are you ready for the new lease accounting standard?

dart stuck in bull's-eye of dartboard8 steps to take.

at the start of 2019, the implementation deadline for the financial accounting standards board’s (fasb) new lease accounting standard passed for public companies.

now, the focus – and pressure – is on privately held organizations, which must adopt the requirement by 2020.

and new research suggests that many of these firms may find themselves scrambling to meet the deadline for compliance.
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a.i. vs. auditors

artist concept of an ai-based neuronhow human-centric artificial intelligence will help.

by hitendra r. patil and eli fathi

artificial intelligence is set to transform many professions. as ai shifts from news and hype, it will significantly change how people work in their jobs.

more: how to be ready for real artificial intelligence | how accountants can ride the artificial intelligence wave | automation makes it easier for accountants to offer cybersecurity | the why, what and how of cybersecurity for accountants  | blockchain: what you need to know now | the what, why and how of artificial intelligence for accountants | the client of the future | the rise of the robot accountant: opportunity or threat?
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the internet and cloud technologies transformed the workplace. similarly, ai will refine, reshape and even replace many of the tasks we do every day.
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the five rules of smart tech

how the best managing partners stay on top of technology.

by marc rosenberg
quantum of paperless: the partner’s guide to accounting firm optimization

the duties of managing partners encompass a long list of critically important management functions. certainly, one of these is to ensure that technology has an optimal impact on the firm’s success, profitability, and efficiency.

more quantum of paperless: firms need ‘best practices’ manuals  |  optimize scanning procedures  |  why a digital tax workflow system is vital  | how long do you need that file?  |  don’t underestimate document management  | digital communications unify messaging  | hotspots the answer for field access  | check your bandwidth  | remote access requires planning  | proactively manage application updates  |

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this can be quite challenging because, unlike most managing partner duties, managing the technology function is a highly technical skill that most managing partners don’t have. so, they need to be smart. they need to know what they don’t know and rely on experts, both inside and outside of the firm, to guide them.

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how to be ready for real artificial intelligence

what to know before investing in new technology.

by hitendra patil and eli fathi

to use ai or not?

that is the question for accounting and audit firms looking toward the future. there is a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt regarding the availability, adoption and use of artificial intelligence-based systems. there is even some misleading information within the broader community of accounting and audit tools.

more on entrepreneurial strategy: how accountants can ride the artificial intelligence wave | the client of the future | the rise of the robot accountant: opportunity or threat?
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a wide range of claims and news can be found online, from ai “not being ready” for accounting, to questioning the benefits of artificial intelligence. vendors stating their solutions are ai-enabled may be adding to the confusion. read more →

is your firm’s culture a magnet?

two men talking at table, one younger in plaid with man bun, one older with glasses and sweater over shouldersdon’t know? ask, and consider ways to change.

by steven e. sacks

in the famous words of management guru, peter drucker, “culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

more: improve job satisfaction or it’ll cost your firm | the holy grail: finding the right talent | today’s workplace challenge: communicating across generations, cultures, and diversity | how enthusiastic is your staff?
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accounting firms are starting to get this message because now they are instituting initiatives that would have been laughed at years ago: a) every day is jeans day; b) shorts when there is no client meeting; c) work from home; d) bring your own device to work; and e) reduced saturday hours during busy season. and on it goes …
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2019: when cpas go extinct

firms turn to mergers to solve problems.

by august aquila
the rosenberg map survey

this may well be the year that the dinosaurs become extinct.

more from the map survey: 2019: appetite for growth unabated | 2019: doing more with less | 2019: tech isn’t the problem. it’s the solution | 2019: using m&a to launch consulting | 2019 trends: client service changes | staff policies improve, but not mentoring
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2019: the biggest tech changes yet

new data tools mean new opportunities for trusted advisors.

by roman h. kepczyk
the rosenberg map study of cpa firm statistics

outstanding! this is the most profitable year ever with similar sentiments echoed by virtually every firm i partnered with.

more from the map survey: why you need a tech strategy consultant | 2019: tech isn’t the problem. it’s the solution | 2019: using m&a to launch consulting | 2019 trends: client service changes | staff policies improve, but not mentoring
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with my focus being strategic it production and workflow, i’m seeing the cloud, workflow optimization, and security surfacing as the top three trends impacting firms. read more →

2019: how partner greed kills firms

partners must take a hit to personal incomes to re-invest in their firms. or face obsolescence and slow death.

by rick telberg
the rosenberg national map study 

so far, profitability is way up. at the large firms (those with at least $20-million in annual billings), income per partner averages $635,000. the highest earners are pocketing about $1.2 million. even the lowest-paid partners average of $282,000. but how long can that go on?

more from the map survey: 2019: more focused training | 2019: expect more alliances | 2019 trends: client service changes | 2019: shifts in hiring & office space | 2019: firms grapple with change | staff policies improve, but not mentoring
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the always insightful and provocative allan koltin, of koltin consulting, warns: partners must invest in something besides themselves – if they want their firms to survive.
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why you need a tech strategy consultant

what to do with these new capabilities? commercialize them, of course.

by gale crosley
the rosenberg survey: national study of cpa firm statistics

last year was a tipping point, as firm leaders began to convincingly acknowledge the fact that technology is going to rock their world. it was the year our colleagues finally got the memo that the profession is poised for transformation. now the debate is around how quickly and in what sequence.

more from the map survey: 2019: three new trends to watch | 2019: why small firms shun mergers | 2019: using m&a to launch consulting | 2019: client service moves to fore | 2019: expect more alliances | 2019 trends: client service changes | 2019: shifts in hiring & office space | 2019: firms grapple with change | staff policies improve, but not mentoring
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this is hardly the first time we’ve had to grapple with significant change. but never have so many promising technologies come to practical commercialization at once.
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