four rules for setting boundaries in a social and mobile world

businessman using smartphone while waiting at a subway stationyour customers expect service everywhere they find you. rule 1: set expectations.

by jody padar
from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

here are some of my tips on setting boundaries in the social world.

more on radicalism: maximizing social media: the importance of people | thoughts on ai from sage’s kriti sharma | the cloud at work | a legacy of leadership must extend to diversity | the persona: a closer look | productized 1099s the new vision way
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1 – be upfront with your customers. if i respond immediately – awesome, however on social i may not respond immediately.

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maximizing social media: the importance of people

young people holding social media logos“social selling is lead generation rooted in social media.”

by jody padar
from success to significance: the radical cpa guide 

social media is the underdog of business development. although i build relationships in both an offline and the online world, most my firm’s business comes directly from having both an online and an offline connection. i have multiple clients now whom i have never met irl (in real life).

more on radicalism: thoughts on ai from sage’s kriti sharma | blockchain: the basics | technology + transparency = transformation | 5 ways to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace | product management meets strategy | transitioning to radical: how carl famiglietti did it
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it’s all about relationships; it always has been. 
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thoughts on artificial intelligence from sage software’s kriti sharma

robot typing on desktop keyboardwhat role will ai play for your clients?

by kayleigh padar
from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

kriti sharma, vice president of ai and bots at sage, said this in response to the bot called digit:

more on radicalism: blockchain: the basics | what are ai and bots? | true diversity means creating equity | creating more diversity in accounting firm leadership | accodex sets up a platform for practice management | father, son team up to capitalize on capacity | dean quiambao: ‘if you’re not disrupting, you’re not doing it right’
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“as an industry, we need to be more careful about that. it’s not just moving money from one account to another. the second point i would say is design. it’s a very important element of this. we see people sometimes like to have more control.
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blockchain: how to look like a hero to your clients

how to use the technology to add value to my firm and our customers.

by jody padar
from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

historically, when it comes to transacting money or anything else of value, people and businesses have relied heavily on intermediaries such as banks and governments to ensure trust and certainty. middlemen perform a range of important tasks that help build trust into the transactional process, such as authentication and recordkeeping.

more on radicalism: what are ai and bots? | the cloud at work | a legacy of leadership must extend to diversity | the persona: a closer look | 3 challenges in shifting to product management | tips from a veteran product manager
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blockchain changes this.
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the cloud at work

businesswoman at laptop with cloud floating above outstretched handyou don’t need it to make your choices, just someone savvy.

by jody padar
from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

as a radical cpa, you already know the cloud allows you to work anytime, anywhere. by adopting the cloud, you can connect to all your data via an internet browser or an app. you can work on almost any device.

more on radicalism: technology + transparency = transformation | true diversity means creating equity | 3 challenges in shifting to product management | how to develop productized services | dear midsized firms: yes, you can change
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it’s a pretty brilliant invention.
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technology + transparency = transformation

clear glass marble on a beachyour goal: build efficiencies and create repeatable product sales.

by jody padar
from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

in “the radical cpa,” i explained the cloud and how it works. however, i’ve always maintained that the hows are not important.

more on radicalism: true diversity means creating equity | a legacy of leadership must extend to diversity | the persona: a closer look | 3 challenges in shifting to product management | productized 1099s the new vision way | why our clients need us to be radical | introducing the fifth radical tenet: the business model
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what’s critical to understand is that cloud firms require a new type of management. why?
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true diversity means creating equity

woman opens door to find brick wall behind itwho is trying to get in the room but can’t?

by liz gold
in from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

so, we know you can’t just put the diversity and inclusion phrase on marketing materials and call it good. there needs to be some substance behind the claim.

more on radicalism: a legacy of leadership must extend to diversity | 5 ways to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace | goals, goals, goals | 3 challenges in shifting to product management | productized 1099s the new vision way | why our clients need us to be radical
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part of that substance includes looking at the word “equity” and considering how you can provide equitable opportunities and growth potential to every individual in your firm.
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a legacy of leadership must extend to diversity

latina businesswoman using earpiece with businessmen in backgroundopportunity needs to be available to everyone.

by liz gold
in from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

though it is slowly changing, most accounting firms are traditional in the sense that they are still owned and managed by white, baby boomer-aged men wearing nice suits and ties. it’s been the go-to standard for decades. slowly, i would argue, more hoodies and hip sneakers are taking over the suits, as is common in startup culture, but this obviously depends on the firm and its customers.

more on radicalism: 5 ways to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace | creating more diversity in accounting firm leadership | accodex sets up a platform for practice management | product management: start with these 6 steps
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and while technology may be changing at the speed of light, firm processes are getting more streamlined and even more firms are looking to value pricing because they just understand the limitations of timesheets, change also needs to be happening from a talent and business development perspective.
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5 ways to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace

portrait of minda harts

“doing nothing is not an option.”

by minda harts
in from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

when you think about the structural elements it will take to create a company culture that is both diverse and inclusive, what comes to mind?

more on radicalism: embrace difference and diversity | goals, goals, goals | 3 challenges in shifting to product management | tips from a veteran product manager | productized 1099s the new vision way | why our clients need us to be radical
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real cultural shifts take time, money and buy-in from all stakeholders. a more diverse and inclusive environment is not only intended for internal use, but will also help you attract and retain more diverse clientele. verna myers said it best: “diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance.”
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embrace difference and diversity

woman working on tablet in officewhy didn’t i speak up? because i wanted to be a team player.

by liz gold

difference comes in many forms. race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age, ability, learning style, personality – these characteristics are just a few of the many that make us who we are, yet isn’t it amazing that many of us only bring a fraction of ourselves to work?

more on radicalism: goals, goals, goals | accodex sets up a platform for practice management | product management: start with these 6 steps | product management meets strategy | transitioning to radical: how carl famiglietti did it | how to develop productized services
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diversity is a loaded word. august de los reyes is the head of design and research at pinterest. in a techcrunch video, he talks about the connotative baggage that comes along with the term “diversity,” preferring to take the term in the literal sense.
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goals, goals, goals

businessman crossing finish line after leaping hurdlesyour timeline needs a deadline, or big things won’t get done.

by jody padar
from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

now that we know who our customers are and our desired business model, we’re going to think about what we’re going to do for the rest of the year. we’re going to create goals!

more on radicalism: accodex sets up a platform for practice management | the persona: a closer look | father, son team up to capitalize on capacity | going deeper into product management | firm product management is the way to the future | why our clients need us to be radical
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i’ve talked about aha! and how that helps me set a course for my firm. but what i really like about the platform is that once you create goals, you can move them around. and it’s not a big deal!
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accodex sets up a platform for practice management

portrait of chris hooper

the goal: admit new partners without bottlenecks.

by kayleigh padar

chris hooper, the ceo and managing partner of accodex, recently redesigned the firm’s business model to respond to clients’ changing accounting needs. the firm operates in four areas: the united states, the united kingdom, australia and the philippines. it is made up of over 50 employees.

more on radicalism: the persona: a closer look | happy tax: why you need to know its name | 3 challenges in shifting to product management | tips from a veteran product manager | productized 1099s the new vision way | karbon builds a practice management platform on steroids | why our clients need us to be radical | introducing the fifth radical tenet: the business model | dear midsized firms: yes, you can change
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“i started with a small practice in 2011 in australia,” hooper said. “it was 100 percent cloud, fixed fee, global from the get-go. there wasn’t really a need to change those fundamentals.”
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the persona: a closer look

closeup of businesswoman writing on a flipcharthow to create one and what to do next.

by jody padar
from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

at my firm, one of our big personas is a real estate investment firm. they like a one-stop shop. they like our personalized attention. they know that we have a certain amount of practical, specialized tax knowledge that they can use.

more on radicalism: happy tax: why you need to know its name | product management: start with these 6 steps | product management meets strategy | transitioning to radical: how carl famiglietti did it | how to develop productized services | firm product management is the way to the future
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what do they dislike? they dislike the detail, because they’re deal guys, they’re big-picture guys, they just want to know: can they defer the gain, can they not defer the gain, what is the gain? they tell us to take care of the details. hands off, get it done yesterday, keep me out of jail, i hate taxes. i’m sure you know the type.
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