20 good ways to boost tax season production

people in office releasing balloonspeople like fun … but that’s not all they value.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i have always loved accounting and tax season, but i have worked with many people who did not.

more: how to recoup staff training costs | granting unconventional request pays off | 20 best practices for staff training and retention | what does the client want to see? | 6 ways to increase your fees … if you dare | the clients who got away
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they resented many of the working conditions and had a closed-in feeling that heightened their dislike of my great profession. i resolved that when i had my own practice i would not create that type of atmosphere.
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how to recoup staff training costs

young businesswoman working at laptop while businessman looks onit might sound crazy. just try it.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

almost every staff person will eventually leave you, unless they become a partner.

more: granting unconventional request pays off | why annual staff evaluations fall short | why create an accounting firm business model? | the clients that keep you awake at night | creating a cross-selling culture | cross-selling beyond your comfort zone
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because of this reality, and also because you must have staff, training methods must be developed that do not take excessive time and allow the staff person to immediately become productive. i think i have done this with my 30:30 training method.
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how covid rewrites the rules for recruiting

frank stitely explains how stitely & karstetter cpas competes for top talent.

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with richard rothstein

frank stitely, the managing partner of stitely & karstetter, ceo of clarity practice management and a 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 expert contributor, explains how stitely & karstetter handles staff recruiting in a competitive environment, in this interview with richard rothstein of rothstein consulting for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间.

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staffing shortage? look at your business model

kill the billable hour, embrace remote work, stay flexible, get social, says pasha malik of thyor.

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with richard rothstein

twitter and linkedin are the go-to resources for finding new talent at the mclean, va.-based thyor group of companies, founder and ceo pasha malik tells richard rothstein for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间.

more on the staffing crisis:  the digital toolset for hiring at a small accounting firm  |  learning how to hire amid covid  | how covid rewrites the rules for recruiting | steven braunstein: new covid strategies for staff recruiting and retention | irs has recruiting problems, too | 12 signs it’s time to outsource | how aging boomers impact the accounting profession | why remote workers need retreats | 44 key attributes for assessing staffers | coaching the right way | 20 best practices for staff training and retention | the art and science of hiring: three essentials for the covid age | uncover potential in 10 interview questions | why your firm needs to attract more millenials | why small firms can win the talent wars | the one big reason your hiring sucks | five ways to improve operating margin during covid | getting and keeping the best people | be a talent magnet | who’ll quit next? | why you must constantly push work down |

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but he has much more to say about fixing the accounting business to make it more competitive for attracting the best people. in fact, his group of companies may be a model of the next-generation cpa firm, offering through various entities outsourced cfo services, tax planning, technology consulting, and venture capital advisory services. read more →

not all employees want the same perks

dog sleeping in home office as woman works at computer in backgroundeducation and tech stipends? why not?

by jody grunden

in addition to the more traditional benefits, we also offer a few creative perks that i think our employees really appreciate, including an education stipend and a technology stipend.

more: not all employees will work out | uncover potential in 10 interview questions | try an accountability chart instead | do you have the right people?
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education stipend

we believe that continuing education keeps our team members sharp and ahead of the game. one of our core values is “curiosity” because we want our employees to always be thinking about how we can improve our services, become more efficient and do things better. we want people to think outside the box because we’re not a typical accounting firm, nor do we ever want to be one.
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granting unconventional request pays off

car driving on road on pillars through swiss mountainsproof that systems work.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

one time, one of my young and very bright staff people asked me in the beginning of june if he could take off the months of july and august so he could travel by car throughout the united states. after asking him to repeat this three times, i gulped and told him he could.

more: why annual staff evaluations fall short | 10 ways to stay in control | advice to new accountants | clients don’t lose sleep for overpaying taxes | when time-based pricing works | how auditing is like a pirouette | ¿que es bookkeeping? | testifying before congress
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i figured that if i did not tell him he could, he would simply give notice and quit. i also figured that if he returned in september and applied for a job, i would rehire him. i also realized that we have women taking off at least two months at a time to have babies and nothing terrible happens. the world (as defined by my small accounting firm) survives and moves forward.
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the wrong way to look for staff

classified ad for an accountantconsider why the person is leaving.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: please explain why you told me this ad was off base.

more: how to get the most from cpe | how improv can help accountants | four tips for new partners | an alternative to pro bono | 14 better uses for timesheet data | 9 must-haves for firm growth | 5 ways to build teamwork
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answer: the ad was placed in a local newspaper by a small cpa firm looking to hire someone with two years of experience. this firm obviously does quality work since they do audits.
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20 best practices for staff training and retention

number 20 with target and arrows in center of zeroare they employees or team members?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

colleagues complain that it is hard to train staff because they do not listen, and even if they were trained properly, they would then leave, preventing recoupment of the training costs.

more: why create an accounting firm business model? | advice to new accountants | clients don’t lose sleep for overpaying taxes | when time-based pricing works | how auditing is like a pirouette | ¿que es bookkeeping?
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

i hear what they are saying but do not agree with either premise. training is essential and must be committed to by the partners and owners and become part of the firm’s culture.
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