gold medal client service: start by returning phone calls

if it’s so simple, why are clients so surprised when it happens?

editor’s note: in the weekly research update (join here), we report initial results from a new nationwide survey of client attitudes. and it’s not necessarily a pretty picture. clients are clearly becoming more demanding, with higher expectations for service and value. and yet, too many cpa firms have yet to respond to the challenge. but then, that’s good for those that do. what’s your best client satisfaction tip? tell us here; we may quote you. — rick telberg

meanwhile, here are a few of the best client stories we’ve heard so far

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what people want from you

arnold sanow
arnold sanow

the 14 strategies to build better business relationships.

it’s been said that when you look for the good in others, you discover the best in yourself.

it’s nowhere so true as in the accounting business. contrary to the cliche, accounting is a people business — most accountants spend a lot of time working directly with staffers, colleagues, superiors, clients and maybe-clients.

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four reasons why getting new clients isn’t the answer

getting new clients may be many firms’ chief concern these days.

but for most firms, there’s un-mined gold in their current clients.

the accounting business may not be the same in five years. today’s standard products and services are evolving quickly. how long, for instance, will simple 1040 tax prep last with the speed of data aggregation?

but if you still have the same clients, you will still have cash flows.

the bottom line:

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25 surefire ways to keep a client for life

arnold sanow

client service is not just smile training — it’s about treating people the way they wanted to be treated.

by arnold sanow

in today’s fast-changing and competitive environment, excellent client service is not only nice but essential for success. in fact, the only way to differentiate yourself and to become less of a commodity in the marketplace is through outstanding service.

more: arnold sanow at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

the strategies for keeping clients for life can be honed down to some basic steps that any business owner can use. read more →