5 ways to measure partner potential

learn to read your firm’s ‘cultural blueprint.’ptp_2ndc

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

what conclusions can you draw from your knowledge of how the promotion system works in your firm that you need to keep in mind?

more on the passport to partnership: 3 questions to evaluate your firm culture | learn to read your firm’s culture | 5 ways to get buy-in for firm culture | competence: more than technical skills | experts advise what partnership takes | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door | are you partner material? maybe not

in terms of firm culture, you need to understand the four navigational points of the compass:

  1. who do i need to stay on the right side of?
  2. what are the unwritten rules in my firm?
  3. whose opinions can be trusted?
  4. what really impresses the partners?

and here’s a five-part analysis to see how you measure up:

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3 questions to evaluate your firm culture

silhouettes of three business partners talking against a window in an officeyou have to gauge this to effectively move toward partnership.

by martin bissett

this second c is a stormy and choppy one, often fraught with political icebergs but navigated diplomatically and with maturity, will lead you through.

more on the passport to partnership: learn to read your firm’s culture | 5 ways to get buy-in for firm culture | competence: more than technical skills | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door | are you partner material? maybe not

case study on culture

deborah had done well. she was bridging the firm’s culture gap and fulfilling its desire to be seen as an equal opportunities employer by becoming the practice’s standout rising star.
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learn to read your firm’s culture

four young business people chatting outside office buildingbonus: 3 outlooks from our exclusive expert council.

by martin bissett

the passport to partnership study collated a number of responses from existing partners of accounting practices in a conversational style.


more on the passport to partnership: 5 ways to get buy-in for firm culture | competence: more than technical skills | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door | are you partner material? maybe not

examples that really stood out on the realities of individual variances in firm culture are showcased below.

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5 ways to get buy-in for firm culture

industrial metal number 5change management is one of the keys.

by martin bissett

cultural issues are dynamic, very broad and unique in each firm. as such it is a challenge to summarize them accurately and comprehensively.

more on the passport to partnership: competence: more than technical skills | experts advise what partnership takes | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door | are you partner material? maybe not

from our research, however, the wise choice for anyone wishing to get their passport to partnership appears to be to study

  • their firm’s existing culture,
  • that of its senior individuals and
  • that of those who have the ear of those senior individuals

to understand not only the route to partnership, but the terrain that they need to cross too.
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competence: more than technical skills

businessman correcting an underling12 ways to determine your competence.

by martin bissett

the passport to partnership study collated a number of responses in a conversational style. two brief but succinct examples that really stood out on the realities of how a firm assesses an individual’s “competence” to lead are showcased below.

more on the passport to partnership: experts advise what partnership takes | partnership: competence is just the foot in the door | are you partner material? maybe not

  1. they need to explain technical data to me in a way that i know they understand it.
  2. what kind of lifestyle does this person have outside of work? we’ll be looking at facebook, twitter and google to find out.

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experts advise what partnership takes

back view of a businessman holding a briefcase and walking forward on white backgrounddefining what competence means for partners.

by martin bissett

the skill in producing financial reports is limited by the quality of the information presented to the cpa by the client. motivation of the client to influence that financial information comes in many forms, some intentional and some unintentional. competence comes first in being able to resist pressure and present a true and accurate position of the client’s organization.

more on the passport to partnership: are you partner material? maybe not | communication: putting it all together | what does the next generation of practice leaders face? | businesses place value on expertise

sounds obvious, doesn’t it? but there’s a twist.
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are you partner material? maybe not

businessman holding hand upresearch shows wide gap between partners and partners-to-be.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

have you ever wondered what the partners of your firm are looking for from you, beyond your technical abilities?

more on the passport to partnership: 9 things to stop doing now | the dna of a practice leader | why hitting your numbers isn’t enough | what do your true colors say about your commitment? | what commitment really means for partners | how well do you represent your firm? | communication: putting it all together | the 4 winning communications habits of top accountants

for full disclosure, i am not an accountant, but i have spent decades working with accounting firms of all shapes and sizes in the united kingdom, the united states and europe.
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9 things to stop doing now

businessman in dark gray suit raise his hand in action of stop and word "stop" on his red palmstop devaluing yourself and the profession.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

the thing about accountants is that they occupy, should they wish to, a unique position in the minds of their clients. we know it as most trusted advisor.

more on the passport to partnership: how to create an upward spiral | it’s not the challenge, it’s your response | what challenges really mean for partners | commitment: your view and your firm’s | businesses place value on expertise | what conversion really means for partners | communication: it’s not about you

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

simply put, if you are a trusted advisor, you’re supposed to
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key advice for potential partners

woman's hand pressing words "ask an expert"bonus: 8 questions to ask plus words from our expert council.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

you may want to become a partner, but that requires leadership. do you display the traits you admire in leaders?

more on the passport to partnership: how to create an upward spiral | the dna of a practice leader | what does the next generation of practice leaders face? | commitment: a cautionary tale | how to build your pipeline | 6 keys to the perfect proposal | communication can’t be overrated

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

partnership pointers

1. take time to identify a leader you admire from any walk of life. jot down a criterion for emulating their success behaviors. how many of these criteria do you fulfill yourself already and what do you yet lack but can work on right away?

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how to create an upward spiral

businessman bursting through flames and fireworkswill you be forged in fire or flutter away like ash?

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

unhappy and difficult clients help our firms to improve our client management skills and present opportunities to refine our leadership skills.

more on the passport to partnership: the dna of a practice leader | surviving vs. thriving | what does the next generation of practice leaders face? | 6 keys to the perfect proposal | what conversion really means for partners | 12 ways to determine your competence | passport to partnership: new research shows wide gap between partners and partners-to-be

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

it is tough for us to build a successful firm without difficult clients or internal personnel issues in order to provide learning experiences for us to build a robust and commercially successful infrastructure.
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the dna of a practice leader

manager standing in front of wall of tvsa lesson in customer service and reputation.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

in order to become a commercially aware practice leader, we need to understand the dna of leadership.

more passport to partnership: surviving vs. thriving | it’s not the challenge, it’s your response | what challenges really mean for partners | commitment: your view and your firm’s | businesses place value on expertise |  for pro member exclusive content: sign in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 now

any woman or man leading an accounting firm, who chooses to overcome each operational or client challenge as it if their future depended on it, will not only succeed in practice but will become capable of delivering advisory value to their clients unmatched by their competitors, thus achieving true differentiation.
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surviving vs. thriving

plant seedlings growing out of coin stacks , both increasing in sizewhat commercial awareness really means. plus 5 reasons firms don’t thrive … and how to solve them.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

a big concern in recent years has been how the incoming partners will purchase equity or fund the capital account and exit of a retiring partner.

more on the passport to partnership: it’s not the challenge, it’s your response | why hitting your numbers isn’t enough | what do your true colors say about your commitment? | how to build your pipeline | 6 keys to the perfect proposal | communication can’t be overrated | how to read your firm’s cultural blueprint | 12 ways to determine your competence | passport to partnership: new research shows wide gap between partners and partners-to-be

much has been written that examines the mathematical complexities of this topic but the bottom line is simple. would-be partners in the age demographic of 28-42 are part of a generation who are already heavily borrowed in the form of credit card debt, mortgage debt and other forms of personal loans.
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it’s not the challenge, it’s your response

young businessman standing on edge of rock mountain and looking acrossbonus checklist: 5 questions for self-evaluation.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

when challenges come our way, regardless of what shape or form they arrive in, our world seems to lose a bit of brightness, there’s a little knot in the gut and a sense of peace broken.

more on the passport to partnership for pro members: why hitting your numbers isn’t enough | what do your true colors say about your commitment? | what commitment really means for partners | how well do you represent your firm? | communication: putting it all together

the question is, if we were watching our own responses to these trials, would we appoint ourselves as the next partner of the firm?

let’s examine 30 checkpoints to test your own, or your staffers’ abilities, to overcome challenges.
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