generational differences: truth and fiction

young businessman working on laptopbonus: matrix of how partners see millennials vs. how they see themselves.

by marc rosenberg
on staffing

george orwell said, “each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.”

more on staffing: the how and why of upward surveys | survey to find out what your staff think | 19 questions for your next hire | how to set your firm apart to recruits | why firms can’t afford not to develop women partners | staff performance feedback done right | 8 recruiting strategies: how many are you using? | 21 staff training best practices | compensation: money and beyond | making flex time work in the real world | how to make mandatory saturdays a thing of the past | the importance of great bosses | the 12 reasons your staff hates your firm | what happened to the relevancy of the cpa profession? | staffing: what cpa firms are learning the hard way
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before we delve into the differences between generations, let’s go over some definitions.
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staffing: the how and why of upward surveys

word "survey" on computer screenincludes 19 sample questions, industry norms and how to decide who evaluates whom.

by marc rosenberg
cpa firm staff: managing your #1 asset

why do firms conduct upward evaluations?

more on staffing: survey to find out what your staff think | mps chime in on recruiting, development, retention | how to set your firm apart to recruits | why staff scheduling should be centralized | compensation: money and beyond | how to make mandatory saturdays a thing of the past | what staff mentoring is and isn’t | do flexible hours help or hurt us? | 8 keys to keeping staff engaged
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many firms believe staff are just as important as clients. the no. 1 reason why staff stay with their firm is their relationship with the boss. in the case of a cpa firm, “the boss” is the firm’s supervisory personnel, mostly partners and managers.
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where the jobs are (and what you need to get them)

salaries, job openings and unemployment rates
salaries, job openings, and unemployment rates

bonus: salary ranges and top markets.

by beth bellor

everyone knows there are jobs to be had in the accounting profession. but exactly where are they, and how much do they pay?

more on jobs: cpa firms post 5% growth rate | how to set your firm apart to recruits
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according to new 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research, the number of accounting and finance jobs available now tops 200,000. where they geographically vary by position.
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cpa firms post 5% growth rate

tax and accounting industry hits 1 million workers, capping more than 25 years of sometimes volatile expansion. shown: workforce in thousands, monthly, 1990-2016.

tax & accounting hiring trends for 2017:
join the survey, get the results 

by beth bellor

it’s still a great time to be an accountant, according to new 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research. but watch the long-term trends carefully. all the gains are not always what they seem at first.

more on staffing: the 16 biggest #fails in delegation |  survey results: effective stay interviews for cpa firms |  survey: work-life balance: according to whom? |  new survey results: two ways your strategic plan can reduce turnover  |  managing partners’ favorite staffing strategies  |  new research: cpa firms hiring more, paying less  |  jobs report: hiring up. wages down.  |  the 12 reasons your staff hates your firm

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year over year, cpa firm staffs are growing by 4.7 percent while payroll overall is increasing at a 4.6 percent rate. the number of tax preparation employees is falling, however, 12.5 percent for the latest month,  but up 3.2 percent for the year. women are making some large year-over-year gains as well – 4.8 percent at cpa firms and 12 percent at payroll services.

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when the inmates are running the asylum

crazy doesn’t get better by adding more crazy.

by dom cingoranelli

“we can’t really enforce this because we don’t want to risk having him (or her) quit.”

i can’t tell you how many times we hear something to this effect when we talk with cpas. we hear this at small firms and we hear it at large firms. we hear it from partners, from directors, and from managers. it doesn’t matter what size firm they’re in, nor does it matter what level or position they hold.

it’s always the same line. it reminds me of the old adage, “the inmates are running the asylum.” and, it raises the question of who actually is running the firm. who’s in charge?

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survey to find out what your staff think

blue pencil on survey formincludes 28 sample questions plus industry norms for results.

by marc rosenberg
on staffing

if you truly and honestly want to make your firm a great place to work, the first thing you need to do is ask the staff what they think.

more on staffing: mps chime in on recruiting, development, retention | don’t underestimate communication with staff | why firms can’t afford not to develop women partners | 8 recruiting strategies: how many are you using? | 6 keys to advancement programs | guidelines for flexible work policies | staff need meaningful recognition | survey: 97% of leading firms now offer flexible work arrangements | how to create a talent management strategy
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two primary types of surveys:
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managing partners’ favorite staffing strategies

two coworkers playing ping pong in office as another looks on from deskwhat they do now and are considering for the future.

by marc rosenberg
on staffing

i often poll a group of more than 100 managing partners across the country on various practice management issues.

more on staffing: don’t underestimate communication with staff | 19 questions for your next hire | staff performance feedback done right | 21 staff training best practices | making flex time work in the real world | 10 winning traits of accounting firm leaders | the importance of great bosses | the 12 reasons your staff hates your firm | what happened to the relevancy of the cpa profession?
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recently, i polled them on leading-edge staff practices.
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don’t underestimate communication with staff

businesswoman giving presentation at meeting14 best practices, plus 22 ideas just for fun.

by marc rosenberg
on staffing

to paraphrase supreme court justice potter stewart, communication is one of those things that are hard to define but you know it when you see it.

more on staffing: 19 questions for your next hire | how to set your firm apart to recruits | why staff scheduling should be centralized | compensation: money and beyond | how to make mandatory saturdays a thing of the past | what staff mentoring is and isn’t | do flexible hours help or hurt us? | 8 keys to keeping staff engaged | staffing: what cpa firms are learning the hard way
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it’s always been my opinion that cpa firms operate much too secretly. partners err on the side of not telling staff what’s going on, even in such innocuous areas as new clients, changes in health insurance, office changes, adoption of new software and the like.
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19 questions for your next hire

two serious business partners listening attentively to young man at interview in officeplus 15 soft skills to interview for.

by marc rosenberg
on staffing

questions are in no particular order.

more on staffing: how to set your firm apart to recruits | why firms can’t afford not to develop women partners | 8 recruiting strategies: how many are you using? | 6 keys to advancement programs | guidelines for flexible work policies | staff need meaningful recognition | survey: 97% of leading firms now offer flexible work arrangements | how to create a talent management strategy
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some questions are more geared to entry-level recruits than those with experience, but most can be used for both.
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how to set your firm apart to recruits

red sphere among silver spheresincludes tips for small firms.

by marc rosenberg
on staffing

differentiation places your firm in the right spot compared to your competitors.

more on staffing: why firms can’t afford not to develop women partners | staff performance feedback done right | 21 staff training best practices | making flex time work in the real world | 10 winning traits of accounting firm leaders | the importance of great bosses | the 12 reasons your staff hates your firm | what happened to the relevancy of the cpa profession?
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social media has a role. so do personal phone calls, advertising and even talking up salaries.
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why firms can’t afford not to develop women partners

young smiling woman holding tablet in office8 best practices.

by marc rosenberg
on staffing

let’s open this discussion in very simple terms.

more on staffing: staff performance feedback done right | why staff scheduling should be centralized | compensation: money and beyond | how to make mandatory saturdays a thing of the past | what staff mentoring is and isn’t | do flexible hours help or hurt us? | 8 keys to keeping staff engaged | staffing: what cpa firms are learning the hard way
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the cpa profession suffers mightily from a shortage of labor. there are several reasons for this, in no particular order:
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staff performance feedback done right

marc rosenberg: "because supervisors know there will be an annual review, they may hold off giving feedback on an ongoing basis. so staff often hear criticism for the first time during the annual appraisal."6 problems with annual reviews. plus sample forms for job and (sigh) annual reviews.

by marc rosenberg
on staffing

“feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – ken blanchard


more on staffing: why staff scheduling should be centralized | 8 recruiting strategies: how many are you using? | 6 keys to advancement programs | guidelines for flexible work policies | staff need meaningful recognition | survey: 97% of leading firms now offer flexible work arrangements | how to create a talent management strategy
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this post is divided into two sections:

  • the progressive view of providing performance feedback, which a minority of firms today practice. whenever something new appears in a major way, some firms are always slow to embrace it. examples: proactive selling, going paperless, adopting the cloud and managing a cpa firm like a real business.
  • the traditional view of providing performance feedback, which a majority of firms still practice today. if asked why the traditional practice continues, a common response is often, “that’s the way we’ve always done it. it ain’t perfect, but we are reasonably satisfied with it.””

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why staff scheduling should be centralized

illustration of six workers in silhouetteplus 10 ways to keep staff accountable.

by marc rosenberg
on staffing

organized and effective centralized scheduling enables firms to staff client projects so the client work is completed.

more on staffing: 8 recruiting strategies: how many are you using? | 21 staff training best practices | how to make mandatory saturdays a thing of the past | what staff mentoring is and isn’t | do flexible hours help or hurt us? | 8 keys to keeping staff engaged | staffing: what cpa firms are learning the hard way
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other benefits of central scheduling:
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