compensation’s up, but up enough to retain staff?

young woman seated at laptop counting money

people are leaving the profession. more money is one solution.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the aicpa’s 2023 national management of an accounting practice (map) survey came up with an odd statistic. kind of hard to believe until you get the context.

the finding: the median employee turnover rate across all cpa firms is … 0 percent.

yes, that’s a zero.

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but wait. a median, as they say, is only half the story.

the bigger story – the broader context – is that more than half the responding practices had zero turnover, so the median fell at zero percent. but that goose egg doesn’t reflect the reality of firms at the other side of the spectrum.
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tax & accounting profession keeps growing

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overall profession employment


more workers, with some making quite a bit more money.

by beth bellor
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

winter doldrums didn’t seem to affect the tax and accounting profession, which saw several sectors hit new hiring highs in february.

elsewhere in the nation, total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 275,000 in february, nudging the unemployment rate up to 3.9 percent. professional and business services saw little change for the month.

more: accounting hiring hits another high | staff wages hit record high | despite staffing crunch, firms freeze pay raises | tax & accounting firms grow for 9th straight month | tax & accounting profession grows, but wages don’t | tax and accounting pay advancing at 5.9% pace | accounting jobs up 4% for year
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overall accounting profession employment at a record 1,163,600 was up 1,000 or 0.1 percent for the month and 29,600 or 2.6 percent for the year. employees averaged 35.9 hours per week, down 6 minutes or 0.3 percent for the month but up 6 minutes or 0.3 percent for the year. their earnings hit a new high of $41.41, up 21 cents or 0.5 percent for the month and 34 cents or 0.8 percent for the year.
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accounting hiring hits another high

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overall employment in the accounting profession


tax prep is less than half the increase.

by beth bellor
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

is the accounting profession closing its staffing gap?

it sure seems that way, as employment hit an all-time high in january. women fared well, too, reaching record levels in the field overall and in payroll services.

more: staff wages hit record high | despite staffing crunch, firms freeze pay raises | tax & accounting firms grow for 9th straight month | tax & accounting profession grows, but wages don’t | tax and accounting pay advancing at 5.9% pace | accounting jobs up 4% for year
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nationally, unemployment held at 3.7 percent as total nonfarm payroll employment increased 353,000, according to the latest data available to 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research. of those new hires, 74,000 came in professional and business services, well above 2023’s monthly average of 14,000.
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top 20 tough choices for the partner comp committee

man, woman, man having serious discussion around conference table

production isn’t all that matters.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

increasingly, cpa firms are adopting the compensation committee system for allocating partner income. firms are finding that systems such as formulas, pay based on ownership percentage or pay-equal no longer work.

more: voting on ownership basis? three better methods | what partners do and don’t deserve | tell potentials what partnership takes | fifteen big questions for your next strategy session | five steps to transition to partnership | disturb the present to improve the future
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if there is one overarching cause for this significant trend, it’s that firms are understanding that their partners need to be something more than production machines. in addition to bringing in business, managing a client base and working billable hours (all of which continue to be important values in a compensation committee), partners need to excel in intangible areas such as helping staff grow and develop, developing specialized expertise and teamwork. the compensation committee is one of the best systems available to cpa firms to allocate income based on this diverse array of performance criteria.
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staff wages hit record high

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payroll services staff hourly earnings

their bosses aren’t seeing the same increases.

by beth bellor
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

going into the new year, the average american is doing somewhat better. earnings are up a bit; unemployment is down a bit.

more: despite staffing crunch, firms freeze pay raises | tax & accounting firms grow for 9th straight month | tax & accounting profession grows, but wages don’t | tax and accounting pay advancing at 5.9% pace | accounting jobs up 4% for year
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for employees in the tax, accounting and bookkeeping business, things are more complicated. pay for employees overall? usually down, way down. but pay for staff in every sector? all-time highs.
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despite staffing crunch, firms freeze pay raises

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average hourly earnings of all employees in the accounting profession. hint: don’t show this chart to recruits.


millennials say compensation isn’t the most important thing. employers say, “heard.”

by beth bellor

suppose you’re a leader in a field that has fretted for months over staff shortages. would you put on your thinking cap, plug it in for a while and come up with… frozen pay?

more: tax & accounting firms grow for 9th straight month | tax & accounting profession grows, but wages don’t | tax and accounting pay advancing at 5.9% pace | accounting jobs up 4% for year
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strangely enough, that’s what the latest tax and accounting profession earnings data show. compared to previous months, the trend is stagnant or even down. the only bright spot was in payroll services staff, which also added bodies – but cut hours.

(how’s that song go? if it weren’t for bad luck?)
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tax & accounting firms grow for 9th straight month

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overall accounting profession employment


bookkeeping is playing the tortoise game.

by beth bellor

bit by bit, the accounting profession is growing. despite a staffing shortage. despite an uncertain economy. despite everything, tax and accounting firms are steadily adding to headcounts.

more: tax & accounting profession grows, but wages don’t | tax and accounting pay advancing at 5.9% pace | accounting jobs up 4% for year
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as tax and accounting professionals begin planning for the year ahead, the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research team is fielding a new survey to check the pulse of the profession, detect emerging trends, and identify the best success strategies going into 2024.
join the survey. get the results.
click here to launch the 10-minute survey.

according to the latest data mined by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research, new highs were reached in september in employment overall, staff, cpa firm staff, bookkeeping, women overall and women in cpa firms. staff also hit a new mark for hourly earnings.

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