high-impact learning: 4 ways to maximize cpe roi

and the fatal mistake cpa firms make in their training budgets.

by michael ramos

for years cpa firms have tried to measure the roi from their learning and development spend, an effort that has produced mostly unsatisfactory results.

standard learning and development metrics provide some insight into the training function, but firm partners are more interested in measuring something much more elusive: tangible economic benefit from training spend.  what the profession has struggled with is, while measuring costs is easy, measuring direct return has proven to be quite difficult.  faced with an incomplete roi model, firms turn to the only side of the equation they can control, the cost side, which leads them to take the only option that seems viable – cutting costs as a way to drive roi.

the problem is firms are asking the wrong question. instead of focusing on precise measures of return on training dollars, cpa firms would be better served by asking the more subjective question, “what should we do to make sure our training dollars are being spent wisely?”  the answer to that question may lack the precision firm leaders desire, but it does have one distinct advantage over precise objective measures: it is a question firms can answer.  and the answer, if thoughtfully considered, may achieve the ultimate goal: providing high-impact training at an affordable cost. read more →

what’s next in cpe?

bob jennings
bob jennings

the live, in-person seminar reborn, refashioned for the web.

by bob jennings
jennings seminars

in the roughly forty years since continuing professional education first started for accountants, there have been three major changes in the way to obtain cpe.

the first major change came from the presentations of the venerable sidney kess, who brought practicality and examples to an arena that had previously been occupied by pedantic and often academic educators. in the early years of cpe his shining light of the highest quality cpe was held to be the pinnacle for all other presenters.

the next era became the era of boredom. read more →

survey results: what’s hot in cpe?

we’ve been asking here. and your answers kind of look like this:

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tax and ifrs appear to be at the top of most accountants’ cpe schedules this year.

the survey, “what’s on your cpe agenda?  how cpas are re-tooling for busy season,” remains open. join the survey here; get the answers. or add a comment below.

meanwhile, here are the verbatims that formed the pictograph above…

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