payroll services rocket with u.s. economy

cpa firms expand by 6%. tax prep takes losses.

line graph
^ staff employment in payroll services

new highs in headcounts and hourly wages.

by beth bellor

there were bright spots in several sectors of the latest employment figures, but let’s get the ball rolling with the most gleaming: payroll services, which set a couple of new highs on the way to positive year-over-year marks in every measure but hours.

and by “positive,” we mean the likes of 16 and 17 percent.

more on staffing: the disruptors: re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson | stop complaining and start innovatingstaff retention for remote workers  |  staffing shortage cripples growth at 40% of firms  |  is it time to outsource?   |  the six essential kpis for managing partners  |  competing for talent in a private-equity world  |  the great resignation: five reasons accountants are quitting  |  a tech stipend for employees? why not?  |  five ways to get staff to own their work

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payroll services overall hit a new high of 192,300 employees, up 1,500, or 0.8 percent for the month, and 28,800 or 17.6 percent for the year.

those employees worked 35.8 hours, up 12 minutes or 0.6 percent for the month but down 2 hours 6 minutes or 5.5 percent for the year.

their earnings set a record at $40.53, up 20 cents or 0.5 percent for the month and $5.18 or 14.7 percent for the year.

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the disruptors: re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson

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with liz farr

with accounting talent so scarce, tax and accounting firms may be surprised to find untapped talents within their current staff, according to tyler anderson, partner and director of a&a innovation at accountability plus.

more: the disruptors: how to scale with new padgett coo amanda aguillard | eat that frog: asking for a prospect meeting | growing revenue through client service | lease accounting is about to get very real | google ads for new tax season clients | exclusive: eisner ceo charly weinstein explains the private equity deal  | flash briefing: a “call to arms” after private equity deal | four ways to beat the staffing shortage, with pasha malik exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

key take-aways: read more →

stop complaining and start innovating

the pandemic requires new thinking with new business models.

by tamera loerzel

considering the many long-term ramifications from the pandemic on the accounting profession, i would start with a “clean sheet of paper” to position your firm for future success,

more: private equity at the gates | 12 shifts to ensure firm success | how to reinvent the firm for the covid age | why it’s time for an acquisition | three ways the accounting profession has changed | ramping up for the year ahead
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firms today require new thinking, new business models, and new ways of operating, staffing, managing work, and measuring success.

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staff retention for remote workers

keep them happy and engaged.

by amy welch, apr, cae
intraprisetechknowlogies llc

prior to 2020, remote work was barely a blip on any business radar. however, following the covid-19 pandemic, what was once considered unique has become an exploding norm. for intraprisetechknowlogies llc, though, the practice of remote work presented itself—and evolved—by accident, and well before other companies jumped aboard.

related: dec. 8: engaging your hybrid team: how to ensure employee engagement and equity when working remote (2 cpe)  explore the leadership changes to implement now so you can encourage employee engagement and ensure equity in a hybrid environment. plus, look at how your organization should shift its performance measures and definitions of success, so all employees are treated fairly, regardless of where they work.

the advisory-focused cpa firm hired alisa nishimoto, pmp, as a part-time project manager in february 2010. although she was living in san jose, cal., at the time, nishimoto and her family planned to move back to hawaii, where she grew up and she planned to join the rest of the intraprisetechknowlogies team at its honolulu headquarters. however, after a year of searching, nishimoto’s husband was unable to find a comparable job in hawaii, so the young family decided to remain in san jose.

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staffing shortage cripples growth at 40% of firms

on the frontlines: about 64% of firms surveyed globally by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 are scrambling for new hires.

in the u.s., tax and accounting firms are adding jobs at a robust 7% rate, but that’s still short of what’s needed.

by beth bellor

from arizona to zimbabwe, and dublin to cinncinatti, tax and accounting firms are telling 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 that they are so short of staff they’re turning away new business.

how to face down the covid talent crunch:
join the survey. get the answers.

the scramble for talent is global and it’s forcing fundamental changes in how accountants do business.

reports are coming into 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 from around the world and they are dismally similar:

  • tucson, ariz.: at r&a cpas, chief recruiter nancy allison says they’re turning to “hiring fully remote employees, making fully remote and hybrid work permanent for existing team members, and utilizing outsourced services for tax preparation assistance.”
  • marondera, zimbabwe: accountancy consultant billy ndlovu tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 they are turning away new clients even as they battle the covid upheavals that are “changing how we do things.”
  • dublin, ireland: anthony casey at noone casey is staying ahead of the curve by finding productivity gains in remote working and picking up new staffers with specialty skills.
  • cincinnatti: back in the u.s., rick kruse at kruse & crawford is turning to new technology even as they trim their headcount.

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 polling shows about 64 percent of firms are seeking to add additional staffers, even as 60 percent of firms are turning away new work due to the crippling shortage of new hands.

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is it time to outsource?

notepad with word "hire" crossed out and "outsource" written in underneatha swiftly changing environment demands flexibility.

by steven e. sacks
the new fundamentals

one of the revelations arising from the great recession was that cpa firms found they could do more with less human resources, or at least maintain the same level of productivity. we are now operating in what is referred to as the gig economy, in which important functions can be outsourced and firms and companies can still focus on core competencies that impact growth and profitability.

round 3: five reasons you’re not swot-ready | who needs another meeting? | the five big rules for powerpoint presentations
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because it is increasingly challenging to maintain high standards in all functions while still focusing on core competencies that drive growth, seeking outside help is becoming an attractive option. so, when should you outsource services?
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the six essential kpis for managing partners

proper planning prevents poor performance.

by bill penczak

we have all heard the term, “working in the business” instead of “working on the business.”   i would suggest that most managing partners and senior leadership fall more into the “in” than the “on,” given staff turnover, busy season deadlines, exhaustion, and advancing years of many managing partners.

more: the great resignation: five reasons accountants are quitting   |  five tips for better decision-making   |  your marketing sucks: six reasons why   |  five global cpa leaders: four survival strategies    |  are you too generous with your write-offs?    |  it’s time to herd your highly compensated cats  | nine smooth moves to build client satisfaction   | five tough questions for these tough times |  i started a consulting practice the first week of march 2020

i’ve endured enough management committee meetings during which the course of conversation leans more heavily towards rat-holes than addressing key firm issues of people, technology, quality, risk management, and growth.  at the end of the day, every decision you make as managing partner foots back to one of those areas. deciding on the venue of the holiday party does not fall into that category.

peter drucker, the famous management consultant, summed it up succinctly: management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

here are six ideas that managing partners should contemplate when it comes to running an effective and engaged firm: read more →

competing for talent in a private-equity world

why your firm’s compensation and ownership model just became obsolete.

by anthony zecca
leading from the edge

talent has been one of – if not the – biggest bottlenecks blocking growth at accounting firms.

more on private equity for cpa firms: analysis: private equity the new source of growth capital for cpa firms?  |  analysis: how outside capital will remake cpa firms  |  exclusive:  ceo charly weinstein explains the private equity deal   |   flash briefing webinar: a “call to arms” after eisner private equity deal   |  eisneramper gets private equity backing |

in my strategy work with accounting firms, i hear over and over how firms can’t attract talent, how talented individuals are being recruited away to other firms or other industries with significant salary increases. i hear managing partners telling me that their marketing teams and partners are afraid to bring in new clients since the staff they have are already stretched beyond what is reasonable to expect.

now with private-equity investments in accounting firms, this fight for talent will only get more intense.

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