10 ways to recruit & retain the best talent

steve erickson
steve erickson

rule 1: deliver a consistent message.

cpa and consultant steve erickson offers 10 tips to help firms in hiring and retention:

  1. increase focus and efforts. make recruiting a year-round focus, engaging both
    partners and employees in the process.
  2. build an employee referral network. use it to find employees and offer your expertise to other accountants while spreading the word about the profession through speaking and writing engagements. focus on reciprocity–make referrals for other firms and don’t burn bridges. read more →

do you have the “it” factor for leadership?

and nine more principles for leadership communication

great management begins with effective communication and setting the right tone at the top. but more than that, true professionals need a signature point of view. robert p. gandossy, north america practice leader for hewitt’s leadership consulting practice, calls it the “it” factor.

robert gandossy

“it’s much easier to have consistent communication when you have a clear brand or market-facing value proposition and core values — whatever you want to call it,” gandossy says.

“but whatever you call ‘it’, you better have it. just be sure ‘it’ is clear, easy to remember, makes sense for the business, has an element of inspiration, differentiates you, will hold up for at least ten years, and is everyone’s job to live ‘it’ — and that means you.”

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