the real problems created in a remote workforce

three hidden dangers and the two essentials for success.

by ty hendrickson, cpa

working from home creates problems, but these problems are not the ones that firm leaders are concerned about right now.

more on remote work: home alone. but not many monitors do you need working at home?stuck at home right now? here’s 100 good ideas to relieve the stresscoronavirus resources for remote-working (#wfh)go remote with this app you already own [#wfh]the top portable monitors for working from home

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i have never seen so many people terrified of a working environment, as i’ve seen over the past month with employees sent home to work. firm leaders are panicked about productivity and work ethic, which i find hilarious because you are essentially saying that you don’t trust your employees. you don’t trust them to do the same job at home because you aren’t there to monitor their every move. if you don’t trust your employees, why did you hire them in the first place?!

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how accountants are coping with covid-19

coping with the covid crisis- robert jones (left), and stephen backman
coping with the covid crisis: robert jones (left), and stephen backman. more crisis management strategies: join the survey. get the answers.

new methods, new mindsets.

the busy season barometer
coronavirus crisis management strategies:

join the survey. get the answers.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the coronavirus sure did hit quick. it seems like it’s been here since forever, but it didn’t really strike until halfway through the busy season. there were ominous clouds on the horizon in january, but early respondents to the 2020 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 busy season barometer were generally expressing optimism.

more on tax season: survey: confronting coronavirus chaosplanning for the coronavirus recessiontax season turns ugly under coronavirustax season turns ugly under coronaviruscoronavirus culture-shift hits accounting firms41 items to check on business tax returnstax season funnies: the poetic versionshow to stop drowning in covid tax deadlines [webinar]

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then things went downhill fast. but despite the pressures of the tax season, cpas have been equally fast at adjusting to the new world. they really had little choice. they could innovate. they could close up shop. or they could get really, really sick.

innovation seems to be the most popular choice. read more →

covid slams u.k. accountants, too

martin bissett reports on life, business, winners, and losers from england.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

you can divide accounting firms in the u.k. much like you can in the u.s. – into those that act proactively, and those that don’t, martin bissett tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 in a video interview. and that’ll be the difference, he says, between those that survive the pandemic and emerge as market leaders and those that don’t.

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 is providing free access to our latest coronavirus crisis updates: start here for a guide to all our free coverage.

“what accounting firms should be doing is: they should be understanding that their goodwill for years, if not decades, to come is built now,” says bissett, an expert contributor to 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 and the author of a number of manuals and handbooks. “people are going to remember how they acted now in the time of crisis. they should be proactive, number one. proactive means phone calls, zoom calls, instigated by the practice, not by the client.” read more →

covid drowns irs in new filings

data chart
data for the week ending april 17, 2020.
* total includes returns filed to obtain economic impact payments by those who would not usually file income tax returns.

why not? submissions are way down.

busy season barometer
how’s covid-19 impacting your firm?

join the survey. sound off. get answers.

by beth bellor

coronavirus hit irs data in a couple of ways this week.

people who don’t ordinarily file income tax returns, but did so to obtain economic impact payments, boosted filings higher than they might have been for the week ending april 17, the latest data. in addition, visits to shot up 77 percent over 2019 – the get my payment link surely was part of that picture.

more: 2020 tax season comes to a screeching halt | the tax season 2020 dumpster fire | tax pros fall behind 6.2% in returns filed | tax pros trail by 908,000 returns | tax pro irs filings lag by 532,000 | tax pro e-filings lag by 512,000 returns | tax pros kick into high gear | slow start for tax pro e-filing | data points down as tax season opens | the fight for new tax clients
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the internal revenue service reported receiving 116 million individual income tax returns, down 15.5 percent. it had processed 106.6 million returns, up 18.5 percent.
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the three r’s for beating the corona crisis

and 15 things every accountant should consider in these unprecedented times.

by bill penczak

my friend tom kallman, the president of a trade show company in new jersey, sent me an email a few weeks ago that i’ll paraphrase:

few, if any, of us lived through pearl harbor. some of us experienced the kennedy assassination. we all recall where we were when the planes struck the world trade center. the covid crisis is another lifetime moment. we learned how to survive all those other events, and we’ll do the same again.

more: re-thinking today’s firm with five global leaders | 5 things your firm should do differently this summer | do you have the guts to beat the covid crisis? | how to inoculate your firm against covid competition | ‘found money’ delights clients | the three r’s for beating the corona crisis
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if you examine the economic recoveries after 911, and after the financial collapse in 2007-2008, there were three economic phases that ensued for cpa firms, their clients, and the market in general that will likely occur in the post-covid economy:

  • retention – preserving as much of what we had.
  • recovery – stabilizing and moving ahead, as slight as it might be.
  • rebuild – coming out better and stronger.

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covid crisis separates the winners from losers

bill reeb, 2019-20 aicpa chairman, explains how today’s coronavirus crisis is transforming the profession – and the world – forever.

^ click to play

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

today’s coronavirus cataclysm is changing the ways cpas in both the public and the private sectors do business, revamping in a few traumatic days what would have taken five years, says bill reeb, the 2019-20 aicpa chair, in a video interview with 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间.

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 is providing free access to our latest coronavirus crisis updates: start here for a guide to all our free coverage.

“it has already had an amazing effect,” reeb says. “we have fast-forwarded the technology by at least five years. the use of technology has skyrocketed. and people are starting to say, okay, we got to get people working at home, and we’ve found ways to communicate with each other during the day.” read more →

covid-19: how your firm can respond

creating the “new normal.”

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

for the first time in most of our lives, an international health crisis has the makings of a science-fiction scenario becoming reality. the situation puts us in uncharted territory and experts tell us will get continue to worse before it gets better. the optimist in me says this too shall pass, but i also feel that the world will learn from this crisis in ways that will last forever once this is over.

more: reward partners for performing like partners | merging in sellers: what you need to know | take yoda’s advice on strategic planning | 15 amazing organizational tactics to manage a cpa firm | 6 ways to retain nextgen staff | how to develop a truly progressive nextgen culture
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a cultural shift that will permanently change our lives

retired lieutenant general russel honore was interviewed on television recently. he was the joint task force commander for hurricane katrina. when asked if we’re doing all that we need to do, he responded: “we need to optimize virtual work. there will be a cultural shift in america that will permanently change our lives. we will finally see that we don’t have to drive crosstown to sit in front of a computer.”
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new opportunities for the ‘new normal’

extracting a positive from a negative.

by steven e. sacks
the new fundamentals: practical guidance for today’s accounting firms

there are two quotes that are apropos for the coronavirus pandemic. the first was coined by president kennedy. he said, “the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.”

more: there is no leadership without integrity | real influence vs. immediate gratification | fake it til you make it: an ultimate goal? | 4 ways to boost job satisfaction | have you gauged your staff’s enthusiasm? | why knowledge maintenance is key | retention starts with the hiring interview
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it was meant to think ahead to potential unforeseen crises and consider the precautionary measures to implement; to either avoid, or at least, mitigate a major problem before it happens. for the coronavirus pandemic, the ship has already sailed on this philosophy because the government defunded the efforts to deal with a major health crisis (among other missteps).
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2020 tax season comes to a screeching halt

^ week ending april 10, 2020

irs web traffic surges 22%.

how’s covid-19 impacting your firm?
join the survey. sound off. get answers.

by beth bellor

if you’re looking for bright spots as the united states deals with the global pandemic, avert your eyes from the irs.

more: the tax season 2020 dumpster fire | tax pros fall behind 6.2% in returns filed | tax pros trail by 908,000 returns
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although average refunds and website visits are up, everything else is down – in the case of e-filings by tax professionals, down 20.1 percent. yeowch.
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the tax season 2020 dumpster fire

coronavirus crushes tax prep.

how’s covid-19 impacting your busy season?
join the survey. sound off. get answers.

by beth bellor

slammed by the covid-19 crisis, tax season 2020 has gone off the rails.

tax return filing activity is trending down, and who can blame filers? with an automatic three-month extension, those who owe taxes have no incentive to file anytime soon. and practitioners are consumed with protecting their firms and rescuing their clients.

more: tax pros fall behind 6.2% in returns filed | tax pros trail by 908,000 returns | tax pro irs filings lag by 532,000 | tax pro e-filings lag by 512,000 returns | tax pros kick into high gear | slow start for tax pro e-filing | data points down as tax season opens | the fight for new tax clients
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

that may be impacting numbers for e-filings by tax professionals, which are down in double digits. perhaps those whose dealings are complex enough to need assistance are seeking appointments in june now.
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