step-by-step: how to make newsletters work for you

man using laptop at an outdoor cafechecklists: 7 benefits and 4 ways to create content.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

one of the most overlooked marketing channels for accountants is a newsletter. the newsletter first started in print at regional firms.

more small firm growth strategies: technical aspects of video and youtube | why cpas need video | make google adwords work for you | make the most of trade shows | track your online reputation | partnering: referrals on steroids | measure client retention … against yourself | take your client’s pulse | how to determine your ideal client | clients need advisory services more than they know | 10 tips for more energy this tax season | marketing vs. sales and how to plunge in
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some cpa firms have not changed much and still cling to their printed newsletter. we suggest you send an email newsletter and optionally send a printed newsletter once or twice a year if your clients are used to it.
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all you need to know to get started in video and youtube

young woman recording video via camcorder and tripodchecklist: the essential tools – made simple.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

how you shoot your videos depends on what tools you need.

more small firm growth strategies: why cpas need video | how to schedule social media content | the 5 c’s of successful websites | speaking: how, where and getting leads from it
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the most important thing in all of this is there are two sets of skills:

  1. shooting the video – this is closer to presentation skills than anything else
  2. editing the video – this requires some creative experience and the right tech tools

big tip:

you don’t need video-editing skills if you are doing screen capture or even talking heads. it’s much easier to keep shooting takes until you get it right than it is to do complex video editing.

we’ll break this down into two types of tools, those for screen capture and those for studio shooting.
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why cpas need video

smiling businesswoman talking on cameraplus some easy alternatives to the “talking head.”

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

marketing your accounting services eventually requires a personal connection, either face to face or via phone. using video allows you to emulate a personal connection with your prospects while leveraging your time.

more small firm growth strategies: how to schedule social media content | social media basics for accounting firms | how to maximize online profile sites | build reputation through credentials, testimonials | use feedback for service innovation | create your marketing plan
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imagine taking the time to meet every website or social media visitor in a private appointment. impossible, right? a video enables you to say your spiel once and have it received by reaching out to hundreds, if not thousands, of interested prospects in a still quite personal way.
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how to schedule social media content

businessman looking at calendar on tabletplus tips on creating it.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

we post four kinds of posts and tweets on social media sites:

more small firm growth strategies: social media basics for accounting firms | make google adwords work for you | make the most of trade shows | track your online reputation | partnering: referrals on steroids | measure client retention … against yourself | take your client’s pulse | how to determine your ideal client
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social media basics for accounting firms

social media words on cubessetting up on the 3 major platforms.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

social media can be a great marketing channel, but the big challenge is how to keep it from draining all of your time. the key is having rock-solid systems and procedures and time limits.

more small firm growth strategies: make google adwords work for you | the 5 c’s of successful websites | speaking: how, where and getting leads from it | 3 more kinds of referrals | turn to the abcs for client feedback | use client ‘touch plans’ to stay in touch
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for small businesses trying out social media for the first time or with strict budgets or time limits, i recommend doing minimum activity or only being active in one of the three accounts (linkedin, facebook and twitter). once you get your procedures solidified for these minimum activities, you’ll be able to expand to more venues and more activities if you want to.
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how to make google adwords work for you

businessman using internet on smartphone and laptopit’ll cost you, so here’s how to calculate the most to pay.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

a lot of accountants are spending money on google adwords and other online advertising.

more small firm growth strategies: the 5 c’s of successful websites | how to maximize online profile sites | build your community reputation | build reputation through credentials, testimonials | 5 ways to get more referrals | use feedback for service innovation
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

sometimes google adwords can be effective; however, there are three big issues i see with it:
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the 5 c’s of successful websites

woman designing a websiteplus 4 components to build credibility.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

the power of a website over many other marketing methods is its potentially enormous reach. when you can market to many people at a time, your costs are generally greatly reduced.

more small firm growth strategies: how to maximize online profile sites | make the most of trade shows | track your online reputation | partnering: referrals on steroids | measure client retention … against yourself | take your client’s pulse | how to determine your ideal client
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

for accountants, their website is one of the prime ways to get business without having to do much interaction. if you’re highly introverted, you may not like serving on committees and attending networking events. if that’s the case, then it’s all the more important to work on your website and maximize its message.
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how to maximize online profile sites

woman looking at tablet at outdoor tablethree you must be on.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

a few of you know i moved from california to plano last year. we rented a house for a year, then started looking around for a house to buy. we found one in april and in may, we moved.

more small firm growth strategies: make the most of trade shows | speaking: how, where and getting leads from it | 3 more kinds of referrals | turn to the abcs for client feedback | use client ‘touch plans’ to stay in touch | build your revenue plan in reverse
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

well, i thought it was going to need about $20,000 of work, but that was an understatement. my challenge now is to find high-quality contractors i can trust to help me fix the house up right.
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9 steps to a great open house

business people meeting over healthy foodconsider partnering with others.

by sandi leyva

hosting an open house is an extremely successful way to attract new clients and provide education and perks to existing clients.

more small firm growth strategies: make the most of trade shows | speaking: how, where and getting leads from it | the a-b-c’s of getting started with advisory services | 3 more kinds of referrals | turn to the abcs for client feedback | use client ‘touch plans’ to stay in touch
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

an open house is a great option for accountants who have a large number of clients who are located in the same geographic area. if you have a small number of clients, then you can partner with other noncompeting professionals to increase your turnout.
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make the most of trade shows

trade showplus some mistakes to avoid.

by sandi leyva

events are fabulous ways to leverage face-time selling activities. if you have eight leads, it can take you eight hours or more of one-on-one selling before they have had a chance to get to know you.

more small firm growth strategies: speaking: how, where and getting leads from it | build your community reputation | build reputation through credentials, testimonials | 5 ways to get more referrals | use feedback for service innovation | create your marketing plan
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

in an open house, speaking or at trade shows, you have the chance to meet hundreds of people in a compressed amount of time. that’s why marketing at events is so effective. it’s a great use of your marketing time.
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speaking: how, where and getting leads from it

young woman speaking to crowdyou might get video content as well.

by sandi leyva

speaking is a way to demonstrate your expertise to your audience without them having to hire you first. it’s perfect for accountants who are comfortable speaking in front of a room full of people.

more small firm growth strategies: build your community reputation | track your online reputation | partnering: referrals on steroids | measure client retention … against yourself | take your client’s pulse | how to determine your ideal client
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

when i first started accountant’s accelerator, speaking electrified my business. i can trace tens of thousands of dollars in revenue back to just one speech i gave a few years ago.
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build your community reputation

people standing, holding food and talkingdon’t make these 2 mistakes. plus: leveraging pro bono work.

by sandi leyva

networking is an extremely popular way to get accounting clients. you can network informally, such as with your hairdresser or dentist or at church.

more small firm growth strategies: track your online reputation | the a-b-c’s of getting started with advisory services | 3 more kinds of referrals | turn to the abcs for client feedback | use client ‘touch plans’ to stay in touch | build your revenue plan in reverse | four tools for a millionaire mindset | best practices for growth: network, specialize, share | reconnect with your why
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or you can network more formally in a leads group that you pay to join. members of leads groups attend meetings and are able to announce their services and share leads with each other.
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track your online reputation

businessman using internet on smartphone and laptopwhat do people see when they search your name?

by sandi leyva

one thing you will want to track is your online reputation. this is a little different from online marketing.

more: the abcs of getting started with advisory services | build reputation through credentials, testimonials | use feedback for service innovation
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

what do users see when they google your name? does your website come up, or is it a person with the same name as yours whom clients could mistake for you?
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