when clients prefer social media

how to use every new channel to create a new touchpoint to serve a client or attract a prospect, hire the best people, find new markets. by becky livingston social media for accountants in today’s world of cpa firms, marketing … continued

a case study in using linkedin

by hitendra patil

do you feel your social media efforts are not really profiting you the way you expected?

ask the question “what is the one most important thing in the internet world?” and the most common answer you will get is “relevancy.”

let’s take the example of what you are doing right now. you are on the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 website because you have come to trust that it really gives you relevant actionable intelligence — so you revisit many times to benefit from the fresh insights relevant to you and your profession. read more →

five ways to add pinterest to your marketing mix

someone you know is probably already doing it.

by becky livingston
royal apple marketing

with pinterest gaining so much momentum, it’s important to be prepared for the potential marketing opportunities in this space.

like other social media platforms, this one allows other people to “re-pin” and “like” your content, as well as to comment on your pins.

here are five ways you can leverage the power of pinterest—with over 11 million users—to help you with your marketing mix, including lead generation, sales, and branding: read more →

what accountants need to know about pinterest

you may be thinking, “great! another social media platform to maintain.” 

by becky livingston
royal apple marketing

becky livingston
becky livingston

lately, there has been a lot of online buzz about pinterest, the online, social media platform where you post images and things of interest you find that others can view and “pin” if they like.

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leading ensemble firms go digital for growth

the secret strategies of high-performing 11-50-person firms. by rick telberg while increasing revenue and profitability are important to cpa firms sized at 11-50 persons, the paramount concern for the best, highest-achieving “ensemble” firms is gaining new and replacing lost clients. … continued

innovation, collaboration, and opportunity

a new movement is stirring within the cpa profession, led by a new tech- and social-savvy generation. last week in a chicago suburb, we met for a first-of-its-kind un-conference, organized by jody padar of new vision  cpa group and titled i c … continued