tax questions up, filings down

chart of irs filing season statistics for week ending feb. 19, 2016

tax pros doing less than half of e-filings.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

visits to the irs website are up 13 percent, but three weeks into the tax season, almost everything else was down. saw 20 million more visitors than last year at this time, 175,958,748 as of feb. 19, compared to 155,780,478 the same week in 2015.

also up this year are e-filing receipts from self-preparers, with nearly 24.2 million received, up 3.1 percent from last year’s 23.4 million.
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tax pros do 59% of e-filing as season nears end

receipts, processing, refund numbers all down.

with only five days left in the tax season, the irs had received more than 110.7 million individual tax returns and processed 108 million of them. the april 10 data showed receipts down 1.8 percent from 2014 and processing down 2.1 percent. processing for 2015 continued in the same range, at 97.5 percent.

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