five areas to ground new metrics other than time

you need to measure your progress and success, but not by the hour.

by jody padar
radical pricing – by the radical cpa

it may sound ridiculous, but the only people who are married to timesheets are professional services firms staffed by people who spend their professional lifetimes building their knowledge. every other company in the world has figured out how to sell and price products or services without relying on timesheets.

more: five reasons to ditch timesheets for good | productize services for consistent client value | four ways automation pushes the paradigm shift | how value pricing impacts your employees | why pricing is so disruptive | accounting disruptors are heading your way … with deep pockets | advisory work must be priced by value, not hours
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why do professional services firms believe you should sell knowledge in increments of time? ron baker, an accounting visionary and author of “firm of the future,” once asked, “when you’re a knowledge worker, should you be selling your time?” i don’t think so.

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move to advisory and assurance with relevance

relevance protects you from technological obsolescence.

by alan anderson, cpa
transforming audit for the future

the days of delivering an audit report months after year-end are numbered. how relevant is an audit report when it’s months after the fact? even when we move to continuous audit – which will happen sooner than you think – it will still be historical information. but what will make it more relevant is that it will be delivered more timely, even if we don’t change much about how we perform the audit.

more: how ‘business expert cpas’ get their own business wrong | say adios to audit fee pressure | eight items to cover in the audit exit to deepen client relationships and prove value | know your three audit w’splanning lays the foundation of audit relevance | how do we drive relevance in audit? | before the audit: more than just planning | are you correctly identifying the relevance intersection? | lack of relevance drives audit commoditization | five crucial attributes for successful audit leadership | traditional audits don’t deserve premium billing | four basic understandings every auditor must master
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if you’re taking the time to understand the workings of the business, how that business works in relation to the industry, and how it serves its customers, you’re on the path to providing true relevance. that’s how you move into advisory and assurance. if you provide that baseline level of relevance and then build more real-time techniques and tools, you can expand on that knowledge base of the industry and the operating environment. then you can give your clients even more advice and suggestions for what they do.

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five reasons to ditch timesheets for good

you get what you measure.

by jody padar
radical pricing – by the radical cpa

when you measure time on timesheets, you are measuring a scarce commodity. there are only so many billable hours in a week.

more: productize services for consistent client value | digitize clients for standardization | six steps to creating a standardized practice | four ways automation pushes the paradigm shift | are you the key signal caller for your clients?value pricing requires defining your clientshow value pricing impacts your employees6 steps to start value pricingwhat are you selling?three critical factors drive the value pricing trend
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by measuring billable hours, you’re living in a world of scarcity. this is bound to affect your firm, both internally and externally.

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how ‘business expert cpas’ get their own business wrong

only a small percentage of audit leaders understand businessmindedness’s inward and outward components.

by alan anderson, cpa
transforming audit for the future

i talk to leaders of firms all around the country who think that if they get their fee realization right, that’s a sign that they’ve got great business minds. they ask me what the market fee realization is, so i tell them that’s a miserable measure.

more: say adios to audit fee pressure | eight items to cover in the audit exit to deepen client relationships and prove value | know your three audit w’splanning lays the foundation of audit relevance | how do we drive relevance in audit? | before the audit: more than just planning | are you correctly identifying the relevance intersection? | lack of relevance drives audit commoditization | five crucial attributes for successful audit leadership | traditional audits don’t deserve premium billing | four basic understandings every auditor must master
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there is no perfect fee realization. as extreme examples, i’ve worked with firms with 10 percent and 200 percent fee realizations. which is better? neither. the firm with a 10 percent fee realization bills at $5,000 per hour, while the other bills at $20 an hour.

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you can’t win with lowballing

when to let the next accountant take the losses.

ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice

question: a client of 10 years was paying a fixed fee that was now a little less than half of our time charges. also, there had been a gradual scope creep with additional services being forced on us without any extra fees.

more: nine reasons not to specialize | when board service gets tricky | yes, you have to share work papers | hiring experience vs. training inexperience | eleven ways new staffers can help bring in business | should you merge? here’s how to chart your path | a friendly chat or a billable discussion? | busy season is over, so it’s time for some resolutions | hold staff accountable if you want them to listen to you | when selling a firm to staffers is tricky | want to merge? six steps to take | how to raise your rates
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the cpa had not received an increase in six years because of the client’s constant complaining that the fee was too high. the client just told us they had a quote from another firm that was half of ours, and said if we didn’t match it, they would leave us. what should we do?
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geraldine carter: why charging more is better for your clients

do the work you love for clients who value your expertise.

this is a video preview. the complete video episode, with commentary and transcript, is first available exclusively to pro members. 

subscribe to 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 podcasts anywhere: applegooglespotifyiheartdeezer, amazon music and audibleplayer fmaudacygaana (india), and boomplay (africa).

the disruptors
with liz farr

geraldine carter wants accountants to get off the treadmill of working too many hours for too little pay. her new book – down to 40 hours – will help accountants achieve the “utterly reasonable” goal of working only 40 hours a week.

more podcasts and videos: vimal bava: when working smarter, not harder, is the only option | dawn brolin says grow your firm by shrinking itjason blumer & julie shipp: move leaders out of client service | james graham: drop the billable hour and you’ll bill morekaren reyburn: fix your marketing and fix your business | giles pearson: fix the staffing crisis by swapping experience for education | jina etienne: practice fearless inclusionbill penczak: stop forcing smart people to do stupid worksandra wiley: staffing problem? check your culture | scott scarano: first, grow people. then firm growth can follow | exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

carter helps accountants solve the problem of overwork with a three-pronged approach: creating value for clients, pricing effectively, and delivering services efficiently. a key to this approach is focusing on a niche. by focusing on a particular type of client, you see the patterns that help you create value for clients, “and you’re likely going to be one of the few with that expertise.” providing more value “enables you to increase your prices for the same work,” she says.

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productize services for consistent client value

high-end alignment creates more satisfying client experiences.

by jody padar
radical pricing – by the radical cpa

now that you have hopefully standardized your services, it’s time to look at productization. productization is the packaging of intangible services to make them feel tangible. you put everything you will do for a persona into an offering that resonates with them because it’s customized for them. it’s then clearly priced so the buyer knows what they get for their investment.

more: digitize clients for standardization | six steps to creating a standardized practice | value pricing requires defining your clients | stop selling time | three critical factors drive the value pricing trend | stop looking for talent that does not exist
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.


this is just as useful for your clients as it is for your staff. clients appreciate it because they know exactly what they’ll get and what to expect. staff appreciate it because, unlike in traditional firms where there are at least four different ways to get to the same deliverable, this model has one pathway for each deliverable and service product, making it both efficient and traceable.

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say adios to audit fee pressure

what client goes out for an audit proposal when their auditor provides relevant advice and useful suggestions?  

by alan anderson, cpa
transforming audit for the future

your client likely engaged your firm for an audit because they need an audit. but what is it that they want? they don’t want a stack of paper delivered months after year-end. like anyone else, they focus on “what’s in it for me?” or wiifm.

more: use eight audit exit items to deepen client relationships | exceptional audit client service demands effective communication | deliver more audit value by getting out of the conference roomknow your three audit w’splanning lays the foundation of audit relevance | how do we drive relevance in audit? | before the audit: more than just planning | are you correctly identifying the relevance intersection? | lack of relevance drives audit commoditization | five crucial attributes for successful audit leadership | traditional audits don’t deserve premium billing
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they want relevant ideas that will help them improve their businesses. they want to learn from you about your experience with others in their industry or in a similar situation. they want a relationship with you to talk about their business in plain english. they want someone who can explain the accounting standards and how they impact how they report their results.

remember our definition of relevance:

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