marchternity: just say ‘no’
whether marchternity continues depends entirely upon you.
by seth fineberg
at large
more on marchternity: the solution is community, by liz farr
whether marchternity continues depends entirely upon you.
by seth fineberg
at large
more on marchternity: the solution is community, by liz farr
tax pros see gains in clients, revenue, and profits.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
join the 5-minute survey. get the answers. start here.
refund amounts are up by double digits.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
as tax season approaches, practitioners race to get ready.
make sure it’s not just your admins using the tools.
roman h. kepczyk
is it work-life balance, or firm-employee balance?
sound-off: does your firm mandate saturdays?
join the conversation here.
by beth bellor
tax season has yet to start and already tempers are flaring in the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 comments section as practitioners debate requiring staffers to work on saturdays during busy season.
more on staffing: making flex time work in the real world | guidelines for flexible work policies | do flexible hours help or hurt us? | survey: 97% of leading firms now offer flexible work arrangements | the 12 reasons your staff hates your firm | staffing: what cpa firms are learning the hard way
exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.
in “how to make mandatory saturdays a thing of the past,” 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 contributor jennifer wilson says the “cool firms” are eliminating the age-old practice nd replacing it with flex-time, work-at-home, and results-oriented strategies. still, she says, “i literally hear a gasp of surprise because it challenges one of the most fundamental elements of public accounting – tracking, measuring and valuing time.”
by sandi leyva
the accountant’s accelerator
more on small-firm growth strategies: share data 5 easy ways | 7 ways to generate leads | 6 metrics of marketing | want better clients? 5 ways to hook them | 5 ways tech makes your work easier | 3 ways to save time during busy season | stress less this tax season | 5 tax season motivation tips | keep more of your busy season earnings | ready for tax season? not so fast
exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.
workload compression is offset by expanding practice areas, client mix.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 staff
“changes in business, changes in laws and changes in regulatory environments are happening at warp speed,” warns richard berkowitz, managing partner of the berkowitz pollack brant advisors and accountants firm in miami.
more from the corner office: randy myeroff at cohen & co.: winning the youth movement | rick dreher innovates wipfli for clients, younger workers | how blain heckaman drives value at kaufman rossin | weisermazars mp blake charts u.s. expansion | frank longobardi: cohnreznick’s battle for top talent | the robo-cpa: jim sikich prepares for disruptive technologies | exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.
he ranks handling of the fast-paced flow of updated information regarding laws, regulations and related matters among the most prominent issues and opportunities facing his firm and other cpa practices around the country. his firm’s $56 million in revenue during 2015 rank it as the nation’s 68th largest accounting firm in the nation and florida’s third largest.
read more →
top trends, metrics, benchmarks, and lessons learned. by rick telberg 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 for most cpas, this year’s busy season may have been a marked improvement from last year’s, but that doesn’t mean savvy practitioners aren’t already learning new lessons and … continued
here’s how to apply neuroscience insights to tax season. next question: what are the best time-management tips and strategies for busy season? join the survey. get the answers.
by hitendra patil
it’s october 14th. you are preparing a complex tax return. the cell phone rings. you look at the phone. it’s your wife calling. you answer the call. while on the call, you look at the third screen of your computer. there is an email from your largest client, with subject line “emergency; please help.” in walks your receptionist, frantically gesturing that there is an irritated client at the front desk.
more on the entrepreneurial accountant: 3 apps to automate business networking | the 5 most common marketing blunders accountants make | linkedin adds messaging. finally! | re-learning the lingo of the accounting business | how the “1099 economy” will transform accounting | what cpa firms could learn from google’s alphabet | summer reading list: five great books for the five lives of a busy accountant | four signs the uberization of accounting has already begun | management guru chester elton on success | savvy cpas focus on the constants | more
yes. you may recognize the multiple demands on your time and your brain. but multi-tasking is just a myth. the science is in: no one performs as well multi-tasking as they do when focused on a single task at a time.
the new normal: a busy season that never ends by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research in a foreshadowing of next year’s busy season, a deep dive into 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 survey data shows: — staffing issues that began in 2015 are expected to … continued
the number of practitioners reporting major issues with code & reg changes doubles.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
across the country, a lot of cpas felt downright punished this busy season as they got hit by problems from all sides. nobody reported earthquakes or tsunamis, but it seems a bunch got slammed by something worse than a tectonic pounding.
bam! pow! oof! yes, it was that dynamic duo, that tyrannical twosome, that yoke of you-know-whats: the united states tax code and the internal revenue service.
according to the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 busy season survey, 12% percent of respondents report a busy season “much worse than last year.” another 24% had a “somewhat worse year.” add them up, and more than a third of the nation’s tax preparers suffered a painful busy season.
and the most commonly cited complaint are difficulties with the tax code, ranging from the requirements of the affordable care act to the new repair regs. read more →
staff woes contribute to major tax season problems
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
the 2015 busy season may be one for the records. according to this year’s 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 busy season survey, more than a third of the nation’s tax preparers report a busy season that was much worse or somewhat worse than last year, and it wasn’t just the cold and the snow. read more →