what makes a successful strategic plan?

cute furry monsterfacing the monster issues.

by august aquila
creating the effective partnership

during the next several months, firms will be meeting to develop a strategic plan for the coming year or two. it’s a summer ritual for many firms.

more for pro members24 points for after the deal is done | innovate or die | 3 ways to halt a poor leader | partners love, hate leadership | 8 questions that staff ask in a merger | the 4 best ways to use your senior partners | 11 steps to building a better partnership team

however, the plans that are usually developed don’t address the real issues that firms are facing.

a client recently asked me, “what can we do to develop an effective strategic plan?” i’m not sure if he liked the answer or not. i am still waiting to hear if my proposal was accepted. let me share with you what i said to him.

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not mentoring, sponsoring

business man and woman reading news in magazine6 questions to evaluate candidates.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

sponsorship is a personal undertaking. a man who sponsors a woman takes it upon himself to advance her career. he puts his reputation on the line for her and tells the world she is worth it.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: how to fight flextime saboteurs | how to help your protégée project the right image | how to promote your protégée to coworkers | 8 steps to guiding your protégée | 17 ways to follow through on sponsorship | how protégées can help sponsors

she still has to earn that promotion, but his solid, public vote of confidence – and the power he puts behind it – at least gives her a fair chance to get it.
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the big eight: harsh realities for firms today

sorry. this page is no longer available. more from domenick j. esposito:  the coming battle below the big four  |  seizing the $10 trillion opportunity | learning to ‘run with the big dogs’ | the cpa success formula: ties that bind  |  8 steps to … continued

how to fight flextime saboteurs

businesswoman holding clock in front of her faceflexible scheduling can benefit everyone, but some people don’t see it that way.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

a talented, ambitious woman who works less than full time or takes extended family leave is extremely vulnerable to being derailed professionally.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: 14 ways to keep sex from wrecking something great | how to help your protégée project the right image | 17 ways to follow through on sponsorship | beware misunderstandings about work relationships | fears of innuendo, gossip impede development | women must see politics as leadership | why some women resist using networks | bias persists against women with children | standards for women still differ | 5 ways women get shoved aside | why men don’t see women as leaders | thanks for the advice, but i’d really prefer a promotion | 18 ways to boost your protégée | women leaders provide 6 market advantages | why cpa firms need more women | beyond mentoring to sponsorship

whether because she is “out of sight/out of mind,” or because people doubt her commitment, she may be disregarded for promotions or high-profile projects.
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25 ways to turn good firms into great firms

leader addresses co-workersprofitability and benchmarking are part of it, but not all of it.

by marc rosenberg
cpa firm retreats

the 25 best practices below have been extracted from rosenberg’s work with great firms over a 20-year period. few firms do them all, but the elite firms do most of them.

more on retreats: partner buyout 101 | 27 tough questions every firm needs to address | 10 benchmarking missteps | 18 essential management questions to cover at a retreat | thinking of merging? discuss it at a retreat | retreat logistics: how long, what kind? | why do cpa firms conduct retreats?

what grade would you give your firm on each of these?
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14 ways to keep sex from wrecking something great

woman looking at computer screen, man looking over her shoulderapply a presumption of innocence.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

if you are concerned about the possibility of sex-related problems, consider the degree of risk involved and whether you are willing to assume it.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: how to help your protégée project the right image | how to promote your protégée to coworkers | 8 steps to guiding your protégée | 17 ways to follow through on sponsorship | how protégées can help sponsors | fears of innuendo, gossip impede development | women must see politics as leadership | why some women resist using networks | bias persists against women with children | why men don’t see women as leaders | thanks for the advice, but i’d really prefer a promotion | 18 ways to boost your protégée

before you decide, consider

  • first that you might be exaggerating the risk, and
  • second that this is a risk that can be prevented and managed.

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innovate or die

photo of a skunkuse a ‘skunk works’ mentality so the compensation trap doesn’t ruin you.

by august aquila
creating the effective partnership

the focus on most cpa firms is on billable hours. while there is nothing inherently wrong with this focus, it has become the overriding focus of firms.

more on leadership for pro members3 ways to halt a poor leader | 5 questions for every mp to answer honestly | does your dashboard need fine-tuning? | the 4 best ways to use your senior partners | how to tell a culture change is due | today’s top six partner compensation trends | 11 steps to building a better partnership team | why your firm should be a republic | 8 financial ducks to line up now | partnership is about persuasion

there is nothing wrong with making money today, but what about building for the future? with “today” being the dominant focus, what is the encouragement to cpas to innovate? in most firms there is no alignment with innovation and compensation.
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how to help your protégée project the right image

screen shot 2016-02-25 at 8.32.28 am‘soft skills’ advice is needed, especially with ‘double bind’ issues.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

feedback is important at any level of professional development.

more on sponsoring women for leadership for pro members: how to promote your protégée to coworkers | can you afford to be a sponsor? | fears of innuendo, gossip impede development | bias persists against women with children | why men don’t see women as leaders | 18 ways to boost your protégée

but for a woman trying to become a leader, honest, clear and practical feedback is essential. she needs to know both how well she is performing and how to project the image she wants others to have of her.
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3 ways to halt a poor leader

checkmateand 8 things these people have in common.

by august aquila
creating the effective partnership

many accountants could add to this list, but here are some of the surefire signs that a firm has weak leadership driving the firm toward implosion.

– the way partners resolve issues is by finger pointing.

– the firm is in a spiral downward trend.

– the best producers often decide to leave the firm or just look out for themselves.

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how to promote your protégée to coworkers

young businesswoman holding blue folder9 ways to help her get better assignments.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

promoting your protégée to others is an important part of sponsorship.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: how protégées can help sponsors | why some women resist using networks | 5 ways women get shoved aside | why men don’t see women as leaders | why cpa firms need more women

here are nine concrete steps:

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8 steps to guiding your protégée

businessman excited to show someone what is on computer screenhow you can steer her to opportunities.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

once you have identified a woman to sponsor and determined that you click, you may be wondering how to get started.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: can you afford to be a sponsor? | fears of innuendo, gossip impede development | women must see politics as leadership | why some women resist using networks | 5 ways women get shoved aside | women leaders provide 6 market advantages | why cpa firms need more women

here are some concrete steps to take:
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17 ways to follow through on sponsorship

younger businesswoman and older businessman working togetheran effective sponsorship requires work from both parties.

by ida o. abbott
sponsoring women: what men need to know

when you sponsor a woman, there are many steps that you can take to ensure that the relationship is productive and achieves its objectives.

more on sponsoring women for leadership: can you afford to be a sponsor? | how protégées can help sponsors | beware misunderstandings about work relationships | fears of innuendo, gossip impede development | women must see politics as leadership | why some women resist using networks | bias persists against women with children | standards for women still differ | thanks for the advice, but i’d really prefer a promotion

here are some tips for getting off to a strong start and following through effectively, especially by focusing on career opportunities and promoting your protégée to others.
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partners must show unified front

five cheetahs strolling on a patheven if behind the scenes it’s like herding cats.

by robert j. lees, august j. aquila and derek klyhn
creating the effective partnership

in our work with managing partners, we always talk about the importance of the partners “walking together,” of sharing that common vision.

but if the partners are to share the vision, they have to play an active part in determining the firm’s direction – and, critically, how it’s going to get there.

more on leadership for pro members: 11 steps to building a better partnership team | why your firm should be a republic | it’s not always about money: 16 tweaks for your comp system

in most firms, and particularly those with multiple locations, the partners typically give their proxy to the managing partner and the executive team to come up with the options they believe face the firm in its drive for sustained high performance.
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