seven enticements to keep talent on board

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more than 85% of those surveyed who have a high desire to stay in public accounting responded that their firm actively
supports their career development.


time is a concern, and so is performance.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the pipeline of incoming accounting professionals isn’t exactly gushing these days. to the contrary, it has slowed to an inadequate dribble.

the scarcity of qualified professionals makes talent retention more important than ever. it’s far easier and less costly to keep current people on board than to attract and onboard new people.

more: employee retention is easier than attraction | let interns fix the staffing shortage? | disruptors: talent crisis? what talent crisis? | seven steps to a stronger future | firms culling clients as staffing woes persist | compensation’s up, but up enough to retain staff?
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but what do they want? what keeps them happily at their current job?

well, for one thing, money.

but these days, that’s not enough.