who needs new clients when you already have plenty who want more from you?
why you shouldn’t ask, “how are firms getting new clients these days?”
why you shouldn’t ask, “how are firms getting new clients these days?”
one reason why firms can’t ignore wealthcare.
no, not if it can outgrow rudimentary compliance services and seize new opportunities in personal financial planning, says tony batman, chairman and ceo of 1st global, which provides investment management capabilities to cpa firms.
many expect to work ’til 70 and never retire, others hope to sell.
the nation’s small business owners’ views regarding retirement are radically shifting, with many seeing themselves working 20 years or longer – or never formally retiring at all.
as a result of longer life expectancies and the impact of the recession, the majority of small business owners can no longer embrace a traditional view of retirement, in which individuals stop working in their mid-60s for a life of leisure – something fewer than 10 percent foresee themselves doing, according to a new study by the guardian life small business research institute.
you can’t do it alone. too many cpa firms fail to adequately understand the broad range of services required to properly service their high-net-worth personal financial planning clients, according to a longtime leader in the field. “i have long been … continued
oft-overlooked by cpas, these ideas can set you apart as a personal financial adviser.
by al prentice
1st global
as cpa wealth managers know, the foundation of a holistic financial plan requires tax-optimized planning.
despite cpas’ huge advantages, why do they own only one-tenth of 1% of the business? the cpa profession could — if it mobilizes on the opportunity — quickly become the dominant provider of comprehensive high-profit wealth management and financial planning … continued
clients were already clamoring for it.
in this series of video bites, david strother, financial services director at dsf wealth management, the investment arm of darnall, sikes, gardes & frederick cpas in lafayette, la., explains how the firm decided to enter the wealth management business… and what they learned, sometimes the hard way.