survey: firm size matters in tax software choice
plus: more trends and insights from annual operations and technology survey
by randy johnston and brian tankersley
the accounting firm operations and technology survey
plus: more trends and insights from annual operations and technology survey
by randy johnston and brian tankersley
the accounting firm operations and technology survey
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
we’ve said that firms should strive to capture all data in a digital format at its “root” source. this goes for services such as the firm’s fax and voice mail systems as well.
more: the case for wireless broadband access | internet bandwidth: how much is enough? | the right tech tools for covid work-from-home | maximize your office 365 roi | why you need windows 10 with automatic updates | it’s 10 p.m. do you know where your backups are? | how the cloud impacts server replacement | laptops vs. desktops | the best scanners to buy today | capturing documents at the source | the more monitors, the better
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traditional inbound faxes are usually printed from a fax machine and then hand-delivered to the recipient’s desk. in some cases, this fax image is actually rescanned and emailed to the recipient. while this is a step toward digital delivery, today’s digital fax systems deliver a digital image to the recipient via email, so they can access them within their email.
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don’t rely on whatever your client provides.
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
one of the revolutions in remote connectivity is found within your cell phone as digital cellular providers have beefed up and expanded their networks to provide reliable internet access to remote devices. today, the vast majority of the united states and canada has access to the internet through the 4g digital cellular network at speeds of 1mpbs or more, which is adequate for remote access to most applications, particularly those hosted by cloud providers.
more: internet bandwidth: how much is enough? | the right tech tools for covid work-from-home | it’s 10 p.m. do you know where your backups are?
exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.
the key today is to determine which service provider is the best in your firm’s specific area of operations.
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by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
the internet has undoubtedly had a profound impact on firm communications. it has become the primary driver toward the next generation of accounting applications that run entirely on the web through “cloud” computing.
more: the right tech tools for covid work-from-home | maximize your office 365 roi | how the cloud impacts server replacement | capturing documents at the source
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before we get ahead of ourselves discussing cloud opportunities, we have to assess how the internet is used within your firm today. most likely the internet is
ipads, android, or microsoft surface?
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
one of the key components in optimizing firm production is providing the capability for firm personnel to work from any place, at any time, at their own convenience. allowing experienced firm personnel the ability to work remotely used to be a key employee retention strategy. then came covid-19 and it became a necessity.
more: maximize your office 365 roi | why you need windows 10 with automatic updates | it’s 10 p.m. do you know where your backups are? | how the cloud impacts server replacement | laptops vs. desktops | the best scanners to buy today | capturing documents at the source | the more monitors, the better
exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.
giving your personnel secure access to the firm’s application and data resources allows them to work effectively outside normal office hours and avoid unnecessary commuting time.
for servers, have personnel on hand.
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
every firm has concerns about their systems being hacked, getting attacked by a virus or malware, or being the victim of ransomware that encrypts all the firm’s data. the 2018 cpafma survey found an increase in firms impacted by ransomware, which carried into the 2020 survey.
more: maximize your office 365 roi | why you need windows 10 with automatic updates | it’s 10 p.m. do you know where your backups are? | how the cloud impacts server replacement | laptops vs. desktops | the best scanners to buy today | capturing documents at the source | the more monitors, the better
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the vast majority of these virus and malware issues can be effectively negated with one simple process: keep your software updated on your servers and individual workstations.
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don’t settle for adequate knowledge.
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
to be effective in business today, every member of your firm must optimally utilize the microsoft office suite at an intermediate to advanced level for outlook, excel, and word.
more: why you need windows 10 with automatic updates | it’s 10 p.m. do you know where your backups are? | how the cloud impacts server replacement | laptops vs. desktops | the best scanners to buy today | capturing documents at the source | the more monitors, the better
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firms have traditionally been behind the adoption curve because of the lag time of accounting vendors supporting the latest version, particularly for audit engagement binders.
tax personnel need more ram than others.
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
okay, we all know that the microsoft windows operating system is preferred to run computers by the primary vendors to the accounting profession.
more: it’s 10 p.m. do you know where your backups are? | how the cloud impacts server replacement | laptops vs. desktops | the best scanners to buy today | capturing documents at the source | the more monitors, the better
exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.
with microsoft discontinuing support of windows 7 on jan. 14, 2020, and windows 8 receiving poor reviews, it is recommended that all firms standardize on windows 10 and have the system configured for automatic updates.
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too many firms are still ignoring the basics.
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
your firm’s safety net in the event of any disaster is your data backup.
more: how the cloud impacts server replacement | laptops vs. desktops | the best scanners to buy today | capturing documents at the source | the more monitors, the better
exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.
it had better be consistently performed and securely stored offsite.
standardization can save you 26%.
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
scanners are critical tools. two to know: fujitsu and canon.
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
how one firm stepped into automation and the future of accounting.
by jody grunden
building the virtual cfo firm in the cloud
there’s no doubt that advancements in technology are changing the world, and the accounting industry is no exception. technology is making us more productive, more efficient and more connected.
more: get ready to launch virtual cfo services | the only 3 metrics you need | how we sell audits online | 3 steps to better client communication in a crisis | four key financial metrics for growing any business | transferring clients to a new employee | why process is key to remote work
exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.
on the flip side, it’s also taking over some of our jobs. this is a reality in the accounting industry that we cannot ignore. technology is driving major changes for the future of the accounting world. we need to be aware of what’s happening and take strategic steps to advance along with these changes. otherwise, we are going to be left in the dust.
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start thinking in terms of screen capacity.
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless: technology guide & checklist
the best place to start the discussion on hardware is with monitors, as it is the easiest place to see an immediate return on your it investment. your monitors are your windows into all digitally stored information and are the foundation for improving every aspect of firm production.
more: it deserves a strategic plan and budget | why you need an independent security review | cutting your quickbooks costs | reclaim time with remote deposit | why daily t/e entry should be required | why your firm needs procedure manuals
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transitioning tax production processes from physical to digital requires that all input screens and source documents be simultaneously viewable in a convenient format, which today means more screen real estate per workstation.
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