effective communications in the age of covid

misunderstandings and shortcuts in the workplace can create a hostile and stressful environment.

by steven e. sacks
the new fundamentals

with more people using mobile devices for communication shortcuts, are we facing troublesome challenges in speaking in a recognizable language in the u.s.?

more: why proper communication is critical | syncing up for the covid era | the new covid-19 workplace: are you prepared? | how to create effective internal communications | profit is not a mission | confronting leadership: not such a bad thing | new opportunities for a ‘new normal’ | is trust elusive?
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while it may be convenient for some, for others it leaves them scratching their heads. i am not seeking to be a public scold. however, if you want your communication to be effective, then understand your audience, situation, and topic.

this is especially relevant with teams working virtually, and at a distance, in the age of covid.
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big 4 leads top 10 posts of the week

followed by “top seven growth areas.” big 4 slammed by global recession http://ow.ly/v66b top seven growth areas for cpas http://ow.ly/16lrjb seven reasons clients leave their cpas http://ow.ly/16jvpl five secrets to dealing with unhappy clients http://ow.ly/v64e layoff watch ’10: grant thornton … continued

survey results: clients make the difference

the recession may be the single biggest factor affecting tax professionals in this year’s busy season. but, in the end, it’s all about clients. ask a cpa, “what the biggest difference about your tax season this year?” and, collectively, they’ll … continued