despite what the economists say, a return to “healthy” growth rates and profit increases for accounting firms is “nowhere in sight,” according to marc rosenberg of the rosenberg associates.
based on a nationwide survey of 49 managing partners at “successful, mid-sized firms,” rosenberg tells cpa leadership forum report:
and nine more principles for leadership communication
great management begins with effective communication and setting the right tone at the top. but more than that, true professionals need a signature point of view. robert p. gandossy, north america practice leader for hewitt’s leadership consulting practice, calls it the “it” factor.
robert gandossy
“it’s much easier to have consistent communication when you have a clear brand or market-facing value proposition and core values — whatever you want to call it,” gandossy says.
“but whatever you call ‘it’, you better have it. just be sure ‘it’ is clear, easy to remember, makes sense for the business, has an element of inspiration, differentiates you, will hold up for at least ten years, and is everyone’s job to live ‘it’ — and that means you.”
are yours dazzling or deadly? by arnold sanow your attitude reflects your thoughts and feelings and is revealed in your voice, your words, and your facial expressions. your attitude has a direct impact on the quality of your relationships … continued
let’s face it: men and women work and communicate differently. people are as different as fingerprints, and many of us are loathe to generalize. however, some generalizations are both appropriate and necessary, according to workplace consultants victoria simon, ph.d., and … continued
m&a is the only succession strategy left for many older firms and partners. [youtube]usa0qdh91qc[/youtube] for latecomers to exit strategy, merging out is the default option, according to david bergstein, cpa.citp, director, of strategic relationships at cch. here he talks about … continued
where do you rank on a 10-point scale in executing this year’s plan? by matt lauth six disciplines for finance and accounting leaders, there are 10 key annual planning steps that need to be completed: 1. get external feedback – … continued
values, not structures, drive effective organizations. and three more lessons from a mogul who knows how to thrive in chaos. by rick telberg for accountants and finance managers, the new year 2011 dawns on one of the most uncertain and … continued
get it right or get “a guaranteed recipe for under-performance.” finance and accounting leaders can’t develop and execute effective strategy without first gathering the right information, says harvard business school professor robert simons, a canadian chartered accountant. in his … continued
the missing ingredient in staff success: mentors most women in accounting and finance are less than satisfied with their careers and only 19 percent believe they are equally compensated. furthermore, the survey released by mergis group reveals a crying need … continued
the pace will only accelerate. by rick telberg if you thought the pace of shakeout and consolidation among accounting firms couldn’t get any more frenzied, then just wait ’til next year. when all the deals are tallied, the year could … continued