today’s three essential audit tools

audit and compliance issueswithout them, you’re still in the stone age.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the advent of today’s audit “document container” applications has transitioned every aspect of audit production into a digital format.

more: firms need ‘best practices’ manuals | telling clients: go digital, or just go | survey: 72% of firms annotate pdfs | survey: 67% turn client documents into pdfs | how 53% of firms use intranets to work smarter | check your bandwidth
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the key to successfully using these engagement applications is to make sure your personnel have the optimal equipment with them to work digitally. this includes: read more →

deloitte develops audit technology for smaller firms

man at laptopthe mindset that led to it? competition from a couple of guys in a garage.

by rick richardson

deloitte just announced the availability of audit technology for smaller accounting firms through a new venture it recently formed.

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deloitte created auvenir as an in-house startup and tasked it with developing its own auditing technology that could be offered to small firms. deloitte is starting with a north american launch of the technology, known as the auvenir audit smarter platform, which leverages artificial intelligence to help auditors with their work.
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how to stop ‘overauditing’

hard-working man in officean outside consultant may be in order.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

traditional audit practices use the previous year’s audit programs and processes updated for the current year as their standard operating plan.

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eventually this can lead to a significant amount of “overauditing.” breaking this habit is difficult as every level of staff has been trained in the manual processes and falls back on them when deadlines approach.
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how audit field equipment is changing

two businessmen shaking handstwain compliance remains a concern with scanner options.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

the advent of today’s audit “document container” applications has transitioned every aspect of audit production into a digital format.

more on tech spending: how and why to establish firm procedures manuals | devil’s in the details of digital file delivery | preventing document retention headaches | which wireless? | remote access takes planning | transitioning to windows 10 | desktops vs. laptops
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the key to successfully using these engagement applications is to make sure your personnel have the optimal equipment with them to work digitally. this includes multiple monitors, image capture equipment and remote communications capabilities.
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how efficient are your audits?

blue audit button on keyboardan outside consultant is worth the investment.

by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless

traditional audit practices use the previous year’s audit programs and processes updated for the current year as their standard operating plan.

more on tech spending: tech trends for auditors | how the best cpa firms capture best tech practices in procedures manuals | workflow systems make tax season less tedious | smart firms don’t happen by accident | bandwidth: how much? | are you ready for office 365? | server vs. cloud | size matters: in desktop monitors
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

eventually this can lead to a significant amount of “over auditing.” breaking this habit is difficult as every level of staff has been trained in the manual processes and falls back on them when deadlines approach.
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irs budget cuts cost taxpayers $15 billion annually in collections from the largest corporations

drop in audit time and recommended additional tax — big corporations
drop in audit time and recommended additional tax — big corporations

nation’s biggest companies benefit from congressional budget cuts.

by rick telberg

maybe it’s only legend, but if you’re a quotation buff, you’ve probably heard novelist f. scott fitzgerald telling hemingway, “the rich are different from you and me.” hemingway responds, “yes, they have more money.”

the same may apply to giant corporations, at least as far as the irs is concerned. and the consequences are far from amusing.

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outlook 2016: change catches up with auditors

2016-roundtable-outlook-for-rosenberg-map-commentary-vf-240x219new technology is only part of the movement.

they say “past results are no indication of future performance.” maybe. maybe not. but if anyone should know, it’s our panel of experts, their comments drawn from the new edition of the rosenberg map survey. these are their bullet points and comments, verbatim, looking back at the last 12 months and looking ahead to 2016. – rick telberg, ceo

by gale crosley
crosley company

lessons from 2015:

over the past year, i’ve noticed smaller firms engaged in acquiring firms yet smaller than them. they’ve observed larger firms mastering merger integration, and are now taking the plunge.

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