customer viewpoint: creating a journey map

various cartoon facial expressionsbonus: examples, including a complete tax return preparation.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

we use a value stream map, a process map and a sipoc in process mapping. what all of these have in common is that they highlight the process, time, inventory levels and the actors.

more on radicalism: understanding the types and uses of process maps | 4 questions for choosing the right digital workflow tool | target prospects for best fit | radical pricing fixes cash flow problems | the radical approach to bundling services | how i got started being social

however, one key variable they all fail to take into account is the customer’s emotions as they journey through the process. a customer journey map solves this problem.
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understanding the types and uses of process maps

the four basic symbols used in most process maps
the four basic symbols used in most process maps

different maps serve different purposes.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

there are several different kinds of process maps. each map has a specific purpose and use, so here we will cover some of the more common and useful maps.

more on radicalism: process maps: methods, meetings and materials | basics of process mapping: how and who | who, me a consultant? | radical pricing fixes cash flow problems | get ready for radical transparency | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa

mapping symbols

despite the wide array of mapping symbol choices available in products such as visio, powerpoint or others, there are four basic symbols that are used in most maps.
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6 practical ways to innovate

41457714_llisten to your clients for your initial ideas.

by august aquila
creating the effective partnership

the focus on most cpa firms is on billable hours. while there is nothing inherently wrong with this focus, it has become the overriding focus of firms.

more on leadership for pro members: 8 ways leaders destroy firms | the 4 best ways to use your senior partners | today’s top six partner compensation trends | why your firm should be a republic | 8 financial ducks to line up now | it’s not always about money: 16 tweaks for your comp system | how to build a growth-centric pricing strategy

there is nothing wrong with making money today, but what about building for the future? with “today” being the dominant focus, what is the encouragement to cpas to innovate? in most firms there is no alignment with innovation and compensation.
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process maps: methods, meetings and materials

closeup of businesswoman writing on a flipchartbonus checklist: 3 key points for mapping a process.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

there are several ways to gather the information you need to create your process map.

more on radicalism: basics of process mapping: how and who | who, me a consultant? | target prospects for best fit | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | the radical approach to bundling services | get ready for radical transparency

depending on the scope and length of the process, you could observe the process in action. this works best for a process that cycles quickly. if a process can be started and com­pleted several times in a day or an hour, this is a good candidate for observation. if you can observe multiple operators performing the process, you will begin to get an idea how consistently it is followed.

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the basics of process mapping: how and who

woman drawing flowchart on a blackboardconsider your “pain points.”

by jody padar
the radical cpa

in creating a process map, there are several choices to be made that will determine who and what is needed. since, as we mentioned before, almost everything is a process, consider this the process mapping process.

more on radicalism: process mapping for improvement | who, me a consultant? | target prospects for best fit | the radical approach to bundling services | get ready for radical transparency | 10 radical steps into the cloud

the first decision is which process to map.

what do you want to select?
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lessons from adam smith: process mapping for improvement

bottles of sunflower oil on an assembly linefour ways adam smith can help you run your firm better.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

adam smith discovered a basic truth of process improvement: you can’t improve a process if you don’t know what the process is.

more on radicalism:  | target prospects for best fit | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | the radical approach to bundling services | let’s get radical about content | each social channel has a language | 10 radical steps into the cloud | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa

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around the time of the american revolution, adam smith made the first recorded attempt at process improvement by mapping out the 18 distinct opera­tions involved in creating a single metal pin. by documenting and understanding each step, he was able to suggest improvements to make the best use of the labor and machines available at the time.

while this is easier to see in a manufacturing environment, it still applies in a service-based industry like ours.

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4 questions for choosing the right digital workflow tool

work flow decision choiceare you ready to experience the process?

by jody padar
the radical cpa

without standardization, your customer isn’t going to be able to expect consistent results.

more on radicalism: who, me a consultant? |how spiritual value affects pricing | radical pricing fixes cash flow problems | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | the radical approach to pricing | let’s get radical about content | 5 radical ways to be social and strategic | how i got started being social | radical customers are on their way | 5 radical transparencies; are you ready?| being radical is all about your customer  |  

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workflow is just a fancy name for an electronic process and how information moves through a firm. in the old days it was the way a paper file moved from desk to desk. today it is how a digital file of data moves through an office or firm. it’s every­thing from customer input to tax return delivery. email is not a good solution for keeping track of where everything is within an office.

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who, me a consultant?

young man facing image of himselfit’s time to look at yourself in a new light.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

i love andersen consulting, now accenture. i especially love the story that when andersen consulting first started, the consul­tants who worked for the firm were not accountants. they hired mostly liberal arts majors – creative thinkers who were exception­al at communicating and innovating, but not so great with the numbers. the executives at andersen taught the consultants accounting and, well, how to be an actual consultant.

more on radicalism: target prospects for best fit | how spiritual value affects pricing | radical pricing fixes cash flow problems | each social channel has a language | 5 radical ways to be social and strategic | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa | 5 radical transparencies; are you ready? | why start being radical now? | the roots of ‘radical’ cpas

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i hope this motivates today’s firms. this younger generation of accountants has more than 150 hours of accounting, but they are less well rounded than previous generations. this is a problem.

we can no longer complain to the aicpa as to when they made that 150-hour rule, why they created more necessity for young accountants to learn more useless financial knowledge that’s constantly changing as opposed to having them develop better writing and analytical skills. that’s most important in today’s workforce.

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target prospects for best fit

young businesswoman speaking with clientfocus on what they need, not what you want to sell.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

when you look at your practice from a sales and a marketing perspective, make sure you have enough leads coming in your door because you have to be okay if someone doesn’t like your fixed price. as accountants, we accept way too much bad work just because it’s there under the guise of the firm needs to “pay its bills.”

more on radicalism: how spiritual value affects pricing | radical pricing fixes cash flow problems | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | a radical close look at value pricing | each social channel has a language | get ready for radical transparency | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa | being radical is all about your customer

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as your firm matures you have to get rid of your yucky customers because your yucky customers will bring you down. they bring down your firm and your team will get frustrated. bad custom­ers are culture killers. part of running a good firm is clearing out the bad customers.

look at those a, b, c and d list customers, and get rid of the d and maybe some c customers so that you have more capacity to serve the good ones. if they’re not the right fit for your firm, you have to be okay with that. just know, there’s another one going to come along soon. as ron baker says, “you can never price the wrong customer.”

delivering what you promise read more →

how spiritual value affects pricing

padar_valuepricingbonus checklist: 34 sources of client value.

by jody padar

what we miss the most when we don’t value price is the intan­gible value, that spiritual value.

more on radicalism: radical pricing fixes cash flow problems | keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | the radical approach to bundling services | get ready for radical transparency | 5 radical ways to be social and strategic | 10 radical steps into the cloud | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa | 5 radical transparencies; are you ready? | being radical starts with being the change | going radical: the 4 tenets of a ‘new firm’ | the first 3 questions i should have asked before starting my own practice

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if it’s lacking in your firm, ask yourself these nine questions:

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radical pricing fixes cash flow problems

you’re in the money, year round.

boomby jody padar
the radical cpa

the best part about value pricing and fixed pricing is cash flow.

from a customer perspective, customers like knowing what they’re going to pay up front. they like having a monthly payment over an annual fee. they will buy the payment over the car.

more on radicalism: keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line | the radical approach to bundling services | the radical approach to pricing | a radical close look at value pricing | let’s get radical about content | each social channel has a language | how social media transforms firms to their core | 10 radical steps into the cloud | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa | the market is moving toward the radicals | 5 radical transparencies; are you ready? | going radical: the 4 tenets of a ‘new firm’ | the first 3 questions i should have asked before starting my own practice

for instance, $6,000 is hard for them to think about but you if tell them $500 a month, that’s instantly more affordable. it’s psychology. customers know the costs and expectations up front.

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keep scope creep and seep from hurting bottom line

bonus: a new breed of engagement letter.

by jody padar
the radical cpa

scope creep generally takes the form of new services being added once the project has started. typically, these are not properly reviewed and the team is expected to deliver them with the same resources and in the same time as the original scope.

the opposite of scope creep is scope seep. this is when the accountant or team volunteers to do extra work and take on extra requirements and issues. now of course the customer will never turn down “free help” and when this is done over and over, the customers quickly assume all of their issues they vaguely speak to you about are included in the price.

more on radicalism: the radical approach to bundling services | the radical approach to pricing | a radical close look at value pricing | get radical about pricing | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa | the market is moving toward the radicals | 5 radical transparencies; are you ready?

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

because we’re afraid or not used to confronting uncomfortable subjects (ahem, pricing), too often we let them change a part of our project management. we really need to get solid on what a change request is and make sure that when change requests are implemented, that the required pricing comes with it.

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the 5 most common marketing blunders accountants make

how many are you making?

by hitendra patil

proactive marketing is as rare as a marketing plan or a marketing budget at many firms. getting new clients is one of the top 5 challenges for firms of all sizes. accountants seem to be not doing enough of the right things.

more on the entrepreneurial accountant:  linkedin adds messaging. finally!  |   re-learning the lingo of the accounting business  |  how the “1099 economy” will transform accounting  |  what cpa firms could learn from google’s alphabet  |  summer reading list: five great books for the five lives of a busy accountant  |  four signs the uberization of accounting has already begun  |  management guru chester elton on success  |  savvy cpas focus on the constants  |  more

1. not doing enough to get found by prospects

it is estimated there are about 660,000 cpas in the u.s., 80% of which are believed to be in the corporate world. that leaves 132,000 cpas in practice. and there about 53,000 linkedin profiles that include the word “cpa” in the profile headline. in other words, 1 out of 2 cpas is either not on linkedin or don’t use the profile headline to reflect that they are cpas.

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