your small business clients are changing: radical shift in retirement plans

many expect to work ’til 70 and never retire, others hope to sell.

the nation’s small business owners’ views regarding retirement are radically shifting, with many seeing themselves working 20 years or longer – or never formally retiring at all.

as a result of longer life expectancies and the impact of the recession, the majority of small business owners can no longer embrace a traditional view of retirement, in which individuals stop working in their mid-60s for a life of leisure – something fewer than 10 percent foresee themselves doing, according to a new study by the guardian life small business research institute.

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how to measure client satisfaction

jean caragher
jean caragher

almost any system will do. but you need a system.

by jean caragher
capstone marketing

the seven keys to successful cpa firm management research indicates that the majority of cpa firms have no client-satisfaction program at all. while any system will do, you need a system in place whether it includes face-to-face interviews, written surveys, online surveys or focus groups.

burr & forman llp a law firm with offices in five southeastern states averages two client interviews per month with the aim of meeting with their top 50 clients once every two years.

the goals of the interviews are: read more →

where are the new clients?

and, is that the right question?

the top challenge for firms is getting new clients, according to a new survey of sage accountants network members.

next most frequently mentioned were tax law complexity and changes, followed by time management, keeping up with technology, and the effect of new regulations and standards.

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