washington brinksmanship spells big crunch for preparers. join the survey; get the updates.

by rick telberg
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
with tax season 2013 delayed by last-minute code changes, staffing problems and software glitches, the mood of the profession is turning markedly sour.
“irs delays will cause confusion and errors, and many upset clients,” says charles postal at santos postal, a five-partner firm in rockville, md. “more extensions will depress cash flow.”
at the same, postal adds, “clients will have more tax needs, but the struggling economy will depress their ability and desire to pay for services.”
in order to battle the business pressures, postal’s firm is “pushing back on fees, using standardized billing by product rather than hours, and adding on charges for technology, audit and tax notice insurance.”
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