partner accountability: seven signs your firm may be in trouble

do you have the courage to change the firm’s culture?

by august aquila


accountability, according to the merriam-webster on line dictionary, is “the obligation or responsibility to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.” let’s explore what this definition means.

first, there is an obligation. an obligation is a promise to do something. if a company has a financial obligation and fails to meet it, it may go into bankruptcy. if individuals fail to meet their obligations they also fall into a state of bankruptcy – i.e., failure.

second, it is a personal responsibility. each individual needs to account for his or her own success or failure.

impact of lack of accountability

there is a real financial impact to the firm because of a lack of accountability. read more →

integration: seven keys to a successful merger

remember rule number one – “no integration, no successful merger.”

by august j. aquila

you decided to conduct a merger to achieve some strategic objective, you went through all the emotional turmoil of getting both parties to sign the documents, and you think you are done.

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