2019: nextgen realities

flex work, project-based learning, and app-connected clients.

by tamera loerzel
the rosenberg map survey

this next generation of leaders is eager to embrace changes in technology, pricing, and service — all to add new value to clients and the market.

more from the map survey: 2019: when cpas go extinct | 2019: appetite for growth unabated | why you need a tech strategy consultant | 2019: why small firms shun mergers | 2019: expect more alliances | 2019: firms grapple with change
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but even some the most successful firms are struggling with the challenge, hindered by retiring partners who struggle to let go and turn over the reins to future leaders.
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tax shops bulk up for big busy season

wages hit new highs.

by beth bellor

new hiring in the tax and accounting industry may be slowing in many areas, but the latest 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 jobs report finds gains overall. up is up and we’ll take it.

more on jobs: jobs report: 43,000 new hires | tax shops cut 6,200 jobs | salary survey: top skills getting top pay | accounting wages set new record | all staffed up? new tax prep hiring stalls on eve of busy season | the myth of the staff shortage
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2019: how partner greed kills firms

partners must take a hit to personal incomes to re-invest in their firms. or face obsolescence and slow death.

by rick telberg
the rosenberg national map study 

so far, profitability is way up. at the large firms (those with at least $20-million in annual billings), income per partner averages $635,000. the highest earners are pocketing about $1.2 million. even the lowest-paid partners average of $282,000. but how long can that go on?

more from the map survey: 2019: more focused training | 2019: expect more alliances | 2019 trends: client service changes | 2019: shifts in hiring & office space | 2019: firms grapple with change | staff policies improve, but not mentoring
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the always insightful and provocative allan koltin, of koltin consulting, warns: partners must invest in something besides themselves – if they want their firms to survive.
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outsourcing the c-suite

businesswoman using laptop and tablet at deskis “flexible leadership” right for your firm?

by steven e. sacks

one of the revelations arising from the great recession was that companies could find they could do more with less human resources or at least maintain the same level of productivity.

more: we hear but do we really listen? | the holy grail: finding the right talent | getting the accounting firm agreement right | today’s workplace challenge: communicating across generations, cultures, and diversity
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.so, while the bureau of labor and statistics cites the current unemployment rate at 3.9 percent, the actual number is higher when the underemployed or those whose unemployment ran out are taken into consideration.

we now have what is referred to as the gig economy, in which important functions can be outsourced while companies can still focus on core competencies that impact growth and profitability.
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2019: buckle up for a bumpy road

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global trade wars, political winds buffet business.

by kayleigh padar

cpas should be prepared to help their clients navigate an increasingly unstable global economy and burgeoning challenges with technology, particularly cyber threats, according to a new global study of c-level executives.

more surveys & research: jobs report: 43,000 new hires  |  cpa wealth advisor survey  |  survey: clients rush for tcja answers  |  join the accounting firm and operations technology survey  |  mergers vs. clients: winners and losers  |

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the annual study from atkearney shows a bumpy road ahead for global executives, from the effects of brexit to the increase in targeted fake news campaigns. read more →

2019: tech isn’t the problem. it’s the solution


sarah dobek foresees new leaders, new services, new clients.

by rick telberg
the rosenberg survey: national study of cpa firm statistics

it may seem too obvious to bother mentioning, but the accounting industry, from audit firms to tax prep to corporate finance, is in the process of transition. but too many managers think that just means technological transition.

more from the map survey: 2019: more focused training | 2019: expect more alliances | 2019 trends: client service changes | 2019: shifts in hiring & office space | 2019: firms grapple with change | staff policies improve, but not mentoring
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technology may be behind a lot of the transition, but technology itself is not the transition. it’s the enabler of transition.

sarah dobek, president and founder of inovautus consulting, has identified numerous interwoven transitions in process, some already peaked and passing, others coming down the pike.

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we hear but do we really listen?

smiling businessmen listening to young female during interview6 people not to be.

by steven e. sacks

do you ever find yourself speaking to someone and notice that they are battling you and their iphone? a quick glance here, a one- or two-word text response there.

more: the holy grail: finding the right talent | battling staff turnover | confronting leadership: not such a bad thing | the damocles sword of staff retention | does your board know its role? | can we please refer to accounting as a profession?
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unfortunately, it is the new normal – whether in business or in our personal lives. those of us who encountered different forms of technology tools and platforms during the second half of our careers still believe that effective interpersonal communication still counts for something. of course, in this era of uncivil discourse, speaking over one another has, too, become the new normal.
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economy shakes cpa confidence

cpa outlook index (aicpa)

but they expect better for their own firms.

by kayleigh padar

trade wars and interest rate trends are undermining accountants’ confidence in the u.s. economy, even as their outlook for their own firms strengthens, according to a new survey of 400 c-level cpas.

more surveys & research: jobs report: 43,000 new hires  |  cpa wealth advisor survey  |  survey: clients rush for tcja answers  |  join the accounting firm and operations technology survey  |  mergers vs. clients: winners and losers  |

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only 57 percent said they were optimistic about the u.s. economy over the next 12 months, down from 69 percent in the previous quarter. cpas cite trade issues and rising interest rates as the main reasons for their pessimism. read more →

jobs report: 43,000 new hires

hourly pay averages $33.53, up 4%.

by beth bellor

as 2019 dawns, the most stunning trends in hiring in the tax and accounting industry is in payroll services, which shows year-over-year increases of 7 percent or more in overall employment, according to an exclusive 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 analysis. meanwhile, tax prep continues its slow slide.

more on jobs: tax shops cut 6,200 jobs | tax shops cut staff by 10% | benefits, perks, and incentives: the happy-packs of employee satisfaction | salary survey: top skills getting top pay | growth slowdown: tax & accounting hiring rates hit headwinds | steady gains in hiring at accounting firms | accounting wages set new record
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

in this report, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 reports:

  • current hiring trends in each of the bookkeeping, payroll, tax and cpa segments of the industry.
  • average hourly wages for key segments
  • typical hours worked per week
  • trends concerning women in the accounting workforce

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tax shops cut 6,200 jobs

signs of a hiring slowdown? payroll agencies trim hours.

by beth bellor

are the heady days of hiring spikes over? maybe, but the accounting profession still scores far more positives than negatives, according to a new 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 analysis.

more on jobs: tax shops cut staff by 10% | benefits, perks, and incentives: the happy-packs of employee satisfaction | steady gains in hiring at accounting firms | tax prep services slash 10,000 jobs as busy season begins | tax & accounting wages up 4% | accounting profession shows steady growth | accounting profession growing, but slowly
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new records are being set in overall staff, in payroll staff, and in bookkeeping. tax preparation services, meanwhile, continue to shed employees. and payroll agencies are cutting back on hours worked.

in this report, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 highlights:

  • current hiring trends in each of the bookkeeping, payroll, tax and cpa segments of the industry.
  • average hourly wages for key segments
  • typical hours worked per week
  • trends concerning women in the accounting workforce

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battling staff turnover

back view of a businessman holding a briefcase and walking forward on white backgroundhow to see it coming and what to do about it.

while the consideration of succession planning has taken up a lot of airtime in recent years, there is something even more important to consider and that is how to attract and retain talent.

more: today’s workplace challenge: communicating across generations, cultures, and diversity | the damocles sword of staff retention | how enthusiastic is your staff? | can you recite your mission statement? | your firm’s biggest assets walk out the door every day
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questions most often asked by a cpa firm managing partner or a ceo when someone leaves: read more →

tax shops cut staff by 10%

is this any way to prepare for tax season 2019?

by beth bellor

accounting remains part of the general upturn in professional and business services employment, according to the latest data from 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research. payroll remains a bright spot, especially for women, while tax prep grows ever gloomier.

more on jobs: benefits, perks, and incentives: the happy-packs of employee satisfaction | salary survey: top skills getting top pay | accounting wages set new record | all staffed up? new tax prep hiring stalls on eve of busy season
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.



chart of overall profession employment
^ overall profession employment


in this report, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 highlights:

  • current hiring trends in each of the bookkeeping, payroll, tax and cpa segments of the industry.
  • average hourly wages for key segments
  • typical hours worked per week
  • trends concerning women in the accounting workforce

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