josh fisher: battling for staffers

you’re competing with the world these days.

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with richard rothstein

in this interview, richard rothstein, founder of rothstein consulting, speaks with josh fisher of district partners, about what recruiting looks like for accounting firms in 2021, and how covid has affected things. read more →

how and when to leverage ziprecruiter, indeed, and social media

the digital toolset for hiring at a small accounting firm.

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with richard rothstein

accounting firms need to use every tool available to maintain a fresh supply of top-notch talent, according to manny cosme, president of cfo services group, in this 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 interview with richard rothstein.

more: learning how to hire amid covid  | how covid rewrites the rules for recruiting | steven braunstein: new covid strategies for staff recruiting and retention | irs has recruiting problems, too | 12 signs it’s time to outsource | how aging boomers impact the accounting profession | why remote workers need retreats | 44 key attributes for assessing staffers | coaching the right way | 20 best practices for staff training and retention | the art and science of hiring: three essentials for the covid age | uncover potential in 10 interview questions | why your firm needs to attract more millenials | why small firms can win the talent wars | the one big reason your hiring sucks | five ways to improve operating margin during covid | getting and keeping the best people | be a talent magnet | who’ll quit next? | why you must constantly push work down |

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cosme makes some great points about working for a small nimble firm like cfo services group and the challenges of retaining great talent in the face of competition from bigger firms for high-quality talent. read more →

irs has recruiting problems, too

irs budget cuts lead to staff cuts, even as returns climb.
irs budget cuts lead to staff cuts, even as returns climb.

theirs stem from money woes.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the irs may a one-of-a-kind organization, with a unique mission, strengths, and weaknesses. but in at least one way, the irs is a lot like many tax and accounting firms.

more on tax season: team expectations: a checklist for busy season | you’re not just taxes | the happier, saner, richer tax firm | survey: a glint of optimism for 2021 | ppp traps: 1 in 5 accountants report shady dealings

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the problems, of course, are many. but one rises above all the others:  staff recruitment and retention.

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12 signs it’s time to outsource

four businessmen standing on world mapalso: seven covid-driven client needs.

by hitendra patil
accountaneur: the entrepreneurial accountant

when you are the key person to make things happen at your firm, you want to invest as much time in “business development” (not just marketing and sales) as humanly possible. your firm’s growth will make you feel that producing and delivering your services is an essential core business function for you, but some of it is not.

more: how to create your firm’s cas team | technology and your cas clients | top five cas killers and how to overcome them | 21 ways to adjust your practice in 2021
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freeing up yourself to spend more time focusing on the things that add value to your practice and help set it apart from the competition is the most essential differentiating growth strategy you will ever deploy. the same principle applies to your experienced, talented staff.
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incremental vs. exceptional success

stylized industrial 3d number 8eight seismic changes have altered the future of accounting firms.

by anthony zecca
leading from the edge

“all organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they are now getting. if we want different results, we must change the way we do things.” – tom northup, author of “five hidden mistakes ceos make”

what a great statement not just about accounting firms, but all organizations – “perfectly designed to get the result they are now getting.” there is another old saying that goes something like this: “if you want different results you have to do things differently.” center leaders hold onto the status quo whereas edge leaders constantly push the envelope of what is possible – pushing to the future edge.

more on edge leadership: assessing your firm | the 4 traits of great cpa leaders | why leaders must ensure clarity | incremental vs. exceptional success | do you lead or just manage? | managing vs. leading | is your leadership team at the edge? | 6 leadership challenges through covid and beyond | edge leaders share 7 strengths | leadership must drive culture | leading from the edge
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leadership is a topic that has been researched, talked about, written about, training sessions built around, and endless models developed – yet it is also one of the most challenging issues in most firms today. over my career, i have worked and consulted with leaders of all shapes and styles and firms that experienced varying degrees of success. based on working with hundreds of companies, my conclusions – and two of the primary reasons that drove me to write my book – are that in many cases, firms are performing below their capabilities and every firm has the potential to reach higher levels of performance if and when leadership moves from the center to the edge. edge leaders want to be at the top of the pack when it comes to all metrics that matter whereas center leaders are content to remain average.
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22 predictions for 2021

business hand holding hot chart in crystal ballit’s not the time for minding and grinding.

by joseph tarasco

during these unprecedented times, it is difficult to predict the future. thus, leadership should focus on planning for various options based upon as many possibly scenarios as possible. this type of planning explores plausible potential business models and implementation processes for impending unknowns.


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however, consider the following predictions and trends in your strategic planning for 2021 and beyond:

  1. covid-19 and its effects on businesses have increased audit risks and will eventually escalate professional liability claims and settlements.

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will 2021 be your cash-flow year?

your cas offering must include a cash-flow management component.

by hitendra patil
accountaneur: the entrepreneurial accountant

if 2020 put businesses in financial icu, 2021 will be a year of rehabilitation. before one gets there, the road to recovery is often long and arduous.

more: the technology stack you need for cas | top five cas killers and how to overcome them | 21 ways to adjust your practice in 2021 | how to become an outsourced/virtual cfo | the services that cas clients want | six reasons cas is king
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business owners who are masters of their craft are not necessarily the experts of accounting and financial management. that is your expertise, professional accountants.
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how to prosper in a pandemic

crisis brings needed change and new opportunity.

by allan koltin

the most significant changes our profession have seen so far are remote workplaces and, not surprisingly, remote client service. i think the dust has settled at this point and firms understand that these are not flavors of the month, but rather permanent changes to the landscape of our profession.

more: pandemic lesson: innovate faster | remote work success helps solve staffing shortages | you like being remote, but what about your clients? | covid-19 shakes up m&a activity | survey: we adapted to remote work … now what?
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it’s fascinating that the covid pandemic was responsible for speeding up what otherwise would have taken 5-10 years into 5-10 weeks.
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how covid rewrites the rules for recruiting

frank stitely explains how stitely & karstetter cpas competes for top talent.

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with richard rothstein

frank stitely, the managing partner of stitely & karstetter, ceo of clarity practice management and a 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 expert contributor, explains how stitely & karstetter handles staff recruiting in a competitive environment, in this interview with richard rothstein of rothstein consulting for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间.

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staffing shortage? look at your business model

kill the billable hour, embrace remote work, stay flexible, get social, says pasha malik of thyor.

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with richard rothstein

twitter and linkedin are the go-to resources for finding new talent at the mclean, va.-based thyor group of companies, founder and ceo pasha malik tells richard rothstein for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间.

more on the staffing crisis:  the digital toolset for hiring at a small accounting firm  |  learning how to hire amid covid  | how covid rewrites the rules for recruiting | steven braunstein: new covid strategies for staff recruiting and retention | irs has recruiting problems, too | 12 signs it’s time to outsource | how aging boomers impact the accounting profession | why remote workers need retreats | 44 key attributes for assessing staffers | coaching the right way | 20 best practices for staff training and retention | the art and science of hiring: three essentials for the covid age | uncover potential in 10 interview questions | why your firm needs to attract more millenials | why small firms can win the talent wars | the one big reason your hiring sucks | five ways to improve operating margin during covid | getting and keeping the best people | be a talent magnet | who’ll quit next? | why you must constantly push work down |

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but he has much more to say about fixing the accounting business to make it more competitive for attracting the best people. in fact, his group of companies may be a model of the next-generation cpa firm, offering through various entities outsourced cfo services, tax planning, technology consulting, and venture capital advisory services. read more →