give to receive, and eight more ways to boost sales
these tips work for referrals, too.
by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms
networking is an essential part of building your business.
whether you network locally, nationally or internationally, there are some tips that are common to all businesses:
more: five ways to target the low-hanging fruit | eight ways to build busy-season stamina | make your prospect kit stand out | six ways to beat the competition | grow your revenue with three marketing strategies | what can chatgpt do for accounting professionals? | generative ai: should you avoid it or adopt it? | want better clients? here’s how | get your name in the news
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1. be crystal clear about what you do and how people can use you. also know exactly who your ideal client is in case you’re asked. if you don’t do this, you’ll leave people scratching their heads about you and they won’t know how to connect with you even if they want to.
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