2014 roundtable: replacing the rainmakers

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next-gen leapfrogging. aggressive pricing. widening gaps.

see the complete 2014 roundtable

by jeff pawlow
the growth partnership


the demographic tsunami is upon us with firms finally being forced to face what the successor generation is going to look like. loyal technicians are next in terms of tenure, but i see many next-gen practitioners leapfrogging these long-term managers / non-equity partners and landing in key firm leadership roles instead.


opinions are mixed when it comes to the overall economic outlook. the recession may be falling behind us but main street doesn’t seem to have recovered as quickly or as deeply as in the past. as a result, we continue to see very aggressive pricing in the market, which is placing pressure on some long-held client relationships.


anecdotally, we see the business development and leadership development areas of our practice growing, which suggests a deeper level of engagement by most firms in these areas going forward into 2014. read more →

2014 roundtable: the gloves are off

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mandatory retirements.

see the complete 2014 roundtable

by allan koltin
koltin consulting group


first — people, people, people. i believe the white gloves have officially come off when it comes to recruiting talent from other firms in our industry. i’m seeing much more sophisticated strategies in terms of how firms target talent and, more precisely, go after that talent. read more →

survey results: despite fiscal cliff, accountants remain relatively upbeat for the year ahead

not so sure, however, about their clients or the rest of the u.s.
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tax and accounting professionals are entering 2013 with deep concerns about the u.s. economy, but are more confident about their abilities to survive and thrive nonetheless, according to a new 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 poll.

how confident are you…?

the poll compares the industry’s confidence levels for the economic outlook in four areas: themselves and their families, their firms or organizations, their clients and customers, and for the nation in general. the discrepancies are sometimes jarring – and their remarks reveal much about the industry’s psyche, as well as some business strategy. read more →

why 9% of firms flourish even in bad times

a four-pronged approach to weathering any economic storm.

by sandi smith, cpa

according to an article published in harvard business review, three scientists, ranjay gulati, nitin nohria, and franz wohlgezogen, conducted a study to discover the strategies that generated the most – and the least – profits in lean times.

more small-firm success tips at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间:   ‘there is no such thing as a time problem’    15 off-the-hook ideas for accountants to dream big     3 money leaks that may need plugging in your business    seven tips to keep the clients you have how to attract clients like a magnet eleven easy ways to deliver more value to clients • five things accountants take for granted that costs them revenue  • what’s in your new client funnel? • what’s in your welcome kit for new prospects? • five fun and easy ways to wow your clients • six ways to give yourself a raise • strategies to stop losing business to competitors  • five tips to manage your ‘overwhelm’ level • easy ideas for a quick business boost • four new mega-trend marketing strategies • how to stop leaving money on the table

first, here’s a list of sure-fire ways to kill your business: read more →

the top ten things the aicpa wants you to know about ‘the future of the profession’

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the forecast: challenging, but cheerful.

after a year-long project gathering comments from 75,000 of some 350,000 members, the aicpa has released a long-awaited study on the future of the profession.

the report, cpa horizons 2025, identifies “global and local trends and the steps cpas can take to plan for the challenges and leverage the opportunities the future will hold,” according to the aicpa.

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