firms only grow when partners play their roles

money tree growing in the middle of green meadowhow often are you seeing your clients?

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

whether you simply desire to improve your firm’s operations, or identify and implement a new long-term strategy, you need to be clear about the role that the owner(s), partners or shareholders should be playing in your firm.

more on performance management: how big ‘books’ hurt firms | how small ‘books’ hurt firms | why the partner agreement matters | merging for the wrong reasons | accountability includes partners | 7 succession questions to ignore for now | develop your employees or suffer the consequences
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the roles and responsibilities we’ve suggested are based on the best practices we’ve had the opportunity to observe and be involved with in our work with cpa firms throughout north america.
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how big ‘books’ hurt firms

young businessman with forehead resting on handsthe invisible hazards of book of business.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

as we stated in our last column, balancing “book of business” is one of the largest stumbling blocks for cpa firms.

more on performance management: how small ‘books’ hurt firms | the four basic parts of cpa firm partner agreements | younger partners see succession differently | how to compensate your managing partner | the job of managing partner: empowered or emasculated? | how the best managing partners turn ideas into reality | make accountability a process | accountability requires clear expectations | base retirement on today’s operations | how involved should retired owners be? | how to find a partner’s replacement
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it is difficult to resolve because it is symptomatic, for most firms, of some real trouble brewing.
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how small ‘books’ hurt firms

businessman sitting at desk, looking forward and smilingleverage, capacity and overservice are just some of the issues.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

balancing “book of business” is one of the largest stumbling blocks for cpa firms. it is difficult to resolve because it is symptomatic, for most firms, of some real trouble brewing.

more on performance management: the four basic parts of cpa firm partner agreements | developing a three-year vision [video] | mps: how to elect them … and fire them | managing the managing partner | accountability is for everyone | firms say what would change retirement pay | how retirement issues affect succession planning | develop your employees or suffer the consequences | job 1 for the practice owner: client management
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optimal book size

the optimum condition for firms to flourish is for books of business to be balanced throughout the firm. from the largest book to the smallest, the percentage gap between them should be fairly small (about 20-25 percent or less than a couple hundred thousand in fees).
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when partners leave: what to do today, to be prepared for tomorrow

man taking medication from caretakerset policies now based on business, not emotion.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

let’s review departure/termination policies.

more on performance management: the four basic parts of cpa firm partner agreements | developing a three-year vision [video] | mps: how to elect them … and fire them | firms say what would change retirement pay | action plans for transitioning partners | how retirement issues affect succession planning
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these may include:
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top trends in comp for new partners and lateral hires

$100 bill jigsaw puzzle with piece missingplus a stern warning.

by marc rosenberg
partner comp: art & science

pay for newly merged-in and laterally hired partners invites special consideration.

more on partner compensation: paying part-time partners | how to pay non-equity partners | 5 types of partner evaluations | how large and small firms allocate income | partner pay: recapping the compensation systems | 5 other systems for paying partners | why firms use partner comp formulas | 3 tiers of compensation | partner compensation: an art, not a science | why most partner comp systems are performance-based
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merged-in partners working full time who are not retirement-minded are commonly paid no less than they made at their own firm.
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accounting industry sets new hiring record

cpatrendlines jobs report tiltvolatility in payroll sector keeps rolling.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

payroll hit a new high in hours worked even as hourly wages continue to slide, according to new 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research. for payroll staff, numbers and hours are up at about the same rate that wages are down. meanwhile, women keep making huge gains.

in this report, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 highlights:

  • current hiring trends in each of the bookkeeping, payroll, tax, and cpa segments of the industry.
  • average hourly wages for key segments.
  • typical hours worked per week, and
  • trends concerning women in the accounting workforce.

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the four basic parts of cpa firm partner agreements

time to retire clock faceit’s complicated. but proper policies ease buyouts and transitions.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

here is a list of common policies regarding partner/shareholder agreements that we cover with our firms, as well as some common issues that are important to address in the policies.

more on performance management: developing a three-year vision [video] | why the partner agreement matters | younger partners see succession differently | how to compensate your managing partner | the job of managing partner: empowered or emasculated? | how the best managing partners turn ideas into reality | how retired partners are robbing their own firms | action plans for transitioning partners | how retirement issues affect succession planning | develop your employees or suffer the consequences
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the sop (standard operating policy) categories are:
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why the partner agreement matters

illuminated glass pyramid at the louvre, paris at nightmany agreements have long outlived a reasonable foundation for the firm’s current success level and size.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

most of the time when we are called in to work with firms, it is to help them plan for or implement significant change. the dialogue may start out with a general firm retreat, or it might simply be a session devoted to solving a few specific problems.

more on performance management: younger partners see succession differently | how to compensate your managing partner | the job of managing partner: empowered or emasculated? | how the best managing partners turn ideas into reality | make accountability a process | accountability requires clear expectations | base retirement on today’s operations

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visionary firms are always looking to make changes long before their operating environment forces them to, from enhancing their ability to compete, making changes to improve profitability, building infrastructure to support succession, upgrading their people development, modifying the compensation process, increasing revenues and more.
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how to pay non-equity partners

businessmen standing on dollar billdeferred compensation is on the rise.

by marc rosenberg
partner comp: art & science

there are obvious differences between equity and non-equity partners, including how they are compensated.

more on partner compensation:3 rules for promotion to partner | the 8 basics for data-based partner performance evaluations | how to set the managing partner’s compensation | crash course: operating a compensation committee | partner pay: open vs. closed compensation systems | the 3 best partner compensation formulas

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however, the differences aren’t as great as many people think.

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tax & accounting industry charts 4% annual growth rate

cpatrendlines jobs report tilt
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one big exception in the million-person workforce: payroll agencies.

today’s best new recruiting & retention strategies?
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by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

want to work 4.2 percent longer but make 8.2 percent less? no? then you probably should avoid a payroll staff position, according to new 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research.

women continue to make gains, even hitting double digits in one sector.

the tax and accounting industry’s latest gains mark the 41st month in a row of year-over-year employment expansion, the longest continuous growth streak since the 45-month period that ended october 2008 with the global banking collapse. before that, the longest uninterrupted expansion lasted 93 months, ending september 2001 with the attacks of 9/11.


among those firms expanding their rosters, they’re hiring at the five-person magid stroud accountancy corp., near san francisco.

magid stroud principal sandy magid tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 he’s “seeking qualified applicants, one a seasoned tax-oriented manager and the other a semi-senior.” magid will even kick in a “contribution to your favorite charity if you refer someone whom we hire.”


he adds, “we emphasize a team approach to all projects, provide a lot of life-work balance, and provide individually based continuing education.”

they’re hiring in grand rapids, mich. administrative assistant stephanie noeldner tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 that 15-person baker holtz is looking for new people. “i have a job that challenges me and i enjoy,” noeldner says. “i love the people i work with and i work for an amazing company that appreciates their employees.”


and they’re hiring in ridgeland, miss. at 30-person matthews cutrer & lindsay, audit manager shannon adams says, “i’ve been with my company since i graduated college. the top management at my company has been actively involved in helping me succeed in my goals and has given me the support i need. my firm appreciates its employees and values them and their families.”

in this report, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 highlights:

– current hiring trends in each of the bookkeeping, payroll, tax, and cpa segments of the industry.

– average hourly wages for key segments.

– typical hours worked per week, and

– trends concerning women in the accounting workforce.

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more merger questions than you imagined

business group of two women and two men shaking handsthere’s a lot to consider whether merging up, down or laterally.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

although we find that an internal ownership transition often can be your best bet, a merger makes sense in many cases. so, if this is the direction you are heading, we’ve highlighted some of the issues below that we think you ought to consider, with the first one being to really take a close and hard look at the compatibility of the organizations courting each other.

more on performance management: how to compensate your managing partner | the job of managing partner: empowered or emasculated? | how the best managing partners turn ideas into reality | make accountability a process | accountability requires clear expectations | base retirement on today’s operations

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who is a likely candidate for a merger?

if you are going to consider a merger, which firms would seemingly be a good fit for your practice – i.e., your clients and your employees and if, applicable, partners?  the better the fit, the more likely you will be able to retain clients and employees, and the greater the chance for overall success of the merged firms.
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merging for all the wrong reasons

jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing and word "incomplete" in gapfirst: get your house in order; don’t expect someone else to do it for you.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

for at least the past 10 years, the merger market among cpa firms has been pretty active. while the market volume has waxed and waned a little several times during this period, mergers have been a topic in almost every strategic planning retreat we have facilitated.

more on performance management: how to compensate your managing partner | mps: how to elect them … and fire them | partners as role models: the good, bad & ugly | managing the managing partner | pay varies when performance varies | accountability is for everyone | who decides what?


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research results: how firms pay new partners

plus: 14 flaws of most comp plans.

by marc rosenberg
how to bring in new partners

most firms are giving out raises of 10 to 15 percent when they promote senior managers to partners. but, of course, it’s not as simple as that.

more on partnership: what does buy-in buy? | how to structure partner buy-in | keys to bringing in new partners

there are essentially two the kinds of systems that firms across the country are using:

(1) the formula and

(2) the comp committee. but let’s dig deeper into the data, which comes from

but let’s dig deeper into the data, which comes from the rosenberg map survey.
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