place to see an immediate return on your it investment. your monitors are your windows into all digitally stored information and are the foundation for improving every aspect of firm production.

more on tech spending for pro members: it is costly, so budget for it | develop monthly it ‘flash’ reports | why more firms are using their t&b apps for crm | portals, encryption boost client security | why accounts payable should go digital | 3 steps for firm procedures manuals | stop paper at the source: the client

transitioning tax production processes from physical to digital requires that all input screens and source documents be simultaneously viewable in a convenient format, which today means more screens per workstation.
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it is costly, so budget for it

technician checking something at data centerwith details, you can calculate cost per workstation.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

we have all heard the saying that if you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up going nowhere (or… you won’t ever get there).

more on tech spending: develop monthly it ‘flash’ reports | have an independent security review | why more firms are using their t&b apps for crm | standardize quickbooks support | digital report delivery includes owners | portals, encryption boost client security | streamlining audits by breaking old habits | why accounts payable should go digital

unfortunately many accounting firms do not do a good job of integrating their information technology requirements into the firm’s overall strategic vision. information technology impacts virtually every aspect of accounting firm production and is usually the biggest expense after your personnel costs. accordingly, it should be managed as the critically important asset that it is. this is one case where firms need to do exactly what they advise their clients to do and that is to manage information technology with a detailed budget that ties into the firm’s strategic plan.
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have an independent security review

illustration of computer security threatsnot just once, either.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

going “paperless” means that all firm files and client data will be digitally stored on the firm’s network, which is almost always accessible to firm personnel via internal workstations and remotely via the internet. the firm has a fiduciary responsibility to protect this data from anyone not specifically authorized to view it.

more on tech spending: portals, encryption boost client security | remote deposit is a no-brainer | who decides what to keep? | unified messaging boosts security | ready for a revolution? your phone is | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates

proper security is very difficult for any internal network administrator to guarantee as few have the experience and ongoing training to implement security settings optimally the first time. therefore, all “one-shot” implementations of firewalls, wifi routers, virtual private networks and other security settings should be outsourced to an organization that has experienced personnel dedicated to security. in many cases, these providers can also
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top tech advice: mandate training and accountability

office workers training on computersdon’t know what training is needed? ask your personnel.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

for many firms, the ability to identify, standardize and implement best practices is the last remaining competitive advantage in business today as communications tools and access to technology have become available to everyone.

more on tech spending: standardize quickbooks support | digital report delivery includes owners | 3 steps for firm procedures manuals | how smart accounting firms use intranets to get smarter | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common

to take advantage of the continuous stream of innovation and opportunities, firms must adopt a “learning culture.” this requires a formal process to capture and standardize best practices in every department within the firm so that every person can take advantage of them.

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why more firms are using their t&b apps for crm

woman entering information on computernew information must be shared.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

many firms today maintain contact information within multiple applications such as practice management, outlook, tax systems, and other marketing and crm (customer relationship management) programs.

more on smarter tech spending: standardize quickbooks support | digital report delivery includes owners | portals, encryption boost client security | daily billing cuts month-end load, creates audit trail | streamlining audits by breaking old habits | why accounts payable should go digital | remote deposit is a no-brainer | field auditors need right equipment, connections | 3 steps for firm procedures manuals | stop paper at the source: the client | how and why to set optimal scanning practices

too often, a significant amount of time is wasted in firms pulling contact information together, reconciling and verifying lists for mailings, invitations and even organizers. it is critical that firms centralize the updating of contact information for consistency.

for example, tax personnel, who are often the first to be made aware of a change, may make the change within their tax program and not pass the change to others. all changes, from every source, need to be sent to administration where one person can update all databases for consistency.
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standardize quickbooks support

"update" key on computer keyboardminimize the number of software versions you support.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

in the united states, quickbooks is the most dominant small business accounting product on the market and will be the application that the majority of the firm’s clients use. therefore, it is obvious that the firm must become proficient with supporting quickbooks.

more on tech spending: digital report delivery includes owners | portals, encryption boost client security | how smart accounting firms use intranets to get smarter | ready for a revolution? your phone is | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | cloud computing can cost less

unfortunately, one of the biggest wastes of time is when firms support too many older versions of the software, which often leads to incompatibilities that can corrupt the database and make it unusable for clients. fixing these errors creates lost time that is seldom charged to clients and instead impacts the profitability on these jobs.
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private clouds on the rise

2016-roundtable-outlook-for-rosenberg-map-commentary-vf-240x219security breaches will be a heightened concern.

they say “past results are no indication of future performance.” maybe. maybe not. but if anyone should know, it’s our panel of experts, their comments drawn from the new edition of the rosenberg map survey. these are their bullet points and comments, verbatim, looking back at the last 12 months and looking ahead to 2016. – rick telberg, ceo

by roman kepczyk
the rosenberg map survey

lessons from 2015:

firms overall remained cautiously optimistic, with those that were more specialized/niched seeing solid leaps in growth in both personnel and revenue. these firms brought us in to direct their investments in upgrading their infrastructures, focusing not only on the physical it components, but in optimizing their internal production processes with the applications they had in place.

more from the rosenberg map survey: firms growing, still face talent challenges | outlook 2016: another economic storm coming? | how succession issues are driving desperation mergers | outlook 2016: change catches up with auditors | strategic plans undermined by out-of-control partners | growth, succession plans critical for firms | talent wars go from white gloves to boxing gloves | trend outlook 2016: change agents needed

much of our consulting last year trended toward helping firms implement streamlined workflow tools (xcm, thomson firmflow, cch workstream) and toward adopting “lean tax” production processes, which continues to be the latest buzz. m&a it consulting was another big focus as we helped firms actively build “private cloud” infrastructures so they could

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digital report delivery includes owners

businessman holding a paper while others fly around himput your portal to good use.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

improving firm efficiency means that the owners have to get on board. one of the more obvious opportunities is the delivery of the firm’s own financial reports.

more on tech spending: portals, encryption boost client security | who decides what to keep? | firms need document management standards | how smart accounting firms use intranets to get smarter | unified messaging boosts security | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning

many firms still print a hard copy of the monthly financials and distribute them to each owner, many of whom physically store these documents in their office. most firms consider these documents confidential and yet copies – many of which are not secured – are distributed throughout the office.
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portals, encryption boost client security

computer security concept - motherboard lockedthe right portal depends on the level of security needed.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

when dealing with digital files, the most effective way to transfer them is electronically over the internet, either with email or through a portal. many firms have emailed clients copies of tax returns and financial statements over the years.

more on tech spending: daily billing cuts month-end load, creates audit trail | streamlining audits by breaking old habits | why accounts payable should go digital | how smart accounting firms use intranets to get smarter | unified messaging boosts security

unfortunately, this is not the most secure method as the firm does not have control of the various internet service providers and the relay servers between the firm’s email server and the client’s email account.
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daily billing cuts month-end load, creates audit trail

businessman with laptop and papers3 ways pdfs can benefit your business.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

studies done over the past two decades have clearly shown that there is a significant improvement in realization for firms that enter, release and post time and expenses on a daily basis. this process allows for daily or “hotel” type billing that is sent out with the completion of each billable project.

more on tech spending: streamlining audits by breaking old habits | why accounts payable should go digital | remote deposit is a no-brainer | stop paper at the source: the client | scanners allow data capture at the source

the next step in the evolution of time and billing systems provided real-time dashboards to report on firm activities and effectively allow firms to generate invoices. this can work only if all time and expenses for all personnel are captured within the system. while most firms have a daily time entry “policy,” the biggest abusers of the policy are owners and managers, so it is about time for them to get on board and use the system.
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why accounts payable should go digital

businesswoman using calculator while reviewing something on laptop screena dedicated credit card can handle all those payables with one monthly payment.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

processing accounts payable is another of the manually intensive processes within the firm’s administrative department that can be significantly streamlined through digital processes.

more on tech spending: remote deposit is a no-brainer | field auditors need right equipment, connections | 3 steps for firm procedures manuals | stop paper at the source: the client | digital workflow systems make tax season easier | who decides what to keep?

consider how many “touches” a single payable creates:

  • receipt of the invoice,
  • timing of payment in a folder,
  • writing the check and attaching the stub,
  • sending it to an owner for signature,
  • filing a copy of check with backup in its own folder, and
  • stuffing, sealing and sending the check to the vendor.

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field auditors need right equipment, connections

dual monitors on the road? twain-compliant scanners? check and check.

lenovo thinkvision lt1421 14-incj portable monitor
lenovo thinkvision lt1421 14-inch portable monitor

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the advent of today’s audit “document container” applications has transitioned every aspect of audit production into a digital format. the key to successfully using these engagement applications is to make sure your personnel have the optimal equipment with them to work digitally.

more on tech spending: 3 steps for firm procedures manuals | stop paper at the source: the client | how and why to set optimal scanning practices | digital workflow systems make tax season easier | who decides what to keep? | firms need document management standards | unified messaging boosts security | ready for a revolution? your phone is | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | laptop-only workers more common | scanners allow data capture at the source | in pc monitors, more is better

this includes

  • multiple monitors,
  • image capture equipment and
  • remote communications capabilities.

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stop paper at the source: the client

businessman with stack of foldersuse inbound digital transfer tools to smooth the office workflow.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

one of the most critical steps in transitioning a firm to a “paperless” environment is capturing information in a digital format at its “root” source as that information enters the firm.

more on tech spending: how and why to set optimal scanning practices | digital workflow systems make tax season easier | who decides what to keep? | how smart accounting firms use intranets to get smarter | ready for a revolution? your phone is | remote access boosts productivity, requires planning | get ahead of your software updates | blame accounting vendors: accountants stuck with outdated versions of microsoft office | ready or not, here comes windows 10 | back up and check your backup | cloud computing can cost less | laptop-only workers more common

at the base level, this means having clients provide you information in a digital format, which can be done via email, digital fax or through a portal rather than with a physical document. while email is currently the most prevalent tool utilized by clients, it is anticipated the security concerns will help clients transition toward portals.

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