when fees don’t keep up with cost increases

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and ait’s not too late in the year to make changes.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: my expenses have crept up greater than my fees. what should i do?

more practice doctor q&a: lowballing and why it (usually) doesn’t work | when is it time to merge? | what goes in a client’s permanent file? | why the average fee doesn’t matter | no more printouts at cpe programs? | how to apply value pricing to bundled services | 6 ways to take a client beyond tax prep | 18 ways to blow a partnership opportunity | when experience doesn’t add up | 8 times when hourly billing trumps value pricing | 6 ways to know what you don’t know | 10 do’s and don’ts for making small business clients happy | client’s difficult daughter balks at bill | 6 simple steps to impress a prospect

answer: very important to increase fees at least enough to keep up with your increasing costs. here is a story i have told dozens of times at speeches. this is one of the things i wrote that i really like. in case you wonder, i have given a copy to freddie.

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why the average fee doesn’t matter

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and anot all data is relevant.

by ed mendlowitz
the practice doctor

question: what is the average fee that your firm charges for a review? assume the company is approximately $10 million in sales and $3 million in assets.

answer: what is the average size suit men wear? this might be nice to know but it is not relevant to any specific situation. read more →

how to apply value pricing to bundled services

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and adon’t confuse it with value billing.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i tried value billing and it didn’t work. i would rather bill my business clients on a fixed fee for my services.

response: actually, you are value pricing when you do the fixed fees. you confused value pricing with value billing. value pricing is where you sit down with the client and you jointly determine the price before any work is done.

more practice doctor q&a: 18 ways to blow a partnership opportunity | 8 times when hourly billing trumps value pricing | 10 do’s and don’ts for making small business clients happy | 10 (nearly) painless ways to keep up to date with technology | 23 reasons clients really need you for taxes | running an accounting business | 14 ways to switch to value pricing | pricing, billing, costing: don’t blame clients

value billing is where you try to get an extra payment after the work is done. i believe the best way to determine a fee for recurring services is to set the fee with the client in advance of performing any work. i’ll explain. read more →

8 times when hourly billing trumps value pricing

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and aand when it doesn’t.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i am trying to switching to value pricing and am having trouble getting completely away from time-based billing in certain situations.

response: value pricing is a great method and concept. i suggest reading, and thoroughly understanding ron baker’s “implementing value pricing: a radical business model for professional firms.” i like what he suggests, have used some of his techniques even before he started writing and speaking about them, and recommend it in many situations.

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卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 forum: tax season prep tips?

readers’ forum: hours worked. firing clients. setting prices.

chris basom
chris basom
  • chris basom, managing partner of your money matters in mission viejo, calif., wants to know the “one thing you wanted to implement before tax season but just couldn’t get to.”
  • “is cash still relevant?” asked solo practitioner roxann otto of otto tax & accounting services in slinger, wis.
  • charles g. read in the melbourne, fla., area would like to know how other accountants arrive at the charges they present.
  • deborah mcdowell cain of her eponymous firm in fort worth, texas, asked, “does your firm work five, six or seven days a week? is overtime for staff mandatory? are senior staff hourly, salaried, offered overtime or comp time?”
    • and harking back to the busy season, she also asked, “how many people touch a return? why?” read more →

14 ways to switch to value pricing

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and aby ed mendlowitz 

question: how do i switch to value pricing?

response: there are a number of ways. ron baker’s books tell how to do this. so does dave cottle’s but in a different way. i believe most firms do some sort of value pricing and that is when a fee is determined in advance with the client. i’ve written previously on this and have presented programs for cpa firm management groups, but here is a descriptive checklist to use as a guide: read more →

pricing, billing, costing: don’t blame clients

communication negotiation pricing istock_000020509177how good communication habits can head off problems.

by ed mendlowitz
implementing fee increases

professional fees are typically billed based on time. yet, clients want outcomes and place a value on results, which doesn’t necessarily relate to time spent.

ingrained habits are hard to break away from. for ages, many professionals quoted jobs by providing hourly rates and possibly a range of expected hours. some projects are open-ended in the sense that no one knows where it will take them and what will be uncovered once work commences. this might include a forensic investigation, litigation where the discovery process becomes acrimonious, unraveling transactions in a complicated bankruptcy, a first-time audit of a multinational corporation or a tax audit for a reasonably sized business.

however, for most work, there is an understanding of what will need to be done and the approximate value to the client. this could include an annual audit, tax return, setting up a cost accounting or internal control system or a transfer price study. read more →