remote deposit saves in several ways

young businessman working at computertake a portion of that 130 hours back, for starters.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

one of the easiest processes to convert to paperless with an immediate roi is the firm’s system for depositing client checks.

more on tech spending: a better way to handle time & expenses | how efficient are your audits? | going digital: how to train a client | hit ‘delete,’ but only when it’s time | unified messaging offers benefits | remote access: giving workers what they want | why use windows 10? | desktops vs. laptops
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manually receiving and physically going to the bank to deposit checks can be time-consuming and subject to too many errors.
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deliver reports digitally (even in-house)

blacked-out password in box on screenconsider security … or lack of it.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

improving firm efficiency means that the owners have to get on board.

more on tech spending: a better way to handle time & expenses | how efficient are your audits? | going digital: how to train a client | hit ‘delete,’ but only when it’s time | unified messaging offers benefits | remote access: giving workers what they want
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one of the more obvious opportunities is the delivery of the firm’s own financial reports.
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how efficient are your audits?

blue audit button on keyboardan outside consultant is worth the investment.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

traditional audit practices use the previous year’s audit programs and processes updated for the current year as their standard operating plan.

more on tech spending: tech trends for auditors | how the best cpa firms capture best tech practices in procedures manuals | workflow systems make tax season less tedious | smart firms don’t happen by accident | bandwidth: how much? | are you ready for office 365? | server vs. cloud | size matters: in desktop monitors
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eventually this can lead to a significant amount of “over auditing.” breaking this habit is difficult as every level of staff has been trained in the manual processes and falls back on them when deadlines approach.
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tech trends for auditors

superhero businesswoman wearing shadow capenot just tools, but connectivity.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the advent of today’s audit “document container” applications has transitioned every aspect of audit production into a digital format.

more on tech spending: how the best cpa firms capture best tech practices in procedures manuals | going digital: how to train a client | hit ‘delete,’ but only when it’s time | unified messaging offers benefits | remote access: giving workers what they want | why use windows 10? | desktops vs. laptops
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the key to successfully using these engagement applications is to make sure your personnel have the optimal equipment with them to work digitally. this includes multiple monitors, image capture equipment and remote communications capabilities.
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how the best cpa firms capture best tech practices in procedures manuals

process touch screen showing workflow designallot hours weekly until everyone is educated.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

every firm has accountants who are 10 percent, 20 percent or even 50 percent more productive in their departments than other personnel because they have simply “figured it out.” unfortunately, when these people leave the firm, their unique knowledge of specific processes and shortcuts goes with them.

more on tech spending: going digital: how to train a client | front-end scanning hits the mainstream | don’t just store documents, manage them | which wireless depends on location | stay on top of software updates | update your backup
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it is the responsibility of firms to capture these individuals’ best practices so that their knowledge can be shared and accessed by all firm members both now and in the future. this can be accomplished by making a concerted effort to develop a best practices manual within each department.
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going digital: how to train a client

businesswoman at desktop computer

using passwords, encryption and portals.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

one of the most critical steps in transitioning a firm to a paperless environment is capturing information in a digital format at its root source as that information enters the firm.

more on tech spending: hit ‘delete,’ but only when it’s time | smart firms don’t happen by accident | bandwidth: how much? | are you ready for office 365? | server vs. cloud

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at the base level, this means having clients provide you information in a digital format, which can be done via email, digital fax or through a portal rather than with a physical document. while email is currently the most prevalent tool utilized by clients, it is anticipated the security concerns will help clients transition toward portals.
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front-end scanning hits the mainstream

a person electronically scanning a documentas firms evolve away from paper-based workflows.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

for the next few years it is anticipated that accounting firm clients will deliver the majority of their organizers and supporting tax documents to the firm in a physical format. to utilize this information in a paperless environment, it must be effectively scanned and managed at the lowest possible cost.

more on tech spending: workflow systems make tax season less tedious | hit ‘delete,’ but only when it’s time | unified messaging offers benefits | remote access: giving workers what they want | why use windows 10? | desktops vs. laptops | right to the root, or why scanners rule | size matters: in desktop monitors

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early paperless adopters scanned the tax return and the supporting documents at the back end of the process when a return was complete. this is still usually the first step when firms transition from a completely manual environment. by doing back-end scanning first, the firm can get used to working with digital files and naming conventions, prior to forcing changes in the preparation and review processes, which can then be transitioned to front-end scanning.
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workflow systems make tax season less tedious

man holding a document in each handthere are options for with and without document management systems.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the most important aspect of transitioning the firm’s tax process to a digital environment is managing electronic files that are no longer physically viewable in assorted stacks around the office.

more on tech spending: don’t just store documents, manage them | which wireless depends on location | stay on top of software updates | update your backup | right to the root, or why scanners rule

this requires a digital tax workflow system that lets everyone know the status of every return and easily connects that person to digital copies of the return and the source documents.
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hit ‘delete,’ but only when it’s time

pensive absorbed businessman watching at computer laptop with worried expressionjust because it’s electronic and small doesn’t mean you have to keep it forever.

by roman h. kepczyk

managing digital files is in many ways similar to managing paper files in that the firm must have standards for who can

  • create a document,
  • add to or edit a document,
  • file it and
  • eventually purge the file.

more on tech spending: don’t just store documents, manage them | smart firms don’t happen by accident | bandwidth: how much? | are you ready for office 365?

unfortunately, as digital files are on the network and “out of sight,” many firms are not really aware of:
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don’t just store documents, manage them

illustration of manila folders dropping from laptop screenuse a tool that will force adherence to standards.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the network drive in most firms is not very well organized and requires the most cleanup. this happens because it is usually managed with microsoft windows explorer, which allows almost anyone to create or access a file anywhere on the drive.

more on tech spending: smart firms don’t happen by accident | unified messaging offers benefits | remote access: giving workers what they want | why use windows 10? | right to the root, or why scanners rule

unfortunately, there is seldom a firm standard that is adhered to, allowing users to create files with any naming convention they want and store it anywhere they please. the result can be files that are hard to find and slow to search across the network.
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smart firms don’t happen by accident

four empty metal bucketsintranets help to collect and share everyone’s experience and knowledge.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

firm knowledge and information is usually stored in one of four “buckets.”

more on tech spending: unified messaging offers benefits | which wireless depends on location | bandwidth: how much? | are you ready for office 365? | desktops vs. laptops

the most obvious is within the accounting applications themselves where tax, audit and accounting programs store client files in a format that can only be accessed with that program. files are usually indexed and accessed in designated directories so there is not much the firm can do about moving these files.
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unified messaging offers benefits

blue glowing new technology background with particlescollaboration suites are on the rise.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

firms should strive to capture all data in a digital format at its “root” source. this goes for services such as the firm’s fax and voicemail systems as well.

more on tech spending: which wireless depends on location | bandwidth: how much? | are you ready for office 365? | why use windows 10? | update your backup | server vs. cloud | desktops vs. laptops | right to the root, or why scanners rule | size matters: in desktop monitors

traditional inbound faxes are usually printed from a fax machine and then hand delivered to the recipient’s desk. in some cases, this image is actually rescanned and emailed to the recipient.
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