recognize your tax season resources

happy family of four outdoors in winter clothing on snownine vital contributors you might be taking for granted.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

we have many resources and need to recognize that. and we need to treat each with its own importance. even if you did everything yourself, you’d still need to rely on your tax software company, fedex and the postal service, stationery supplier, computer consultant, the internet and email, cell phone provider and copier/scanner machine. and that’s just a few of the resources we rely on. managing your resources well creates an aura of security and consistency to your practice.

more on tax season: 40 other services your tax clients should know about | 21 reasons why tax clients switch firms | top 12 tax return preparation errors | eliminate tax season excuses | be happy with your tax practice | 8 ways to delight tax season clients | here’s your new tax season marketing plan | consistency simplifies tax season

but there more. and they are often overlooked. or taken for granted. here are some more resources that need to be managed:
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top 12 tax return preparation errors

error stampedthe good news: they’re preventable.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

here are the top 12 tax return preparation errors:

    1. number transposition and spelling errors. this includes income and deduction amounts and client social security numbers, addresses and zip codes. spelling errors should also be avoided – they indicate a lack of attention to what you are doing.
    2. unreported 1099 income. clients frequently leave out 1099s, but the preparer should make sure all 1099 items from last year are accounted for. missing 1099s that were not final for last year should be accounted for.
    3. tax payments. entering incorrect and unpaid amounts can be avoided by requiring the client to provide “proof” of the payments. entering “incorrect” amounts provided by the client is a major cause of tax notices.

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be happy with your tax practice

businesswoman holding green folderor target the source of your discontentment.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

successful people are happy with their practices and what they do and get joy from interacting and helping clients.  i know a lot of accountants who continuously complain about tax season – yet they make most of their money during the period.

more on tax season: 10 questions every reviewer should be able to answer | 16 qualities of a good tax season client | 8 ways to delight tax season clients | small tax season leaks can cause great damage | 5 ways thorough beats sloppy in tax season | here’s your new tax season marketing plan | 5 personal touches for tax season | 11 clear client instructions to make your tax season easier

do they expect someone to knock on their door with a wheelbarrow of money to hand them? if they are financially secure, why do they keep working? if they are not, then, duh! either do it or find something else, but stop complaining. better yet, look at all the benefits from what you do (if you need me to tell you the benefits then find something else to do).
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10 questions every reviewer should be able to answer

businessman looking up answers in a bookbonus checklist: the answers!

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

the primary people who should review tax returns are trained tax department reviewers. however, often the bunching and compression of work shifts some of the review to higher level, non-tax personnel such as audit managers and partners who might not necessarily have the comprehensive training, background and experience to handle everything that might come up during the tax preparation process.

more on tax season: 16 qualities of a good tax season client | 8 ways to delight tax season clients | small tax season leaks can cause great damage | 5 ways thorough beats sloppy in tax season | here’s your new tax season marketing plan | when ‘quick and easy’ tax season research isn’t | 5 personal touches for tax season | consistency simplifies tax season | 11 clear client instructions to make your tax season easier | 3 ways to build a tax season team | have fun this tax season | how to get paid faster this tax season

additionally, in many firms, almost everyone on the staff prepares some returns. that lack of dedicated preparers with the trained skills places an added burden on the tax reviewers, making it important for them to have the range of experience needed to perform the review.

following are 10 questions reviewers should be able to answer to qualify for their role.

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16 qualities of a good tax season client

green cast iron sign with white 16 painted on itwe need each other. make the relationship a good one.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

clients are our customers who pay our salaries and present us with stimulating opportunities allowing us to grow.

more on tax season: 8 ways to delight tax season clients | small tax season leaks can cause great damage | 5 ways thorough beats sloppy in tax season | when ‘quick and easy’ tax season research isn’t

there is no such thing as a bad or nuisance client – although there are clients who sometimes do bad or nuisance things.
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8 ways to delight tax season clients

portrait of a mature businesswoman giving a binderdo you make them feel important?

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

clients are our customers. they pay our salary and enable us to make good livings. do what you can to accommodate them and make them feel important – as important as they believe they are.

more on tax season: small tax season leaks can cause great damage | 5 ways thorough beats sloppy in tax season | here’s your new tax season marketing plan | 5 personal touches for tax season | 11 clear client instructions to make your tax season easier | how to get paid faster this tax season

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also be user-friendly – do not make it difficult to work with you. clients don’t know how smart we are. they think we are great, but they measure us by the small things – the good and bad.
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small tax season leaks can cause great damage

tiny businessman standing on dripping faucetbonus checklist: 5 key points to keep in mind.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

some people are micromanagers and anal with details. others are big-picture managers, letting details take care of themselves.  neither is completely effective and both disciplines need to be balanced.

more on tax season: 5 ways thorough beats sloppy in tax season | here’s your new tax season marketing plan | when ‘quick and easy’ tax season research isn’t | 5 personal touches for tax season | consistency simplifies tax season | 11 clear client instructions to make your tax season easier | 3 ways to build a tax season team | have fun this tax season | how to get paid faster this tax season

there is a time for details and a time for big-picture thinking. when setting up procedures and processes it is essential that all details be considered and planned for. once the process is set up, there should be brief but continuous monitoring. and then the big-picture thinking should take over – that is where you will make your money.

but you can’t get to the big picture ever if you are always immersed in the details. not setting up methods right at the beginning – or permitting a lack of adherence to them – will thwart any chance of growth and the success you can achieve.

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5 ways thorough beats sloppy in tax season

businessmen miserable over errormake sure your staff feel the same way.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

don’t be sloppy instead of thorough.

all work has to be reviewed. and clients and others look at it.

sloppy work is always evident and usually incomplete. thorough work is careful and usually complete.

more on tax season: here’s your new tax season marketing plan | when ‘quick and easy’ tax season research isn’t | 5 personal touches for tax season | consistency simplifies tax season | 11 clear client instructions to make your tax season easier | 3 ways to build a tax season team | how to get paid faster this tax season

thorough work takes longer when first being worked on, but review time is drastically reduced. further sloppy work takes longer to be reviewed and longer for the preparer to be acclimated with the file when picking it up to make changes.

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