bissett bullet: being best > being better > being different

today’s bissett bullet: why are our clients paying us to serve them? what do they receive from us that they can’t get elsewhere for a similar or better price?

by martin bissett

please don’t say service and partner-led attention. everyone says that. seriously, what do we deliver that our competitors do not? the secret sauce is not found in service lines or technology. it’s found in outcomes and impact.

there will always be a firm with a wider service offering, larger marketing budget, more resources and greater technology. so, let’s not try to compete on things many businesses don’t understand or care about.

today’s to-do:

your current clients, including those who have joined you recently, chose you and not the others. establish a consensus on why that is and you’ve found your differentiation.

see more bissett bullets here

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bissett bullet: 30 years’ experience or 1 year’s experience repeated 30 times?

today’s bissett bullet: ‘is your client paying for the time it takes you to carry out the work, or for the value that your years of experience bring?’

by martin bissett

accountants started the timesheet expectation, not the clients. which other major purchase do we make based on how long it took to produce, rather than the value that it provides to us?

you spent a great deal of time and money developing your skills and gaining experience, so, let’s charge for value delivered rather than how long the work takes.

today’s to-do:

price your next proposal based on what you’d want to charge for it rather than how long it takes to do. is there any difference in the figures?

see more bissett bullets here

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