quiet quitting: are employers culturally aware?

a fad or a movement?

david bergstein and steven sacks chat about quiet quitting and how it may impact the accounting profession.

by steven sacks
the new fundamentals: practical guidance for today’s accounting firms

employees are not keen about returning to their offices after an almost two-and-a-half year (for some) hiatus from the hassle of commuting and balancing child care and other personal responsibilities. what are company leaders to do?
employees want to strike a balance between their work life and their family life (or life outside the office). the common employee refrain has been, “i want to find my life’s passion, and i need work flexibility to accomplish this.”


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what about creating value and finding purpose and meaning from work? more to the point: can meaning and purpose be derived from a job?

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how to guide students into accounting

pie chart
do you know any accountants personally? three out of four accounting majors/minors know an accountant personally, confirming the highly influential role of personal connections. (caq)

top five turn-offs and who they’d listen to.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

why would anyone want to be an accountant? long, grueling hours under green eyeshades, cranking a calculator in a back room, thinking nothing but numbers, numbers, numbers …

actual accountants know that such a description is not an accurate, let alone a fair, description of their work. the truth is accountancy is as much about working with people as with numbers. it’s an area of business that touches on all areas of business and even the welfare of families. it’s challenging, rewarding and can actually be exciting.

more in staffing & recruiting: cpa staff wages hit new high and keep climbing | how to face hiring challenges head-on | four ways to propel new cpas into growing your firm | when an employee’s growth has gaps | private equity shakes up u.k. firms | unlock your accountant super powers | from senior to manager in 12 quick questions | staffing crisis: 40% are looking for new jobs | the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same | cpa roi doa: why the next-gen accountant won’t be a cpa |

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the trouble is students have little idea what a career in accountancy is like. and those of ethnic minority, unlikely to have an accountant in the family or even the neighborhood, have even less notion of what an accountant does for a living.

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cpa staff wages hit new high and keep climbing

tax prep hiring surges.

line chart
earnings for staff in cpa firms: up 5.8 percent for the year


by beth bellor
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

earnings remain a bright spot in the accounting profession. we track other figures as well, of course, but when recruiting and staffing, this is the number your candidates are eyeing.

more: firms battle staff shortages with pay hikes | tax & accounting firms beef up wages and headcounts | employee counts, earnings rise
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the minimum hike year over year is 4.4 percent. according to the latest data available, these are average hourly earnings:

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penny breslin: how to face hiring challenges head-on

the disruptors: penny breslin says don’t blame robots.

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with liz farr
for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

the accounting profession has faced staffing issues for years now and, especially post-pandemic, the problem has compounded. penny breslin, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 contributor and the founder of moneypenny, talks about how firms are facing the hiring challenges and popular solutions that seem to be working, including using predominantly cloud-based apps for collaboration and engagement and taking a true evaluation of the talents and skills needed for each position.

more disruptors: blake oliver: why tax work yearns to be free | private equity explodes in u.k. | brannon poe: the status quo must go  |  accounting nerds, unlock your super powers  | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same  |  think small to think big with matt wilkinson | your sales tax headaches are only just beginning | when financial statements go extinct with corey schmidt  |  can geraldine carter save accountants from themselves? |  re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  turning client service into new revenue

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breslin says firms need to look at the talent they have and realize that not everyone has to be “a duplicate of yourself.”

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firms battle staff shortages with pay hikes

except at payroll agencies, where wage gains are dipping.

cpa firm wages: up 9.8% from a year ago.

by beth bellor

let’s talk about earnings, because the latest national data shows some good news on that front. hourly earnings in the accounting profession have nudged above $39 for the first time, to $39.09, up 81 cents or 2.1% for the month and $2.48 or 6.8% for the year.

more: tax & accounting firms beef up wages and headcounts | cpa hiring rises as number of new grads continues to decline | staffing crisis: 40% are looking for new jobs

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another new high came at cpa firms, where they topped $41 for the first time at $41.61, up $1.23 or 3% for the month and $3.70 or 9.8% for the year. staff at cpa firms followed the trend with $31.84, up 53 cents or 1.7% for the month and $2.02 or 6.8% for the year.

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tax & accounting firms beef up wages and headcounts

line chartgrowth seen across the board.

by beth bellor

tough to find employees to fill accounting posts? someone is managing. overall employment in the accounting profession rose to 1,101,900 in may, up 15,600 or 1.4 percent for the month and 52,000 or 5 percent for the year.

more in staffing and talent management: cpa hiring rises as number of new grads continues to decline  |  five tips for virtual team member happiness  |  why doing nothing is not an option   |  when an employee’s growth has gaps   |  from senior to manager in 12 quick questions   |  staffing crisis: 40% are looking for new jobs   |

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every sector of the industry is pushing ahead with salary increases or new hiring, or both.

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four ways to propel new cpas into growing your firm

young businesswoman talking to her client and using tabletpractice makes progress.

by sarah johnson dobek
inovautus consulting

it’s no secret most accounting firms are facing partner succession and will continue to do so for years to come. the most common area of concern is how to involve new cpas in your firm’s growth activities.

more: five better ways to say no | six ways to engage young managers, staff in firm growth | the right dna for growth | how crisis illuminates your biz dev skills | business development and sales aren’t scary
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the short solution is young staff members should be involved in anything that will help them learn the business and develop the skills they need to lead one day, whether that means the partner track or some other role. it’s never too early to start. in fact, immersion should be expected from the first day they walk into the firm.

here are four instant and easy ways to get your young people involved in the business:

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cpa hiring rises as number of new grads continues to decline

plus: where the new entry-level jobs are.

source: ideps, aicpa

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

the accounting industry has long worried about the gradual disappearance of the profession – not for lack of need, but for lack of professionals.

more on staffing: when an employee’s growth has gaps  |  private equity shakes up u.k. firms  |  my first trainee  |  unlock your accountant super powers  |  from senior to manager in 12 quick questions  |  staffing crisis: 40% are looking for new jobs  |  nine biz-dev metrics for making partner  |  cpa roi doa: why the next-gen accountant won’t be a cpa  |

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let’s face it – accounting isn’t especially attractive to college students. it has a reputation for being dull, and anyone who has talked with experienced practitioners knows that a job can require long hours.

and then there are the extra hours of study required to pass the cpa exam. and then there are the years of work (and relatively low pay) required to really learn accountancy. and then there’s the cpe needed – official and un – just to keep up with changing rules and regs.

but there are upsides, too. read more →