3 ways women benefit when seen as leaders

young businesswoman and businessman talking in a hallwaythe advice is great, but they’d prefer being considered for a promotion.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

the benefits of sponsorship are indisputable. having a highly placed sponsor is a distinct career advantage, and when competing for top positions it can be a critical differentiator.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: sponsor or mentor? | 4 firm benefits of sponsoring women as leaders | being the best means including women

protégées gain career-enhancing opportunities that others do not get, such as:
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sponsor or mentor?

young businesswoman working at laptop while businessman looks onplus 18 ways to boost your protégée.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

the practice of mentorship is well known and well established in today’s workplace. a mentor is someone who helps a more junior person learn, develop and achieve her professional goals.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: 4 firm benefits of sponsoring women as leaders | being the best means including women

mentoring is the process by which the mentor and mentee work together to identify and help the mentee move toward those goals. but sponsorship is intended specifically to promote career advancement.
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4 firm benefits of sponsoring women as leaders

purple no. 4 billiard ballwomen leaders provide 6 advantages to the market and 9 benefits for their sponsors.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

most male leaders today under­stand how important it is to keep high-performing women in the pipeline and help them achieve their potential within the organization.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: being the best means including women | not mentoring, sponsoring | how to help your protégée project the right image | how to promote your protégée to coworkers

these men are genuinely concerned about their firms’ inability to retain and advance the women they hire because having a substantial number of women leaders is a demonstrably significant benefit to the company, while a lack of gender diversity at the top of organizations can be very costly to the bottom line.
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being the best means including women

3 women and 2 men standing in officecpa firms need more women, and not just recruiting them for staff, but sponsoring them for leadership.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

smart accounting firm leaders want to be at the forefront of efforts to advance women.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: not mentoring, sponsoring | 14 ways to keep sex from wrecking something great | how to promote your protégée to coworkers | can you afford to be a sponsor? | fears of innuendo, gossip impede development | bias persists against women with children | why men don’t see women as leaders

as the global economy continues to become more competitive, firms need to use all the talent they can muster and more and more of that talent will be women.
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not mentoring, sponsoring

business man and woman reading news in magazine6 questions to evaluate candidates.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

sponsorship is a personal undertaking. a man who sponsors a woman takes it upon himself to advance her career. he puts his reputation on the line for her and tells the world she is worth it.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: how to fight flextime saboteurs | how to help your protégée project the right image | how to promote your protégée to coworkers | 8 steps to guiding your protégée | 17 ways to follow through on sponsorship | how protégées can help sponsors

she still has to earn that promotion, but his solid, public vote of confidence – and the power he puts behind it – at least gives her a fair chance to get it.
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how to fight flextime saboteurs

businesswoman holding clock in front of her faceflexible scheduling can benefit everyone, but some people don’t see it that way.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

a talented, ambitious woman who works less than full time or takes extended family leave is extremely vulnerable to being derailed professionally.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: 14 ways to keep sex from wrecking something great | how to help your protégée project the right image | 17 ways to follow through on sponsorship | beware misunderstandings about work relationships | fears of innuendo, gossip impede development | women must see politics as leadership | why some women resist using networks | bias persists against women with children | standards for women still differ | 5 ways women get shoved aside | why men don’t see women as leaders | thanks for the advice, but i’d really prefer a promotion | 18 ways to boost your protégée | women leaders provide 6 market advantages | why cpa firms need more women | beyond mentoring to sponsorship

whether because she is “out of sight/out of mind,” or because people doubt her commitment, she may be disregarded for promotions or high-profile projects.
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14 ways to keep sex from wrecking something great

woman looking at computer screen, man looking over her shoulderapply a presumption of innocence.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

if you are concerned about the possibility of sex-related problems, consider the degree of risk involved and whether you are willing to assume it.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: how to help your protégée project the right image | how to promote your protégée to coworkers | 8 steps to guiding your protégée | 17 ways to follow through on sponsorship | how protégées can help sponsors | fears of innuendo, gossip impede development | women must see politics as leadership | why some women resist using networks | bias persists against women with children | why men don’t see women as leaders | thanks for the advice, but i’d really prefer a promotion | 18 ways to boost your protégée

before you decide, consider

  • first that you might be exaggerating the risk, and
  • second that this is a risk that can be prevented and managed.

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how to help your protégée project the right image

screen shot 2016-02-25 at 8.32.28 am‘soft skills’ advice is needed, especially with ‘double bind’ issues.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

feedback is important at any level of professional development.

more on sponsoring women for leadership for pro members: how to promote your protégée to coworkers | can you afford to be a sponsor? | fears of innuendo, gossip impede development | bias persists against women with children | why men don’t see women as leaders | 18 ways to boost your protégée

but for a woman trying to become a leader, honest, clear and practical feedback is essential. she needs to know both how well she is performing and how to project the image she wants others to have of her.
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