solving staffing requires intention

man in suit with hand extended, coworkers in background

“getting work was easy, but getting it done was hard.”

by matt rampe
the rosenberg national survey of cpa firm statistics

the staffing struggle won’t turn around overnight. firms that want to succeed need an intentional strategy on recruiting and retaining talent.

editor’s note: every year, the 2024 rosenberg national survey of cpa firm statistics asks the profession’s top consultants two sets of questions:

    • how do you think the next 12 months will unfold? trends? predictions? other thoughts?
    • how would you assess the last 12 months? trends? observations? struggles?

more: how accounting firms are handling the staff shortage | the future of fees | as private equity closes in, firms seek new answers to staffing problems | when staffing falls short, clients get culled | how accounting firms are dealing with retirement | next five years are critical for accounting firms | staffing turnover’s down, but why? | what’s your firm worth? private equity wants to know | the new pipeline: outsourcing and offshoring | is this the last year of accounting’s golden age?
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private equity and technology will continue to advance. this will create a more competitive landscape, with more firms innovating on all aspects of the traditional cpa firm model.