are you looking at the big picture?

young black woman sitting in front of laptop looking thoughtful

reinforce the teaching in every experience.

by alan anderson, cpa
transforming audit for the future

another method for ingraining a business-mindedness attitude into the culture of the firm is to treat every experience as a learning opportunity. partners take staff accountants to lunch with clients all the time, and the three of them talk business. but most partners never do anything with that experience. a better approach is to have a follow-up meeting where the partner asks the staff accountant questions about what they heard and what they learned during the conversation. this could even be on the car ride back to the office.

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business-mindedness means we take seriously the development of the talent in our firms so that what we reward is business acumen, having great conversations with clients and with the team, and coming up with valuable advice for the clients. but instead, what many firms value is the chargeable hour. they don’t want to take the time out of chargeable hour budgets to have those conversations or to reinforce the learning from meetings with clients.