2019: using m&a to launch consulting

technology drives hours down 40%; how will your firm cope?
by terry putney
the rosenberg survey: national study of cpa firm statistics
the market for mergers is clearly moving toward narrow selection criteria for the acquiring side of transactions. part of this is because of the increasing numbers of firms seeking to be acquired that are available. however, acquiring firms are also much more strategic with their objectives for an acquisition.
more from the map survey: 2019: more focused training | 2019: expect more alliances | 2019 trends: client service changes | 2019: shifts in hiring & office space | 2019: firms grapple with change | staff policies improve, but not mentoring
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strong organic growth means pure revenue acquisition is not enough anymore. firms with a need for a near-term succession of a substantial portion of the partner group are finding fewer takers among the larger firms. firms that can be acquired to help grow and launch non-traditional, non-compliance-oriented service lines are in high demand.
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