eight factors for cpas to consider in bankruptcy

what cpas can expect in workouts and lending today?

if ever an economic period was destined for america’s history books, it’s this one, according to jerry mozian, a turnaround specialist.


“after a long run of living above our means, the concept of credit is being fundamentally revisited,” he says.

“when the dust settles, our nation will emerge a more value-oriented society – one that better understands leverage and restraint,” mozian says. “future generations can avoid the mistakes we’ve made by learning how we overcame them.”

for cpas, that means understanding a little bit more about liquidity, insolvency, bankruptcy and workouts.

according to mozian, before filing bankruptcy, cpas should: read more →

you can’t cut your way to prosperity

8 powerful financial measures that are not in your p&l reports.

too many organizations are obsessed with their profit and loss reports. it hasn’t occurred to them that they might be looking at the wrong numbers. let’s look at some numbers that just might have a bigger impact on the profit and loss, then some of the numbers that are on the reports. read more →