can your clients tell if you are faking it?

take this quick, 10-question quiz to find out. do you seek out opportunities to learn new things that will help your clients overcome their most difficult challenges? selling value-creation advisory services is truly a slam dunk with most modern business … continued

15 reasons to dump a client

you know the type.

they’re the clients that keep you awake at night, bother you on weekends, and drive your staff crazy. they’re the clients you’d rather you didn’t have. wouldn’t it be great to dump them and make them some other accountant’s problem?

but how do you spot a problem client before they swell into a catastrophe? arvid mostad, president of mostad & christensen, a supplier of marketing materials to accounting firms, outlines 15 habits of bad clients: read more →

eight essentials for measuring client service

don’t wait until the end of the year to find out how well you are serving clients.

by august aquila

you can ask clients at the end of the year about how well you met their expectations, but that does not give you any time to change your current modus operandi before year-end.

a better way is to have leading measures that tell you how you are doing during the course of the year.

let’s look at eight. read more →

client-centric cpa? it’s not just numbers

helping a retailer client by looking beyond accounting. [editor’s note: we’ve been asking accountants what “client-centric” means to them. here’s one of the many pithy answers we’re getting. send yours to, or use comments.] by june ball, cpa owner, … continued