five keys to the million-dollar club

learn the secrets of the top-earning cpas and highest-grossing accounting firms. by rick telberg from the ipad to the cloud, new technologies are changing the way we live and the way cpas work. indeed, a new technology model is emerging … continued

good m&a deals start with strong leadership

firms must act decisively or lose opportunities.

by joel sinkin and terrence putney

we work with hundreds of cpa firms across the country primarily assisting them with m & a of their firms. firms that are successful with using m & a as a strategy to grow have to be agile and open to change. one of our mantras is if you want to stay the same, we can’t help you.

the characteristics of the firms we work with that are the most successful are found in their leadership. the most agile firms have strong leaders that are able and willing to make informed decisions quickly. firms that cannot make decisions quickly find that m & a opportunities pass them by.

strong leadership is derived from several things, including:      read more →

marc rosenberg: slow learners need not apply

what little league umpires can teach us about succeeding in today’s competitive market.

to thrive in today’s tough and fast-changing market, accounting firms must become more agile and adaptable than ever before. but what are the characteristics of an agile, adaptable, quick-learning cpa firm?  and how do you get that way?

marc rosenberg
the rosenberg associates

my initial, somewhat amusing (probably just to me) thought was the credo for little league umpires (who in many communities are 14-18 years old):

be mobile.

be assertive.

be loud

it may have more relevance to what follows than either of us might initially think.

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six ways you can make the recession good for your career in accounting

how to take control of your job, help your firm and thrive in adversity.

steve erickson

in “the five big trends pinching cpa profits,” steve erickson explains how “the great recession” is hurting clients, while both reducing revenues for firms and raising costs. here, he lists six strategies for professional success.

steve erickson

the good news from “the great recession” is that there will be an ever increasing need for certified public accountants in the future.

as the economy picks up there should be many opportunities for growth. there are many ways you can assist your firm during this time of change and uncertainty.

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john ezell: the new m&a race for clients

remember when it used to be about a staff shortage?

john r ezell
john r. ezell

but when we asked john r. ezell, the veteran accounting firm mergers and acquisitions broker, about key trends for local firms, this is what he said:

john r. ezell, cpa
prohorizons network, inc

there is still a lot of uncertainty in the economy right now.

access to clients is the number one driver behind most of the merger and acquisition activity we are seeing.  a broader client base means greater client diversity which translates to more stability for an accounting firm.

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